Star Religious Group: Festival of Longevity

Zen'in Clan...

The main hall of the Zen'in clan, was an imposing and traditional structure. It featured classic architectural elements such as wooden beams, sliding shoji doors, and tatami mat flooring.

With an expansive hall designed to host large gatherings, it reflected the clan's significant status and power within the jujutsu community. The interior decor was minimal yet elegant, with understated furnishings and a sense of austerity that aligned with the clan's disciplined and rigid nature.

Various ancestral portraits and artifacts related to jujutsu sorcery were prominently displayed, emphasizing the clan's long history and deep-rooted traditions.

The elders of the clan sat in a council, a circular arrangement of seats and in between, three youths stood, answering to the elders with mixed expressions.

"What were you thinking at that point, Arata? We thought you to be the most sensible amongst all your brothers!!

If news of this atrocity leaks out, our clan's reputation would go down the drain!!"

One elder dressed in all white slammed his fist down in anger, as a wave of cursed energy spread .

"Calm down, Daichi, and all of you. "

One elder in the middle who was dressed differently from the rest addressed the house, causing their restless aura to calm.

"What do you have to say for yourselves, Arata? How do you plan on fixing this?.."

The elder waved his hand, and a machine projected images of a naked figure lying unconscious within an alleyway. As the scene played out, the soon noticed the youth slowly wake up from his slumber, dress himself, pulling clothes out of thin air and up to the point, the screen went blank.

"W-we made sure he was dead, completely dead.."

Standing on the right, a blonde haired youth shook his head, stammering in fear, much to the dismay of his brothers.

"Our actions, while extreme, were in the clan's best interest. A useless trash such as him was better off rotting in the grave than alive to soil the prestigious name of the clan.."

The youth in the middle, wrapped in a black trenchcoat spoke, and bowed solemnly, his tone showing no regret despite the fact that he had cruelly ordered the execution of the only person that was ever dear to his heart.

"You idiots had no right to order his execution when even the clan did no such thing. Despite everything, he was your blood!"

Seated near the great elder of the clan, the next in line for the position of great elder, Naobito Zen'in, the seventh Elder, shook his head in disgust, staring in disappointment at the three youths.

"But I don't blame you. No one cared that much for that brat, after all, even his own father nearly killed him."

"Mind your words, Naobito, or they might be your last!"

Naobito spat out in ridicule, while Fugaku who was seated towards the right flared up in fury, his murderous eyes glaring towards Naobito, his own brother.

"Hahaha. Am I wrong, Fugaku? The moment that brat was unable to support your grand dream of becoming clan elder, you tossed him aside, like a piece of garbage. Even I am not that heartless!"

Meanwhile Naobito kept the banter ongoing, publicly berating his own older brother in front of the council.

"Enough, both of you! There are more pressing matters to deal with at the moment.".

The Great Elder's aura however, silenced both of them instantly.

"How do you plan on fixing this mess, Arata? The moment the clan is implicated, you three will pay the ultimate price!"

Hearing the words of the grand elder, the youth known as Arata's eyes flashed with a coldness before he lifted his head to stare at the elders.

"Rest easy, Grand Elder. We will make sure he dies thoroughly this time!"

Arata vowed and the grand elder nodded and waved his hand, motioning for their dismissal.

"We need to deploy our men to begin searching for him actively. We can't allow him to keep roaming the streets of Tokyo unrestrained."

One elder spoke from the side, and the others nodded, in favour of the idea.


Star Religious Group HQ, Shibuya.

The festival of Longevity, celebrated to commemorate the never ending life and supposed immortality of their deity, Tengen, the God of sorcery, was held the first Friday of each month.

And on such a day, all the members gathered in their magnificent temple, to worship and honour their God.

In a massive temple situated North East of the HQ, dozens of worshippers flocked in, men, women, children, young and old, all dressed in white to celebrate and worship their deity.

The festivities continued for a whole two hours, until they all finally gathered, in the inner temple for a brief word from their Grand Priest.

"Beloved members of the Star Religious Group, it is with great joy and reverence that we gather today to celebrate our sacred Festival of Longevity."

Within the temple, the priest appeared dressed in all white robes, aided by two monks who held onto his staff and his books.

