Crisis III: The chosen one

"Took you long enough to get here, Arata.. How've you been my dear brother.."

He walked to a large rock beside him and rested his back on it and folded his arms as he spoke and looked on ahead, as a figure came trotting out, dressed in an all black three piece suit.

"To think you've grown to such a point, Sasuke..Consider me impressed.."

The newcomer spoke, his face however devoid of any emotion, but his dark eyes glared into Sasuke's Sharingan fearlessly, as cursed energy bubbled within him.

"Impressed? Yeah, you should be. Not many have the guts to dare to take out members of the ' great 'Zen'in clan. I'm just surprised you couldn't link all the deaths to me earlier. I thought you were smart?"

Sasuke had a condescending smile on his face, as he sized up the person he once knew as the closest friend to him, the only one he recognised as a brother in that godforsaken clan.

"Haha. I was smart enough to allow your whore of a mother to die that night in the rain wasn't I? Don't think that because you killed those useless fools you stand a chance against me.."

Arata Zen'in was unfazed, unbothered even by Sasuke's presence, his left hand still remained in his pocket, but his eyes never left Sasuke's form.

Sasuke did not bother to reply to him, yet the endless billowing of his cursed energy relayed his intent to the opponent.

"Easy now, brother. There's something I want to give you, a little gift, before I ultimately end your pathetic existence.."

The left hand that was in his pocket pulled out a small camera and tossed it towards Sasuke.

Raising a brow, he picked it up and then looked on the screen only to be stunned and speechless, as his brows furrowed deeply with a hint of worry.

It was none other than an unconscious Mei who had been bound by chains and tied up, with a blood soaked figure.

"Her location is right atop the image. If somehow you manage to kill me, you can go after her, and face the combined might of the Jujutsu society but if you die at my hands tonight, she'll be executed tomorrow.."

Hearing Arata's so called gift, as composed as he was, Sasuke couldn't remain calm and collected. His expression shifted and his fists clenched tightly, his pupils instantly morphing into the Sharingan without hesitation.

Intense rage caused the purplish black billowing cursed energy to explode like fireworks, as Sasuke blitzed towards the enemy with sound shattering speed. In his hands, two three pronged kunai twirled aiming directly for the kill.

Arata on the other hand, made no move and simply stood there unbothered, however, when the tip of the kunai was only an inch before his neck, a mysterious phenomenon occured. Sasuke who was only a second away from ending his nemesis felt a sudden shift.

His body seemed to be gripped by an external force for a split second and right after that, his body seemed to change directions, with the same momentum and destructive power. Not registering what had happened as quickly as he had wanted, he was sent crashing into several trees, before skidding to a stop several miles away.

Without hesitation, he quickly revolved the Hundred Healings Jutsu, and kicked back up instantly, full refreshed and ready to go.

He kept the Sharingan pinned on Arata for a moment, performed a 360 degree vault and sent the two kunai in his hands piercing towards Arata's neck once more with pin point accuracy.

However, just like before, about an inch from ripping through the youth's neck, the two kunai suddenly changed directions,and came piercing towards his own neck with the same speed with which he had hurled them forward. But Sasuke merely squinted his eyes and side stepped twice, dodging both kunai effortlessly.

"Vector Manipulation?"

Sasuke raised a brow, as his Sharingan continuously scanned the opponent, identifying the irregularities and fluctuations in his cursed energy in an attempt to uncover his rather strange technique.

"Not quite, but very perceptive of you my dear brother. My cursed technique is direction manipulation. It's quite the surprise isn't it. You were never the clan's promised child, Sasuke. I was. I was born to lead the Zen'in clan, to take down Gojo Satoru. You were just a cover, a distraction to hide the true genius and prodigy of the clan- me!"

As Arata spoke, his crooked smile slowly turned into a scowl, and in a burst of cursed energy, his hands slowly weaved into a sign.

Sasuke's eyes widened at the unnatural amount of cursed energy that was being summoned by Arata in that very moment, yet he kept his calm and remained collected until he saw the unnatural effect of Arata's technique.

Every single object within about a three mile radius was pulled into a small magnetic orbit around the youth ;multiple large trees and rather big rocks, before getting hurled and focused towards a single point, backed by immense destructive power.


