"You! you are the person in the whole history of football to achieve the cosmic immortal level. I can't believe it? "

Now Ace slowly starts to see the features of the man, he was wearing old style Royal clothes his face was of a person who was nearly 40 years old, his physique was not of a normal person, indeed he was wearing clothes but the mass amount of muscles could , with his perfectly wide shoulder couldn't go unnoticed, his hair long and dense like perfectly shaped in a man bun.

The man " Hey did you finish scanning me out with your eyes "

" Oh! Sorry I was just seeing your appearance , can i ask you a question? "

Sanjoo gazing at Ace " Yes you can ask anything you want "

Ace " I was listening to your explanation carefully sir and i now kind of understand the concept of system, but the main question that arises in my mind is why did the system chose me of all people? "

The man " First thing boy my name is Sanjoo Kuroishiva ,so call me by my name and cut the honorofics and right now I can't tell you about that or more precisely I don't know about that "

"What ?you don't know about why I was chosen at the first place? But aren't you my mentor and part of this system, you should know abut that! right Sanjoo" 7

Wow I didn't know that you were this good in doing argument what you said just now was right, I am a part of this system but for your information I only have 5 percent of my past memories and don't ask me why? Because I myself have no idea. But I can tell you one thing,as your level would increase and your talent would grow I would also gain the rest of my memories you would also come to know about why the system chose you!

Ace "Ok so now that is interesting please explain more"

-" I would explain you more but first see the message of the system in the screen ,clap your hands to open the system window "

Ace clapping his hand " This message, oh I have seen this message .Do you want to be the monster of football (Yes/No)

"What do I select here Sanjoo and what is the meaning of monster of football "

Sanjoo with a smile " It's totally your choice what to pick .Being a monster means to become someone completely out of anyone's imagination, a person who is different ,a person who is completely out any other players league. But before choosing yes or no tell me first what is your main motive.

Ace " I haven't decided ,only a few moments ago I couldn't even think anything my whole brain was immersed with the thought of revenge "

Revenge? U want revenge,well by training through the system you can achieve that goal in no time but I personally wouldn't suggest that .Revenge is something that swallows a person's good qualities and ends up making them a villain. No one is born evil it is the circumstances, the emotions that they can't control and end up as a villain. Remember one thing that no one is pure evil in the world all villains are just broken heroes "

You can do so much more so much greater with the system If you want you can change the whole world of football

Ace clicking the yes button "Thank you for your suggestion sanjoo now I am very clear about my goal .


[NEW QUEST ARRIVED : Touch the ball at the football field ]

What! Uh (ace's ace's surroundings start to change) what ! A football field (his surrounding transformed into a football field)

Now what should I do oh! So it is a quest like in a video game so I was supposed to touch the ball oh I think the first quest was intentionally made easy .

Ace walks toward the football field and tries to touches the football , but suddenly a gust of wind came from nowhere and a dark shadow emerged as ace was seeing the person it was none other than sunjoo. Ace knew what was happening and tried to touch the ball as soon as possible but the ball had disappeared and was in the foot of Sunjoo.

Sunjoo with a phsyco smile "Welcome to my world player, We come to my field " The field of The Celestial Dragon "

Ace was completely shocked by the speed of the so called Celestial Dragon but he knew that something like that was coming "Well I can't argue as he is a Z ++ player but I should try my best " saying that in his mind he ran towards Sunjoo to snatch the ball from him but as soon as he reached there Sunjoo disappeared " Where did he go! "

"Yuhoo! Kiddo I am here "Sunjoo waved at him from the other side of the ground .

Ace was totally shocked " How can a human be so fast? I have seen countless S class players but no one is a match for his speed it is like teleporting from one place to another or more precisely it is like a movement of a God "

Sunjoo from the other side "Hey why are you wasting your time if the timer is up the consequences would not be good "

What timer! The window suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Remaining time : 10 minutes]

Ace with a shocked expression "What! I had only 30 minutes to complete this quest this freaking cheating how do you expect someone like me to snatch the ball from a Z class! Whatever I can't blame everything to he system there is no time for this I have to do what is required ".

Ace tried to snatch the ball five or six times but the outcome were the same. Sunjoo " Hey brat whatever level you're skills are but your willpower is of an S class, but still you have to bear the consequences as you failed the quest "