"Kill him..."
Coldly speaking, the youth turned away from Sasuke, ordering towards the figures hidden in the shadows who began to slowly advance towards the poor youth, with long blades in hand...
Looking towards the fading silhouettes of people whom he could've given his life for, ordering his death and walking away coldly, he sighed in his heart, unable to shed anymore tears.
Raising his head to the sky, he swore he could've seen his beautiful mother's silhouette smiling towards him from heaven as he steled his resolve.
'Never again..'
Those two words escaped his mouth as he closed his eyes and awaited his eventual doom. ..
Multiple slashes swept out towards him in an instant, followed by a burst of blood that splashed in all directions as he lifelessly slumped to the ground.
The three youths walked out of the monastery with solemn expressions and halted at the sound of slashes ripping through flesh, their expressions only relaxing after a rythmic thud.
Turning towards the entrance, they took deep breaths, seeing their men walk out of the entrance with blood soaked swords while dragging behind a badly mutilated body.
"Hahaha.... Freedom never felt so amazing.."
The blonde haired youth in the brown leather jacket opened his arms, like a prisoner free of shackles and laughed heartily, while the other two, while silent, could not hide the relief on their faces.
"Oi, dispose off the body silently. We wouldn't want to attract unexpected attention.."
The second youth dressed in a shirt and black pants with a lazy expression turned towards the leader of the guards and patted his shoulder giving him a small nod.
"Who cares, Haruto. It's not like anyone gives two shits about that miserable bastard, not even his own father.."
"It doesn't matter, Isamu, we have to keep things low. I think even Arata agrees with me on this matter.."
The laidback youth and the blondie argued, turning towards the calm and indifferent brother for his opinion only to find him walking away into the distance, his aura unmatched and tinted with a hint of sorrow.
Sep 2021.
A large warehouse stood out amongst the now uninhabited plateau or hills and rivers, now referred to as the North Brother islands.
Several armed men, guarded all four flanks of the warehouse, armed with rifles and different assortments of weapons, not allowing even the casual rustling of leaves and movements of insects to escape their senses.
Within the warehouse, amdist the aisles between large storage containers, two masked figures sat, strapped to a chair, with copius amounts of C4, tightly bound to their bodies.
The masked men who surrounded them merely laughed and ignored their screams and cries of plea which their constantly surveyed their surroundings.
"Sigh. "
With a rather loud sigh, a tall handsome, styled youth walked over in a white suit, carrying pistol in hand with a bored expression on his face, as he shook his head and moved towards the two strapped individuals.
Gesturing towards one of his guards, the black head mask on one of strapped persons was swiftly removed, revealing a beautiful, yet teary eyed face and purples irises that squinted in response to the sudden light.
"Who are you!! What do want with me! Let me go!...Please..."
The beautiful blonde sobbed, while the handsome youth sighed, appeared to be moved by her tears, only to laugh erratically like a madman a few seconds later.
"Look at you- so frightened, so helpless. It's almost a pity, really, for you and the bastard in your womb.."
With an evil smile, he traced the muzzle of the gun along the girth of her womb, before he grabbed her by the hair and looked right into her eyes, abusively pushing the muzzle into her mouth.
Smirking, he released her hair, and walked past her figure, reached out to the other and revealed the face of an emaciated 60 something year old woman.
Her hair was fully white, her pupils luterless and dull, as if she had given up on life itself.
"Tsk. "
He chucked coldly and lifted his hand, ready to hit the old frail woman without a hint of remorse when an explosion rocked the structure, causing him to sway a bit.
"Ah, finally, the hero arrives...quite on time too."
Checking his watch, the handsome youth, chuckled, taking one last look at the older woman before he walked away in anticipation, watching the entrace to the warehouse in deep earnest.
In about a few minutes, another explosion rocked the structure, this time, blasting through the gates and walls of the warehouse.
Within the smoke and debris, a tall figure unyieldingly fought against multiple armed guards, taking each down with swift movements and slashes from his knife and single headshots from his pistol.
In span of about a few minutes all the men were down, and he stood victorious bathed in blood and gore, as he made his way towards the tall handsome youth in a suit, in a blazing rage.
"You know, I never took you for the dramatic type, Virgil. Or perhaps you hoped to intimidate me from the explosions?"
