Mina reopened her eyes within a hospital bed, strapped to oxygen supply and cannulated. She noticed the empty room, and tears began to pool within her eyes. But in that moment a figure stepped within the room, holding onto a bouquet of flowers with a worried face.
Upon seeing him, her eyes widened in shock. He was different. He, Sasuke, was a completely different man, dressed in a blue black suit and tie as he sat beside her gently with his signature smile.
"You're here? You didn't leave?!"
She threw herself into his arms, bawling her eyes out, meanwhile, Sasuke looked on in confusion. "Of course I'm here. Where else would I be?" He shook his head and allowed her to hug him tight.
"Al-right. Jeez. You can hug me all you want later, but you should eat. I brought some food.."
He unwrapped the package in his hand and neatly arranged the bowls of rice and soup on her heart table before feeding her ceremoniously, as she watched him intently, her smile deepening as she grabbed onto his hand tightly.
Several weeks later..
The two of them were seated in a green park on a picnic with rows of delicious fruits and drinks arranged before them. Sasuke lay on her lap and both of them laughed out loud at several jokes they read within a book.
"Mina, there is something. I want to do.." A moment after, Sasuke cleared his throat and stood up with a nervous smile.
"What is it?" She asked in the middle of her laugh. "Just stand.." He grabbed her hand and brought her to her feet. Without hesitation, he dropped to one knee, pulled out a ring from his pocket and looked her in the eye.
"Will you marry ---"
"Hell yeah!!"
Before he could even finish his request she jumped into his arms teary eyed, as they rolled on the floor, kissing each other deeply.
Months later...
The massive doors of a church opened, music blasted from trumpets, as a married couple walked out from within the church with smiles on their faces, in front of an entire audience. .
Hours later...
In a beautiful scented room, on a bed covered in rose petals, two figures indulged each other, as the sound of groans and loud moans reverberated..
Years later...
A man, Sasuke was spotted in a park, playing with a handsome little boy in a merry go round. From out of nowhere, a pregnant Mina came around and hugged him from behind, as he turned around and kissed her deeply ...
A couple of years went by, and their love story came to an end in that very hospital. A sick, weakened figure lay in a bed all by herself with only one person by her side. An old man with a walking stick, whose eyes were reddened by his tears.
"....I guess this is where I leave. I love you, Sasuke. Forever.." She ended her words with a smile, and closed her eyes forever as death's coldness embraced her...
Within the coffee shop, Mina reopened her eyes to a bleeding Sasuke whose figure kept convulsing multiple times, as his nose bled profusely, and his face sweat, yet still, he stood firmly, holding her in his arms gently.
"Thank you.."
She only whispered gently and kissed him, ingraining his face into her mind, yet, Sasuke let out a pained smile and the Mangekyou glared into her eyes once more, and right then, her figure dropped into his arms unconscious, startling everyone present.
As he gently let her lie on the floor, he took one last look at her and staggered out of the coffee shop step by step.
The moment he got outside, he nearly collapsed to his feet, as Mei caught him and helped him up against the wall. She looked into his bloodshot eyes for a moment and grabbed his head, pulling him into a deep kiss that startled the hell out of Sasuke.
"Pull a stunt like that again, and I'll kill you myself.."
She let out two words that stunned Sasuke speechless, as he wiped the blood from his nose. In the end he could only let out a helpless sigh, as she grabbed his waist and supported him out of the vicinity.
"What did you do to her?" Several hours later, as they made their way back to the rotten apartment, Mei asked as she sipped on a cup of coffee, not bothering to send him a glance.
Sasuke turned to look at her for a moment, before he shook his head.
"I gave her a gift. A genjutsu where she gets to live out her entire life with me. After that, I erased her memory of everything. She'll be fine after a couple of days.."
Sasuke let out a breath and drank from his cup of coffee, as Mei shot him a sharp look.
"Was that necessary?"
She asked, and he shook his head again. " It wasn't. But considering the probability that she might never see me again, I had to. We live in different worlds after all..."
He replied and she did not react again, only sipping her drink.
"Don't ever try that with me. I'll gouge out your eyes if you do.."
Mei left her last words and stopped a taxi cab before sitting inside as Sasuke watched her leave.
"Oooh scary...I might rather end up dying by her hands instead.." Sasuke laughed and walked off in silence heading towards Toji's apartment...
