Trust and Truth

Q Mercernary HQ, Tokyo..

The next day...

The middle floor of the HQ was jam-packed more than usual on this day. Dozens of mercenaries formed groups discussing and gossiping about the battle that took place the previous day.

Those who had witnessed the battles explained into much detail, discussing what they witnessed as if they had been involved in the battle themselves while the others who were not present listened attentively and wished in their hearts that they had been present for this battle.

The battle was nothing but a spectacular, once in a lifetime battle that had left an impression on almost everyone who was there to witness it.

In the infirmary, an old man sat on a small stool comfortably, a pornographic magazine in his left hand, and his right hand got to work on his private, rubbing his lower member vigorously in ecstasy.


He was almost about to finish, increasing his strokes while his face scrunched up with intensity until he heard a groan from the patient on the bed which caused him to freak out instantly.

He quickly pulled up his pants, buckled his belt and turned around only to see the youth still lying on the bed, with his eyes staring at the roof in a daze.

"Uhhh.. you're awake?"

The old man reached out with his right hand that had just been stroking his member a few seconds ago towards the youth's forehead, to assess his temperature, but a disgusted gaze from the youth caused him to shy away awkwardly.

"How long you been staring at that roof?"

He reached out for a bowl of water and soap and began scrubbing his palms as he asked in the process, but the youth remained silent and turned his gaze back to the roof and continued staring.

"You ain't seem like the talkative type just like that brat Toji. And he's never brought in any of those bozos whose asses he kicked. Are you related to him? His son? Nephew? Wife?"

The old man barraged a string of questions towards Sasuke to the extent where even as composed as he was he couldn't help but turn a flabbergasted look towards the old man.

"Ah it's alright lad. I certainly don't mind. That culture is accepted in some parts of the world so you're alright."

The old man smiled pervertedly, and Sasuke's eyebrows scrunched up in disgust and discomfort, but he made no comments and ignored him.

"System Status..."

For about a minute, the man old man lingered in the bay, arranging his instruments and apparatuses until he walked out, after which Sasuke slowly sat up and called out.

*Uchiha Sasuke Template System: 30% assimilation.

System points: 450,000 pts.

Release systems unlocked:

- Fire release

- Wind Release

- Earth Release.

- Lightning Release.

Jutsu assimilated:

Body Flicker Jutsu

Body transformation Jutsu

Basic Clone Jutsu

Substitution Jutsu

Great Fireball Jutsu.

Mud Wall Jutsu.

Lightning beam Jutsu

Propelling Wind Jutsu.


Majestic Destroyer Flame.

Three Tomoe Sharingan


Fire Dragon Jutsu.

Summoning Jutsu

Summons unlocked: Demonic Snake God, Aoda.

Weapons unlocked: Kusanagi*

Seeing the system points available at his disposal, Sasuke's tongue clicked in excitement. To him, this was as wealthy as he could get. His adventures in the system's inner world was the main factor to the sharp increase in his system points, and for that he was thankful. With every increasing point, he was close to upgrading his Sharingan into the Mangekyou.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you smile.."

Before he could reel in the excitement, a familiar voice caused him to snap out of it, and he deadpanned, turning to the beautiful figure at the door.

"I didn't know you were capable of that. Looks good.."

Mei spoke, walked in and sat beside him as she teased.

'Is she flirting with me?'

Sasuke questioned himself, and raised a brow. He still didn't trust her, but he was a tad bit comfortable around her compared to the others. After all, Mei had saved his life once, was going against the Jujutsu society to help him and tried to prevent Toji from killing him. He knew that she did it all for her own ulterior motives, but he couldn't help but be grateful.

"You can't just barge in here. Privacy is a thing.."

He scoffed, and a surprised expression appeared on her face, before she let out a boisterous laugh, leaving Sasuke completely embarrassed.

"I guess you can speak after all. Then again, the emo boy aura doesn't really fit you.. Also, this is the sick bay, if there was a thing here called privacy, the old man wouldn't be in here wanking all day"

She laughed in between her words and Sasuke couldn't help but shake his head. It wasn't that he wanted to be emo or anything, but that's just the way things were. He was wired that way. From his memories, Virgil and Sasuke weren't quite expressive or talkative and the OG Sasuke was the God of all emos. He was just born different.

"The Zen'in's have increased surveillance. All their heirs have been called back to the clan mansion. It would be a hassle to get in and out to assassinate who you want to. Are you sure you still want to go through with your plan?"

She asked, looking directly towards him.

"It might be problem for others, but not me."

Sasuke replied, pushing himself off his bed and putting on a purple long necked zipped shirt, one that the OG Sasuke wore during the final war arc, and it fit his frame perfectly.

"I find it rather perplexing that you'd choose to help me. After all, you are already aware that I know who and what you are.."

He put on his Shinobi attire and spoke calmly, while Mei smiled back.

"Let's just say I have a knack for identifying talent and potential . I've staked all my chances on you. Should you lose against the Jujutsu society, I'll go down with you, and everything I've fought for would be for nothing.."

She spoke like the opportunist she was, not holding back in the slightest and even Sasuke couldn't help but admire her bravery.

"So you're willing to be called a traitor by the society you grew up in, and are willing to ally with me on a flimsy reason such as this?"

Sasuke looked back at her, and she nodded calmly, acknowledging his words.

Ever since that day they fought, she could tell. There was something different about him. He was out of this world. He was stronger and faster than she expected and most importantly, he possessed potential that surpassed all the modern sorcerers she knew of, even Gojo Satoru.

If someone like him wasn't killed early on, he would skyrocket to the top and become one of if not the strongest sorcerer of the era. It wasn't a mistake to ally herself with him in these early stages. It was a gamble she was willing to bet her life on.

Hearing this, his face lit up with a smile for a split second, before he erased it and switched to the usual poker face. Although what she said made sense and was in line with her character, people like her were not worthy of trust, and could switch sides anytime, the moment it benefited them.

"I don't think that was a smile, was it?"

She laughed and continued teasing and Sasuke rolled his eyes. Mei should be proud of herself to be able to elicit a smile from him. No one in this world had been able to do that so far, and yet she did.

"Can you track Toji for me?"

His next question caused her to frown for a second in disbelief, and she began to wonder if Toji's beating had affected his head.

"I just need to retrieve something of mine from him.."

He waited for a response from her for a moment, and after about a few seconds of silence, he withdrew several bundles of cash from his ninja backpack and handed it to her, as a small smile crept on to her face.

"I prefer mobile cash, preferably a bank account transaction, but I'll overlook it because it's your first time.."

She packed up the bundles of cash, summoned a crow onto her shoulder and watched the crow swallow the cash, before it flew away unceremoniously.

"Anyway, your requested information would be ready in at most a few hours. Do whatever you want with it.."

She stood up and modelled out of the room, not forgetting to give him a small wink and a cheeky smile.

Seeing this, Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked away, and began performing a set of breathing and stretching exercises to stimulate his muscles. It was time to get to work. The insurgency continues...

A/N: We're nearing 30 chapter guys. Lemme know what you guys think in reviews and comments. Sasuke needs all the help he can get.