unsure of unlimited power.

As vel looked at the contract he seemed really pleased with the conclusion he didn't want to kill anyone he didn't like that hopefully he will never have to resort to that.

"Get up we need to first find an area to stay in due to the current situation."

Isebeth obediently got up from her bowing meeting vels gaze asking something werid.

"Master are you a virgin?"

Vel was taken aback by the werid and unexpected question it was quite odd but he would answer truthfully.


The demon queen was extremely confused to as why he is a virgin it had made no sense at all.

"That is quite bazare why wouldn't anyone mate with my master he is extremely strong to say the least..." She whispered to her self in a confused yet it had an a sort of happy ting! To it.

"Well anyways we should probably find and area to stay in."

(Supreme overlord system)

Nuh ah you are doing quests first!

Isebeth was taken aback from the appearance of the system and prepared to attack.

"Wait you can see it?"

Isebeth nodded still being extremely wary of the werid floating blue pannel it was something unexpected and random to her.

(Supreme overlord system)

Quest:defeat shadow titans.


Rewards: alot of xp points and legendary loot will be rewarded for doing the following quests if the quests aren't done in the given time limit the owner would receive a penalty quest!

Isebeth turned red and angry completey destorying her natural purple body.

"WHO ARE YOU TO BOSS AROUND MY MASTER! DIE YOU STUPID THING!" She said as she threw fireballs at the floating blue pannel.

The fireballs went right through the pannel as if it where a hologram or something.

"Yeah I can't do anything about it I just kinda had it, apparently this will make me the strongest human in the universe which I don't believe at all."

Isebeth calmed down as she thought of this *thing* to make her master the strongest person in the entire universe she started to like the werid floating object now.

"So I think we might have to hunt for the-"

before isebeth could finish a stomping sound was just few meters away from them the area around them became dark the trees became lifeless and the flowers died also and the green grass became a gray pile of nothing but worthless junk of mush.

"Never mind here they come!"

She said with a sparkle of glee she really liked fighting it seemed like her fires where already burning with passion (pun intended)

"Oh god this can't be good."

The titans came close as possible.

The titans swung there fists in bullet like speed crashing against the ground.

Isebeth and vel dodged multiple attacks before deciding to attack.


Isebeth said psychotically summoning a huge tornado of purple fire the heat intensity increased cuasing vel to sweat a bit as he watched his servant absolutely anhilate the huge behemoths like they where toys from a baby.

Isebeths mana quickly depleted her movement became slower and more jumbled and inaccurate.

Her lack of momentum made her a easy target for the titans now.

Isebeth messed up her movement by not dodging the titant grabbed her leg and swung her around like a toy.

And slammed her into the ground breaking it and causing a small earthquake in the radius.

Isebeth coughed up blood trying to get back on her feet.

More and more titans arrived at the area they where screwed.

But suddenly a mysterious energy shot out of vels hands like a middle landing directly on one of the titans cuasing a huge shockwave that shook the ground.

Vel kept destorying titant after titant with no expressions in his face the sight of mysterious energy coming from his hands and shoot at incredible speeds was something you definitely won't see every now and then.

Titant by titant soon fell prey to the onslaught of vels enormous power.

Isebeth watched in awe as her master single handily destoryed one of the strongest types of titans.

The last feel with a loud thud breaking into the soft ground.

(The supreme overlord system)

Quest completed.

Titans defeated 45/12 you destoryed more titans than the quest had assigned for you.

Experience points gained 100,000.

Abillitys obtained.

Soul burner.

Abillty description:the targets speed will decrease by about 8% and burn all there organs slowy while also decreasing the attack strength.

Aura bomb.

Abillty description:the user can channel a selected amount of mana into this one attack the more mana the stronger and more effects the abillty will add for example if you are using 25% of mana for a aura bomb the target will be 30% slowed and the area of explosion will expand to a radius of 100 meters and will also heal the user 100% of whatever damage they did to the targets regardless of how much mana they use.

"That seems awfully powerfull."

Isebeth groaned in pain as she slowy got up holding her stomach in pain limping to vel.

"Stop! Stay there you are already exhausted just rest."

Isebeth stopped as vel walked upto her

And picked her up damn was she heavy no offense i mean she is literally a fire breathing demon.

She put her under a huge tree letting her rest.

Isebeth was panting heavily she was thirsty.

"Here have some water."

Said vel as he gave her some water he grabbed from his storeage system.

Isebeth looked at the bottle of water while she is happy that her master is showing care for her she can't drink water.

"Mast-master... I can't drink water.... Us demons only drink blood..."

Vel raised an eyebrow confused.

"Blood? I thought only vampires drinked blood."

Isebeth looked at him confused as she clearly didn't have any entertainment in her relam so she didn't have any idea of stupid stereotypes.

"Ah.. whatever just drink my blood."

Isebeths eyes widen even dreaming of drinking her master's blood was clinically insane.

"Bu-but master i-..." She struggled to speak at the extremely unexpected question like what?!

Vel sighed and didn't give a flying shit about formalities.

"Look just drink the blood and get better it would be ashame to not have you work understand?"

While she was pleased by his explanation she still couldn't think it was even right.

As isebeth was thinking extremely precisely if she wanted to drink his blood vel shoved finger in mouth not forcefully or nothing just normally.

"Just do it do it slowly okay? And I order you this isant a request."

Vels order was short but firm.

Isebeth had no other choice but to full fill her master request but for her to get her mana back atleast 50% of the way there she would needed to drink atleast two humans worth of blood she just thought she would take a few drops and stop and lying she is okay but what happened was certainly something out of the ordinary.

Isebeth nimbled on his finger than slowy started biting it.

The sting that it caused vel was not shown on his face he was still expressionless and still wondering how got to a point that he is feeding his servent who is literally a full on pledge demon queen he was just eating a few moments ago!

After isebeth drank a bit she couldn't help but relish the blood it was unlike she ever tasted this felt like it was premium blood it was rich in flavour and was not bitter at all.

Isebeths mana was fully restored after just a few seconds normally it would take a whole human to full fill half her mana.

Isebeth stop chewing.

*Enough?" Vel asked.

Isebeth nodded and vel pulled his hand out creating a small bridge of saliva.

Isebeth got up and she felt incredible amounts of mana flowing through her veins.

"Let's go this way." Vel pointed to a pathway as isebeth just stood there still unsure of what happened she slowy nodded her head as her thoughts where completely different usually a few drops of blood that can restore a demon queens mana is only of those who are god's or demon kings.....

Fyi yes demons canablise each other atleast in this world anyways gotta write my other book now and by far this book is the highest quality i written and also lemon coming soon:D