
The moment he stepped out of that washroom, his gaze landed on a familiar figure at the entrance, and the towel he was using to dry his hair dropped to the ground unconsciously.

"Y-you're alive?!"

His voice quivered and his breathing grew erratic almost instantly, as he watched the figure intently.

He took steps forward andu approached the figure, yet a small chuckle drew him out of his reverie, as the figure slowly came into the light. Dressed in a blue long sleeve shirt and skirt that matched her icy blue hair her red lips parted into a smile, as her unusually cold brown eyes finally revealed a softness that had never existed before.

"You don't sound happy to see me? Did you want me to die?!"

She covered her mouth and let out a small giggle, yet the next moment, her body was embraced tightly, and her eyes revealed surprise as she inhaled his manly scent.

"How is this possible? I watched you die!"

Sasuke embraced her tighter with each word and sighed, taking in the revelation and everything that came with it at once.

"Yeah? Well, I'm not too good at goodbyes. So I thought I'll find it easier to stay.."

A genuine smile caused her face to brighten up, meanwhile, Sasuke let out a laugh, as he released her from his arms only to skip away in embarrassment, realising he was only half naked.

He slipped into the bathroom easily with his clothes and came out dressed in his blue black pants and brown vest. Meanwhile, her eyes never left his figure.

"You sure took your time in your sleep. It's been more than two weeks.."

Mei shook her head as she placed down the basket of food and medicine she had brought.

Sasuke didn't respond to her upon hearing this and just turned to look at her after he wore his shinobi sandals and tied his obi around his waist.

"I heard what had happened from Toji. You put your life on the line to avenge me. You could've escaped easily, I know. So why did you not?"

She took a deep breath and asked, while he was busily munching on sweet dumplings she had brought.

"It even baffles me when I think about it. Since when did you get so important to me that I could risk everything for you?" He took a deep breath and turned to face her with a frown, rendering her speechless with his words.

"When I saw him stab that blade into your heart, it was as if the world had turned bleak for a moment. I couldn't think of anything else, than to tear apart the bastards who did that to you.."

Sasuke took a seat on the bed and lifted his head to the roof as he spoke, reminiscing on the rage he felt at the time he saw her die.

"Dear God, Sasuke you fool." Mei let out a sigh, and a small smile materialized on her face as realization struck her. Yet she did not comment any further and simply took a seat beside him.

"I heard everything from Toji and the old man.." She watched his eyes focus sharply the moment she spoke as his fist clenched along the rails of the bed.

"I'll be fine. It's just a nasty little thing. I'll take care of it." He spoke, looking on ahead, as she nodded gently.

"Besides, what I really want to know is why you're still here. The old you would've ditched everything and probably left the fucking country or something.."

"I was going to. But I changed my mind. You'll probably need me more from now on than you did before.." She rolled her eyes at his words, and he looked at her strangely, yet refused to comment.

"The man who poisoned me, and nearly killed you, Kenjaku, is a mind raping, body stealing, son a bitch whose been alive for almost one thousand years and is in collusion with an ancient clan of super powered beings that want to subdue the earth, and apparently I'm the only one who can stop them..

Don't ask me how I know... Do you still want to stay?"

Sasuke cast a thoughtful look towards her, yet she was speechless for almost a minute.

"If I didn't know you well, I'd think you were out of your goddamn mind, Sasuke.." Her expression was solemn and she remained quiet for a moment, as she turned to look on ahead. But it wasn't long until a smile beamed on her face that she turned to look at him..

"The real question you could ask yourself is, why would I leave and miss out on all the fun?"

Her response stunned him for a moment and a smile beamed on his face aftewrwards.

"You do know I might get you killed right?"

"Been there, done that.."

Sasuke shook his head and put on a purple black robe that reached up to his knees.

"There's someone I need to go see. Wanna tag along?" He asked and began walking towards the exit. "You'll probably end up getting into a fight. In your current state, I doubt you can even fight a twig right now.."

She followed suit, adding insult to injury to which Sasuke raised a brow and sighed, but didn't say anything.

