

A large hotel stood out with an incredible design and structure within the complex it was located in. On the second floor of the prestigious structure, a door was opened and slammed heavily probably alerting the whole neighborhood.

"Oi, Ieiri, go on aight? Break the door, I didn't pay for the room or anything..."

Within that particular room, a beautiful blue haired lady sat cross legged on a sofa with her cheek resting on her fist, her eyeballs completely fixed on the unconscious figure with a shallow breath on the bed.

Seeing the annoyed glare from her peer, the one who had just entered the room, a beautiful young girl with short blonde hair, dressed in a normal Jujutsu Uniform took off the earphones embedded in her earbuds and smiled sheepishly before waving towards her.

"I see, our handsome friend here is still not awake."

She walked to the fridge, picked out a can of soda and chips, before taking a seat beside her friend.

"Sigh. It's been three days already. His vitals are stabilized yet he's just not waking up. Leaving him here all alone is also not an option.."

Mei, the blue haired girl let out a sigh in exasperation and reclined in her seat.

"It's gonna take a while for him to regain consciousness. His brain needs time to reboot. You'll need to go back tho. The old man came to ask for your whereabouts today. Suguru and that idiot Gojo think you're on a little vacation with your boyfriend.."

Ieiri munched on the chips in hand, speaking nonchalantly, as if nothing really mattered to her.

"What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be back on campus, working?"

Mei asked, ignoring the comments from those two on campus, and this time, it was Ieiri who let out a sigh in exasperation.

"I needed a break."

She dropped the soda and chips onto a small table before them and covered her eyes with her right arm.

"Let me guess, people died today too.."

Mei spoke, and Ieiri let out a sigh. At this point it was becoming too much for her. This wasn't what she signed up for at all.

"Four. Three of them were DOA, the other was killed on the mission."

Her voice nearly cracked at the end, but she chose to stay strong .

"When does it ever end?"

She asked, but Mei shook her head and took a swig of the soda on the coffee table.

"It doesn't. At least not while curses exist."

After her words a pin drop silence reigned in the atmosphere for several minutes until it was finally broken by a surprising grunt.


The two girls broke out of their reverie, looked towards each other and towards the figure of the handsome youth on the bed.

Letting out another groan, Sasuke's eyes finally opened, and stared at the ceiling for a while, his brain trying to register the environment he found himself in.

He shook his head, and sat up, trying to expunge the waves of dizziness and nausea assaulting his senses.

It wasn't until his senses picked up the two cursed energy signatures, did he lift his head to finally register the unfamiliar gazes resting on him.

He paused, their gazes locked in stalemate, the two girls trying to make sense of how he was up so soon, and he, trying to make sense of why or how he was in this situation.

"Y-youre awake? So soon?"

Ieiri broke the silence, and nearly freaked out, but maintained her composure, while Mei continued staring towards him with squinted eyes.


Before he could answer, another wave of pain assaulted his senses causing him to grip his head as he let out a painful groans. Memories and experiences of everything he had gone through, from the battle with the two first grades to entering the system's inner world and everything that transpired within. It all hit him at once, an avalanche of memories, and his brain tried its best to sort it all out.

"Are you okay?"

Ieiri rushed to him and began examining him, before she began using her reverse cursed energy to try to soothe out any lingering pain.

Feeling the gentle waves of energy, Sasuke felt the pain subside a bit, and he soon sorted all the memories out, finally realising why and how he was in this situation.

"You saved me?"

Sasuke gently pushed away Ieiri's hand on his head and rested his back against the bed's headboard. His haggard face and nearly malnutritioned body depicted a sickler, but anyone who knew him realized that, that was far from his reality.

"Well, technically Mei san was the one. I simply just came over to help.."

Ieiri laughed embarrassingly and rushed towards Mei, feeling a bit awkward.

"Mei. So that's your real name huh."

Sasuke looked towards her, his onyx irises facing directly into her sapphire ones, but she didn't back down and glared back.

His suspicions were true after all. She was a Jujutsu sorcerer and not a mercenary. Ieiri's presence here was enough to confirm it. The timeline seemed intact and was one less burden on his shoulders.

"Didn't think we'd meet again so soon, Zero."


The moment, Mei's words left her Ieiri's gaped in shock. Then again, considering the missions Mei normally undertook, and her line of work, it wasn't impossible for her to meet individuals of such a calibre. But to think she was connected to Zero of all people and to think she even saved his life was mind blowing, and who knew Zero was so young and so handsome..

Ieiri nearly drooled in thought, but she composed herself and calmed down, a bit speechless from the sudden revelation.

