Killer's Day Out

The next day...

12:30pm, Shibuya..

Despite the commotion that arose within the Jujutsu society concerning the death of another heir of the Zen'in clan, the unrest and unease that grew increasingly rampant amongst the other members, and the pressure from their clan elders that basically threatened to overthrow the current seat of government of the Jujutsu society, the perpetrator of all this chaos and unrest was unmoved by the current turn of events.

It was amazing just how the determination and ability of one single man could overturn the peace of a society and drown it within the abyss of chaos itself.

Like a shadow and a blur, he blitzed atop multiple large buildings within the magnificent city. Equipped with only a stringed kunai and nigh godly agility, he simply leapt from one skyscraper to another, anchoring himself to the edge of one building, and using his momentum to hurl himself onto another, at breakneck speeds.

Some skyscrapers were too short to swing onto, hence, he basically ran across their surfaces, his body glued supernaturally and showing no signs of slipping.

To him, this was the most mundane application of his abilities, yet to ordinary bystanders of some curse users, it looked practically unachievable and broke all sense of least to them.

Eyeing one large skyscraper about a few blocks away, he made his way there, swinging with his kunai. He reached there in about a few seconds, hurled himself into mid air with one last swing and fell elegantly, with the grace of a master acrobat. The wind itself supported the weight of his fall, and he landed soundlessly, not stirring even the dust atop the building.

He was covered in a white v necked long sleeve shirt and arm guards, and purple pants, underneath a purple robe. His dark hair spiked up as usual, his onyx pupils were as bright as ever, and his skin, still as pale and smooth.

Looking around him, Sasuke admired the deep blue sky for a while, walked to the edge of the building, and plopped himself down onto his butt, his legs dangling to and fro dangerously, as he continued sky gazing.


It wasn't long until his buzzing phone took his attention off the sky. He looked at the foreign number on the screen for a moment and answered it regardless. The only one who had his number was Mei. He was pretty sure no one else did..

"Interesting. Calling me at this time of the day, that's new.."

His voice was deep yet calm, powerful, yet laid back, as if he was unfazed by all the happenings around him.

"You might not be aware, but here on Earth we offer salutations when we talk to people...but I guess you wouldn't understand.."

Lying half naked within a spa, Mei had a little smile on her face, enjoying the soft massage from her masseuse.

"Any reason for the sudden call?.."

Sasuke chuckled inaudibly for a moment, before he shook his head and hit the nail right on the head. He wasn't the type to engage in useless banter when unnecessary.

"It's a pity, know. If you had just a little bit of this and that, I'd have taken you for myself.."

Her words accompanied by the little giggles in the back caused Sasuke to pause for a moment, before a wry smile crawled up to his visage in response.

"Congratulations, you're currently the most famous person in the entirety of the Jujutsu society. No one has enjoyed this level of attention since Toji...makes me envious a bit."

She spoke with a mischievous laugh.

"You're currently our most wanted man in not just Jujutsu High, but across all the four major clans..Large bounties were placed separately by each clan and by Jujutsu High as well to almost all mercenary groups."

Up to this point, Mei gestured towards her masseuse who nodded and walked away, before she propped herself up, covered her lithe figure and walked to the balcony.

"So soon? Thought I covered up my tracks pretty good.. I guess what's done is done.."

Sasuke chuckled before shrugging. He wasn't all that worried about getting jumped by the four major clans like he was at first. Now he just needed to grow a bit more powerful and he believed he would be unstoppable.

"It's a pretty big bounty, you know. Maybe I should rededicate myself to the Jujutsu society. Bringing you in would be enough merit for me, and that bounty should allow me to spend a couple of years in Peru or Bahamas on a vacation."

She daydreamed, but Sasuke rolled his eyes, paying her words no heed.

"So basically, the mercenary world is going to turn against me too.."

Sasuke didn't know why a smile crept up to his face, as he realized this. Back then, the only thing he had on his mind was to survive and grow stronger, but there was something about living on the edge that just made his made his blood boil.

There was just something about living past his comfort zone that drove him to new heights. It was indescribable and thrilling, enough to make an emo youth smile.

Maybe he just loved the danger because it forced him to perfect his skills, his abilities and his will or because it drove him to new heights. Such a life brought out the rebel within him, a part of him that he wished existeth not, and laid to bare the demon on the inside.

He must've been crazy, wanting to live a mundane life with such a responsibility burdened upon his shoulders. This was his life, he was going to live and enjoy every single bit of it, no matter how short it might last...

He loved danger...

"The mercenary world was never your home to begin with. You're just a mere passerby."

The silence after Sasuke spoke was extremely loud to her. She knew exactly what he was thinking. She could tell, because she was just as crazy as he was.

People like them, she and Sasuke, were easy people to read.

"Besides that's not even the worst part.."

She spoke, pausing to reach out for a glass of red wine right across her.

"What's it? Don't keep me in suspense. This is the best part.."

Hearing her, a smile crept up to his face, and he just let himself fall from the top of the skyscraper, landing swiftly and soundlessly, yet the camouflage Jutsu kept him hidden from the peering eyes of the pedestrians. He was basically invisible with his current mastery of the technique.

"All sorcerers above Grade 3 have been ordered to hunt you down, with the direct order to capture or kill on sight, a worthy plan of action for the current most wanted man..."

She twirled the wine glass in her hand, and slowly went back to lay on the massage table.

"Everyone? Even those from Jujutsu High?"

Sasuke walked along the streets slowly, his brows squinting for a moment.

If Gojo and Geto were to involve themselves in this case, their presence alone would increase the pressure and difficulty level to an SSSS+ tier mission. That was a whole new level of crazy.

"Yep. Even those from Jujutsu High. Satoru was especially enthusiastic to hunt you down. Your current fame in the Jujutsu world eclipses his status as the successor of the six eyes and Limitless .."

"So he just wants to use me as a sacrificial lamb, to uphold his status as the shining star. How crude.."

Sasuke and Mei shared a quick laugh, despite the severity of the situation.

"What about you? Are you going to hunt me down as well?"

With his left hand hidden within his robe, and his right clutching the phone to his ear, Sasuke's lone figure traversed the streets of Shibuya silently. Another smile popped up on his face, as he asked the question. What could he crazy as it sounded, talking to Mei was almost therapeutic for him at this point.

As he waited for a response, he noticed a small diner across the street, a few blocks away and raised a brow. As strict as he was on himself, Sasuke had to give in when the smell of pastries and coffee wafted past his nose.

He hadn't even tried any of the delicacies of this world, and has instead relied on the system's supplies for all this while.

Without hesitation he formed a hand seal and undid the camouflage Jutsu on himself. Luckily for him, most of the passerbys weren't even paying him that much attention, otherwise appearing from out of nowhere like he did would've been mistaken for a magic trick.

A/N: Creativity is difficult. Show some love people..🙏