They walked on for a bit, until they finally picked up a cab at an intersection.

"Back to what you said before, what if that man, Kenjaku and his cohorts decided to attack now? Do you think you can stop them?"

While in the car, Sasuke who was gawking at the scenery was instantly drawn out of his reverie by a question to which he shook his head bitterly.

"Even at my peak, I wouldn't have been able to, much less now. But, he was badly wounded from our confrontation in the mountain range. I doubt he'd have the leisure to make any moves now..."

Sasuke thought for a moment and then replied, to which she nodded.

"But, if this is truly the case, then wouldn't teaming up with Jujutsu have been our best bet?" Her eyes squinted in deep thought.

"Nope. Jujutsu and I can never work together much less at the moment. I heard their crown prince, Mr. Snowflake is destined to take me down....If they'll wanna help out, it's fine, if just want to watch their world burn down, it's fine too.."

The taxi cab stopped in front of a coffee shop right after Sasuke spoke, and he paid and alighted together with a frowning Mei Mei.

"Well, I wonder what we came here for?" She asked and squinted her eyes. For all the time she had known him, he was never the coffee drinking type.

"Wait here. I came to say goodbye.."

His voice thinned at the end and he entered without hesitation. Right in front him, before his eyes, he was met with the beautiful scenery that once sparked an interest within his romantic life, and he saw her, taking up orders like she always did, her signature smile still on her face.

The moment her eyes landed on him, it was as if time itself slowed down for a minute. Their eyes met in an intense stare, and nothing else seemed to matter in that moment.

Sasuke saw the tears that had begun to flow down her cheeks, sighed inwardly and began walking towards her with soft controlled steps. Yet, it didn't take long until she rushed out and buried herself in his arms, sobbing continuously as she pounded his chest, under the surprised gazes of everyone present.


It wasn't long until the sound of a crisp slap resounded, one that turned Sasuke's head all the way to the side in surprise. "Sigh. I probably deserve that.." Sasuke rubbed his cheek, feeling the stinging pain, yet his eyes were filled with a genuine fondness as he cupped her cheek.

"You ditched me on a rooftop, barely conscious and covered in blood. You son of a bitch!"

She tried slapping him again, yet he caught her hand in time and pulled her into his embrace, as he patted her back.

"And then- and then, you never came back! Not even a phone call, or a text or even a letter, yeah? You selfish bastard!!"

She continued pounding on his chest until she had full vented, as she now lay in his arms like a fearful kitten.

"I had to. I watched you bleed out in my arms. If I had not acted quickly, I might've lost you..."

He rubbed her hair gently as he spoke.

"But you're back right..You're back now right! Say it!.." She saw the hesitation in his eyes and sobbed even harder and resumed pounding on his chest.

As much as Sasuke wanted to hug and kiss her and tell her yes, and that everything was alright now, he couldn't. He couldn't put her in danger. Kenjaku was one evil bastard, and he knew just what lengths he would go to, to get to him. He couldn't let what happened to Mei happened to her too. He'd rather let her go, than watch her die..

"I have to leave. To fight. And, there's a rather huge probability that I might not make it out alive. I came to give you a gift.."

Sasuke held back his tears with all his willpower. Even the sad smile on his face showed signs of faltering as he wiped her tears.

"No! No!"

She sobbed even harder, yet a part of her understood. From the moment she met him, she could smell the danger and blood on him. It was almost as if he lived in a world completely different from hers. She thought they could make it work together, but the inevitable strikes when they least expected. He had to leave.

Letting out a breath, Sasuke gritted his teeth as a tendril of cursed energy erupted from his body. As his eyes switched into his Mangekyou, he could feel his body shudder in pain as if he was being burnt from the inside out, yet he held on.

Staring right into her eyes, he kissed her and watched her eyes closed into paradise....

A/N: I wanna take the previous poll again so those in favour of either options should cast their votes.

1. Gojo Satoru in Martial Universe.

2. Alucard/Castlevania in Marvel