The door to the apartment slowly opened, a head full of spiky black hair poked out looking on and surveying the area for a moment. Holding a pack of chicken and beer in his hand, Sasuke slowly tiptoed into the apartment and gently closed the door but a sudden grumpy voice from behind make him quake for a moment.
"You awaken a d the first thing you go do is go see your little girlfriends. A man has to learn to keep his dick in his pants Sasuke..."
Toji was seated in his couch, a beer in hand. His hands were stained in blood and the empty look in his eyes were penetrating.
"Ive got chicken and beer." He sighed and lifted the stuffed bag in his hand, to which Toji grinned and snatched from his hands.
Together, both of them just sat in silence, eating and drinking while lost in their own thoughts.
After minutes of gawking at the wall, Sasuke finally turned to Toji with a drumstick and beer in hand and asked plainly.
"Why did you save me Toji?"
Meanwhile, Toji's expression was still nonchalant. He even lifted a chicken wing and pointed to Sasuke only to say.. "I hate talking while eating.." Clearly he wasn't in the mood for any talking, but seeing Sasuke's serious face, he dropped the chicken wing, took a swig of the beer and reclined in the couch with a sigh.
"I wanted you to owe me a favour. I'll cash that in very soon.." He shrugged him nonchalantly, but he sighed when he saw Sasuke wasn't having it.
"Fine. I did it because of your mother. It's what she would've wanted." Sasuke smiled and nodded. "It doesn't hurt to be honest every now and then uncle.."Hearing uncle the first time from him, Toji's face shone for a moment, before it returned to its usual nonchalance.
"You still owe me a favour. Don't forget that.." He reminded, but Sasuke shrugged.
"So, back to mercenary work again, are we?"
"You're asking too many questions, brat. Just eat your chicken.."
They looked towards each other, but Sasuke smiled and pulled off the uncle move once more..
"I just want to know if there's any fun assassinations or mercenary work going around...uncle" Toji heard this clearly and couldn't help but facepalm.
"How long are you gonna keep this uncle shit up eh? I'll grow tired of it soon." He rolled his eyes and then sighed again.
"I have one final gig next week. The greatest of all the gigs I've done in my life. I'm gonna take down the six eyes!"
The chicken going into Sasuke's mouth was frozen instantly, as his eyes turned to Toji in shock.
"Why?" He knew there was no stopping this man once he made him his mind, hence he could only ask for a reason.
"I need the money. And I need to information on the man that killed my wife.." Toji's words stunned Sasuke there for a minute. Toji wasn't planning on killing Gojo for the fame or reputation or whatever. He just needed the money, and the information on his wife's killer.
" Why the hell are you suddenly asking. You don't think I'll let you tag along when you can barely even fight.."
Sasuke shook his head when he heard the question. "No. I don't plan on carrying out any assassinations or killing for the time being. I've had enough.." Sasuke took a deep breath and sighed. His kill count probably now ranged in the hundreds. Of course, it wasn't something he was proud of, but if he he had the chance, he'll do it again.
"Yeah well, karma ain't no bitch. There's no rest for men like us boy. The moment you try and settle down, you know, to put the past behind you and shit like that, that's when it catches up to you in the most twisted and messed up way.." Sasuke couldn't help but frown when he heard Toji. It wasn't like he was wrong or something, the man was speaking from experience afterall.
"It catches up eventually, doesn't it?" Sasuke's words were like a whisper, but Toji heard it and turned to him.
"It does. It fucking does. It leaves you in the worst place you've ever been in your fucking life and the cycle just continues.
But you can't run from it. You chose this life. You gotta live with whatever comes with it.." Sasuke shook his head and sighed. Perhaps that was Toji's way of giving advice, but it did nothing to calm him down.
"So what are you gonna do now, without your abilities and all that? Are you just gonna sit in some retirement home and think about life everyday or what? Tell me. I wanna know the plan.."
Sasuke rolled his eyes for a bit there and laughed. "Didn't know you had a sense of humour uncle.."
"I don't." Toji replied in the most Toji way possible.
"Anyway, I'm gonna find a way to regain my strength...then..then.."
He kept thinking and thinking until an idea dropped in his mind which made him light up for a moment.
"You know what, fuck Jujutsu, I'm gonna create the greatest mercenary group ever.." A crazed smile beamed on his face.
A/N: Sorry for the late update guys. Sincerely apologize.