The attack was solely focused on Sasuke's figure, however, before it could rip him to shreds as intended, he flickered like shadow, moving out of the attacks range and appearing several meters away.

Without wasting time, he wrapped himself in purple lightning and blitzed towards Arata with incredible speed, his Kusanagi unsheathed and ready for the kill.

The first consecutive slashes to Arata's neck was stopped by some sort of invisible force field around him that instantly redirected every single attack that came close to the youth's body.

"You can't touch me, Sasuke. My technique is far from ordinary. With it, the concepts of cardinal points bow to me!"

Sasuke who was about to unleash another barrage of attacks suddenly felt the world around him churn. It was as if directional forces were pulling him in several places, to the North, South, East and West cardinals all at once. The pulling forces from the four cardinals coalesced into a massive and unstoppable force that threatened to rip him apart, yet with a flicker, his body disappeared, replaced by a wooden log, that was immediately crushed by the immense pressure, followed by a massive shockwave that destroyed everything around it

Reappearing several meters away, Sasuke puked blood and took in deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. The opponent had god like power, but that had always been the case in this world, and will continue to be.

He neither had overwhelming power nor techniques that could force concepts such as space or direction to bow to him, but he had a brain, tricks, Jutsus and the sharingan.

He closed his eyes for a moment, imagining possible crafty scenarios he could come with in order to take down the opponent, yet there was only one way. He could rely on the extreme speed provided by the PLCM to overwhelm the opponent's senses, but that would not get him through the barrier that protected him.

And with a few seconds of plotting, he came up with a game plan. The same one he had used to trick Gojo and Geto -mind games.

'If I can get close enough to cast an illusion on him, I can break him down mentally and then force him to drop his guard, then finish him off at once.'

Sasuke smiled to himself and then summoned a three pronged kunai, before he began pooling his cursed energy for a swift retaliation.

However, his wait was cut short, when he suddenly felt a massive pulling force uprooting the trees and rocks in his vicinity upon the opponent's commands.


The same attack from before, a combination of loose objects and destructive forces crashed into his vicinity, this time from above, yet with a timely shunshin, he managed to evade the scope of the attack completely.

Arata who now stood in the air like it was solid ground looked down at the level of destruction his attacks had wrought with a nonchalant expression as he scanned his surroundings for any cursed energy signature.


But almost instatenously, a barrage of large shurikens tore through the forest, tearing and ripping towards Arata's figure with incredible speed, however, a massive pulling force redirected them back where they came from.

Right then and there, behind Arata, Sasuke seemed to materialize out of thin air, with a three pronged kunai cocked back and aimed to kill. Arata turned around coldly, only for his eyes to widen in shock when he noticed two other Sasuke's poof into reality armed with blades, all aiming right for him.

One of the clones, after getting a bit close to Arata detonated into a brilliant explosion of electricity that threatened to engulf the youth, however, he merely smiled and seized the attack with a pulling force, before redirecting it towards the other clone.


The last Sasuke with the kunai cocked back was merely an inch from his goal. His kunai was a just a hair's breadth before Arata's neck with a force seized him instantly, freezing him in place.

"Almost got me there with that one. But it all ends now!"

The Sasuke in his grasp tried to move, however, the force weighed on him heavily, making him unable to even breathe. With one ast ditch attempt, he summoned a kunai and hurled it towards Arata's neck hoping to tear this throat apart then and there, but the youth merely sidestepped, dodging the blade.

"I thought you'd be more of a challenge, Sasuke. I'm really disappointed.."


Arata scoffed and the Sasuke in his grasp exploded, unleashing a shockwave that ripped into the surroundings. Yet, rather than the rain of blood and gore he expected, a smoke screen blinded him for a moment.

The kunai he had sidestepped suddenly poofed into smoke, and Sasuke's real body materialized in an instant, Sharingan revolving as he flickered towards a blinded Arata. Before the youth could recover his bearing, a pair of bloody red revolving demonic irises entered his vision. He had yet to even materialize enought cursed energy to kickstart his technique once more, yet it was as if his soul was being dragged into the depths of Hell by the demonic irises.



Screams reverberated across, as silence reigned for a moment, followed by the sound of blades ripping through flesh and a rain of blood.