*Haha-- Its nice to meet you, I'm a big fan... No um. I shouldn't have said that.."

She laughed awkwardly seeing the stares from both Mei and Sasuke and was unable to gather her words in coherence.

"Ummm. I'll just go. Have fun!!"

She rushed out of the room hurriedly, leaving the two to raise their brows for a bit.

"To be honest, I didn't think you'd come to my rescue. After all, people like us don't do things without a substantial bounty."

Sasuke turned to Mei and spoke, watching her take a seat and crossing her legs in a classy manner.

"Oh no. I wouldn't have. But just having you indebted to me is a priceless bounty. Besides, your body holds secrets that when revealed would shake the Jujutsu world. Isn't that why the Star Religious Group betrayed you?"

Her words caused Sasuke to be speechless for a moment.

"Within the days you were unconscious your body and cursed energy underwent several earth shaking transformation that rendered me speechless. Any other person in my stead would've probably mistaken you for a cursed spirit."

She elaborated further and Sasuke couldn't help but furrow his brows, and his pupils gleaned murderously. She was a Jujutsu sorcerer and for all he knew, she had probably reported this to the Higher Ups.

"Is that killing intent I'm sensing?"

Mei laughed and reclined once more in the couch, completely unfazed by Sasuke's killer intent.

"Go ahead. I probably won't resist. But I know who you are, Zero, or perhaps I should call you... Zen'in Sasuke. You're an outcast, shunned by your clan and killed by their very own hands. Is killing me really the answer to your problems?"

She asked despite the fierce wave of cursed energy assaulting her senses, as well as the scary pure blood red irises that seemed to glare into her soul.

"How do you know who I am?"

Sasuke asked, resisting the urge to put her in a genjutsu. After all, she had saved him from certain death.

"Hahaha! I work with Q the biggest mercernary corporations in this country. Despite this, they are one of the best at collecting intel on all targets. The HQ received a mission from the Zen'in clan, and their intended target is none other than you, the ghost of the clan."

Hearing this, Sasuke's energy receded back into his body and his Sharingan deactivated as he sighed, feeling sorry for his past self. Even in death, that hateful clan didn't want to let him be.

"I'd kill them all.."

He spoke, taking a deep breath and looking into the skies.

"The funny part is, it's not just Q that received the mission. Every other association or group received the bounty, meaning, every mercenary in the entirety of Japan on the lookout for you right now. If the Zen'in clan manages to convince the Jujutsu society to aid them, you'll truly be done for.."

"Why would they go to such limits for one person?"

He asked, wondering why such a big clan would expend so much resources to make him stay dead if he truly was alive.

"Even I don't know, but this is not the first time they've tried to rid themselves of someone who didn't fit in their clan. It happened to him as well. But after he nearly massacred their entire clan did they finally let him go."

She spoke, as the figure of a tall well built man with a nonchalant expression materialized in her thoughts.

"Who's him?"

Sasuke asked even though he could somehow wonder who she was about to talk about.

"Toji Fushiguro.."

She took a deep breath at the mention of his name. He had left an impression on her that even Sasuke was unable to override with his impressive cursed energy. She had watched him eradicate a first grade curse in one move, a person who had access to absolutely no cursed energy.

He had completely changed her perspective on what strength truly meant.

"You can't take them all on. At least not now. You'll need to mature, you'll need to grow even stronger than you are now.. They know you're alive, but they don't know you're Zero, and that is your advantage."

She a window, looking down on the city from above.

"Why exactly should I trust you? You could be plotting to kill me for that bounty for all I know.."

Taking advantage of the fact that she was turned around, Sasuke took out a pair of fresh pants from his ninja backpack and quickly put them on, as he spoke.

"You shouldn't. I might have to claim the bounty for myself after all is said and done.."

She laughed and turned around, and looked towards him with curiosity.

"I need you to register me with Q. There's some people I kill."

He spoke, tightening his fists in anger. Since the Zen'in clan wants to get rid of him, he didn't mind taking the fight to them first.

"You still are a Zen'in. One of them. Do you feel no qualms in killing your own brethren?"

She asked with squinted eyes and Sasuke let out a small laugh.

"I'm not a Zen'in. Not anymore. I go by Uchiha now."

He clenched his fists and took a deep breath. He was not one to seek violence, but if that hateful clan still wanted to kill him after everything they did to his past self, then he'd have to fight back.

A/N: Do you guys like Jin Mori? What do you think about a fan fic with Jin Mori in Marvel or DC or God Of War? Lemme know what you guys think.