"This festival is not merely a marker of time passing, but a profound acknowledgment of the enduring spirit of our deity that binds us together and guides us through the vast cosmos. Today, we honor the journey of life, the wisdom we have gained, and the resilience we have shown."

While all the members listened to him with rapt attention, one particular figure stood out amongst the many. In the outer temple, he was dressed in red robes and sat beside a small well, munching onto some rice cakes and meat.

His bald head reflected the glaring sun in the sky, and while he looked rather ordinary, he had a definitive feature on his face, a burn mark that ran from his forehead to his left ear.

He looked completely unbothered by the commotion caused by the bunch of unrepentant and mad believers. Rather he looked absorbed in his own world.

"Longevity is a testament to our faith, the omnipotence of our God, our unity, and our unwavering dedication to the principles that define our sacred path. Each year, as we come together, we are reminded that our lives are but a single star in the grand constellation of existence."

'Without even acquiring the Mangekyou, I can train the three tomoe Sharingan to perfection, just like Madara did. Meanwhile, Sasuke in his three tomoe phase had trouble keeping with B's erratic fighting style..'

As the sermon continued, the monk in the outer temple thought to himself and picked up more than 10 broomsticks from the floor and hurled them into the air.

The next moment, the appearance eyes suddenly switched, his irises took on a bloody red shape, while three black tomoe shaped symbols revolved within them.

Depending on merely the visual acuity of the Sharingan, the decided to test, how much movement he could track and monitor.

And let's just say, he performed spectacularly poor, managing to grab only close to six of the sticks.

"It seems I'll need more work after all.."

He shook his head and turned to the inner temple, lazily resting his back against the well.

"We have found a way, brethren. The light of our deity shone upon us, and he in his infinite wisdom has instructed us on a mission.

There exists a fellow in this world, one who possesses a body so pure that our Supreme Being has shown interest in this individual."

The moment the priest's words resounded, the entire temple erupted in an uproar. Even the fellow seated beside the well couldn't help but frown a bit.

'Wasn't the whole point of the Star Religious Group to worship Tengen in his alien looking form and their main belief being that he was incorruptible? Why did they suddenly want a host for him now?'

He monologued and paid attention, wanting to hear the priest's reason.

"Calm down brethren. Do you know what sets us apart from all other religions across the globe?"

He paused for a bit, and allowed the silence to reign for a bit.

"You see, we are the only religion with a God that physically lives with us. Now our God desires to be with us physically, but his power and magnificence prevents him from doing so. Hence, he has located a host for himself and shown to me in a vision. A host so pure that our God can inhabit his body and dwell freely with us!"

Sasuke couldn't help but believe his ears. Could it be they had located a Star Plasma Vessel with even greater affinity? Or was it still Riko Amanai. But even then, her presence in the story did not elicit such a response from the Star Religious Group, who rather sought to eliminate her to prevent the assimilation.

So who was it then?

Sasuke thought for a moment, before he shook his head and cleared his thoughts.

"Now while, we will need all the help we can get brethren, this is a matter for the future and will ne discussed in great length kater.

Now, let us take this moment to reflect on the gifts of time and experience. Let us remember those who have journeyed before us and paved the way with their courage and vision. Their light continues to shine within us, guiding us forward as we navigate the challenges and triumphs of our own lives.

As we celebrate, let us renew our vows to live with purpose, compassion, and harmony. May we continue to support one another, as the stars support the night sky, each one contributing to the brilliance of the whole. Let us embrace the future with open hearts and steadfast spirits, knowing that our longevity is not just in years, but in the legacy we leave behind.

May the stars bless us with many more years of shared love, growth, and enlightenment. Together, we shine brightly, illuminating the path for future generations. Thank you, and may the eternal light of our brilliant God Tengen shine and Illuminate your paths.."

Meanwhile, the priest ended his sermon after about 30 minutes later, and Sasuke quickly arose from his doze, rubbed his eyes and flickered away to prepare for another mission tonight.

A/N: I know, I know. This chapter is just filler. But I just wanted to reveal a deeper take on the Star Religious Group and their decisions that would affect Sasuke and the story. Stay tuned for more...