A small smile hung on his face as he stared down Virgil, without a hint of fear in his eyes.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Virgil looked towards the two figures strapped to their seats with bombs attached to their bodies, as he sighed in regret and fear.
The exhausted and pained yet beautiful purple irises of his wife, and the lifeless ones belonging to his mother both glanced towards him, increasing the guilt and pain in his heart.
"Let them go, Antonio, they have nothing to do with any of this. It's me you want.."
He dropped his knife and flung his gun away, in an attempt to surrender.
However, a bullet to the ribs dropped him to his knees, as red clouded his vision while the pain caused him to shiver and grit his teeth.
"It's Lord Antonio! to you!! You. Bastard!!! You do not address me anyhow. First rule of the mafia..don't tell me you seem to have forgotten how things were done back then, Virgil. "
Antonio gently blew onto his gun, with a small smile, ignoring Virgil who groaned in pain, and struggled to his feet.
"You ruined everything, Virgil, and you know the worst part?! I trusted you, Virgil, like no other. I trusted you, but you ruined everything.. and you will burn for your sins..here on Earth and possibly in Hell.."
"Uggh. Do whatever you want to me, Antonio, but leave my family out of this! "
Groaning in pain, Virgil roared, staggering and nearly collapsing to the ground once more.
"Your family? Oh, but your death alone won't be enough, Virgil, not nearly enough. You see, five rounds of C4 strapped to both of them.
You have exactly two minutes to disable both bombs otherwise....
So who are you going to save, Virgil?. Your pregnant wife or your disabled mother? Haha, I really wish I could stay for the fireworks.."
Antonio playfully mimicked an explosion with a gesture and laughed his heart out, before he took out a small remote, tapped on a red button and stopped on it, crushing it into bits.
"See you in Hell, Virgil. Keep my spot warm for me..."
Laughing hysterically, Antonio walked out of the warehouse with his goons, leaving a struggling Virgil behind along with the constant beeping sounds of the C4 that reminded him that every passing second counted.
Groaning in pain, he dragged his injured body towards his family, until he finally reached them.
Without hesitation he rushed and reached for the knife with which he had brought with him, moving towards his wife in an instant. Not that he was choosing to save one and leave the other. He was going to save them both, he believed he could, even if it cost him his life.
"It's fine, Kate. It's fine..."
He ungagged her, caressing her cheek and wiping away her tears, before he moved to work, trying to cut through the metallic ropes that attached the bomb to her body only to find it impossible to cut through..
He then moved, his brain entering into a hyper state, as his muscles stirred partly due to the rush of adrenaline and fear coursing through his veins, as he began slowly cut through the many viable wires of the bomb.
Several seconds later, he masterfully pulled apart the bombs, destroying them from the inside and freed his wife and unborn child of their impending doom.
"Go now. I'm right behind you!"
He quickly freed her of her bindings and commanded, as she nodded and rushed out of the warehouse, not before giving him a hug.
He didn't even know how much time he had left, but he rushed to his mother, wanting to disable the bombs on her body, when the beeping sounds suddenly accelerated, signalling imminent explosion.
It was in that moment that realization dawned on him. There was in no possible scenario a way to have saved them both. Antonio had made it in such a way that he only had time to disable one of the bombs.
Tears suddenly streamed down his face, as he watched the absent expression of his own mother, who had suffered so much because of him and was now going to lose her life because of him.
A massive explosion resulted in flames that burned down everything in its path, leaving nothing but ash and debris in its wake.
That was all Virgil had wanted. In his youth his father was killed by a member of the Italian Mafia and his mother brutally raped and scarred for life by those monsters. All he had wanted to do, was to get justice for his parents, having had to join the US Marine Corps at age 19, undergoing brutal training ,yet he pulled through everything being thrown at him.
After being given the chance to infiltrate the Italian Mafia and take them down from the inside, his whole life slowly began to spiral downwards which eventually led to this-- his final moment.
As the shockwave ripped through his flesh and the flames devoured his bones, he couldn't help think about his wife and unborn child, grateful for their lives and mournful that he would neber get the chance to see them again.
Now, not only had he failed his life's mission, he was going to carry the weight of the guilt of being the unfilial son who killed his mother.
He had failed....
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter. The next chapter marks the end of this arc, so stay tuned for more. Peace 🙏