Chapter Sixteen: The Sensual Poison Flower

The intense killing intent and sadness affected the other two people in the room. Wang Pengfei was relatively unaffected, as he had seen his fair share of battles and could withstand it. However, Xiao Guo was in a dire state, already crouched under the table, tears streaming down his face, overwhelmed by inexplicable emotions of fear and fervor.

"Sorry, I just got a bit homesick," Yang Huawi finally snapped back to reality and gave the two of them a wry smile.

"It's okay, it's okay." Once Yang Huawi regained his composure, the killing intent and sadness dissipated. However, Wang Pengfei was even more astonished and more convinced that Yang Huawi was a seasoned warrior. Wang Pengfei had encountered iron-blooded soldiers before, but none had such a palpable aura of menace and sorrow as Yang Huawi.

"It got simpler after that. The captain and I were selected, and the research institute used some strange devices to teleport us here," Yang Huawi said somewhat disheartened.

"So how do you get back?" Xiao Guo emerged from under the table and wiped his tears.

"Before coming, the crazy director of the research institute gave each of us a transmitter. If we complete the mission or face life-threatening danger, just press a button, and the research institute will teleport us back. But if we fail the mission, we won't have the face to go back," Yang Huawi said with a smile.

"Didn't you come here naked?" Xiao Guo, now curious like a child, asked. Wang Pengfei also didn't stop him, as he was also interested.

"I did come naked, but carrying a few small items was not a problem," Yang Huawi replied, pointing to his robust arm. "They're hidden in my bones. I'll just dig them out when I need to go back."

"Hidden in your bones…" Xiao Guo was drenched in cold sweat, and even Wang Pengfei looked surprised.

"Alright, let's get down to business. First, let me state my conditions. I know you must be interested in my physique. I can provide samples of blood and muscle tissue, but I won't participate in your research. I'm a soldier and know a thing or two about weaponry and explosives. My methods are far superior to your current explosives. I'll give you the formulas and techniques for making weapons and explosives, but I doubt you can mass-produce them. That's all I have to offer in exchange for our cooperation. In terms of military strength, you won't be of much help; it's mainly for intelligence," Yang Huawi said.

"I'm just a squad leader and can't make decisions on my own. I'll report this, but I hope they will believe it," Wang Pengfei said with a bitter smile.

"No problem. I hope you can make a decision quickly. I don't know when those beasts and beastmen will show up. They might be watching humans from some corner right now," Yang Huawi waved his hand and said.

"Alright, I'll get on it. Xiao Guo, stay with Yang Huawi and arrange an identity for him or something," Wang Pengfei glanced at the brightening sky.

"Yes, Captain," Xiao Guo quickly replied. After being scared under the table by Yang Huawi's aura, Xiao Guo was thoroughly impressed and had no objections.

Wang Pengfei went out to handle the matters, leaving only Xiao Guo and Yang Huawi in the office. Xiao Guo ran around, bringing a large amount of food—soy milk, fruit, oil cakes, and so on. He set up a large table, and Yang Huawi, not one to be polite, sat at the table and ate rapidly. In no time, he had cleaned up a table full of food meant for five or six people, and he even looked somewhat unsatisfied, leaving Xiao Guo stunned.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I ate so heartily, though it could use a bit more," Yang Huawi wiped his mouth and said, feeling quite content.

"Uh…" Xiao Guo was speechless and went out again to buy more.

After eating and drinking to his fill, it was already eight o'clock. The police station had started work, but the National Security floor was very quiet with few people around. Yang Huawi took one of the military beds in the inner room, lay down, and immediately fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. Rapid sleep and rest were essential for every soldier in the Holy City.

Xiao Guo went downstairs to search for suitable clothes for Yang Huawi. Shortly after he left, a woman came up the stairs. With a heart-shaped face and exquisite features, she had a full chest, a slim waist, a high and rounded butt, and long, elastic legs. Her attire was even more striking—a thin black leather bodysuit that accentuated her curves perfectly. The bodysuit barely covered her chest, leaving half exposed, with her pale skin seeming ready to bounce out with a touch. Black high-heeled shoes clicked on the floor, like a call of seduction. She had gun holsters strapped to the outer sides of her legs, holding two 92-style military pistols, and leather wrist guards with two magazines each. It was a perfect blend of violence and beauty.

In the police station, except for a few female officers who glanced over occasionally, the male officers quickly looked down and avoided looking at this sexy, violent beauty. Beautiful flowers often have thorns, and this one had poisonous thorns.

The leather-clad beauty kicked open the door to the thirteenth office, while removing the pistols from her legs, and walked into the inner room. As soon as she pushed the door open, Yang Huawi woke up and his eyes met the almond-shaped eyes of the seductive beauty.

"Who are you? How dare you take my bed?" The sexy woman's voice was deep and slightly husky, with a magnetic and seductive quality.

Yang Huawi glanced at the sexy woman, shook his head slightly, and lay back on the pillow, as if she were just a piece of wood.

"Hmph, you don't even respect me? You must be new here. It seems I need to teach you a lesson and show you how high the sky is and how deep the earth is." The sexy beauty scolded, then swiftly crossed the five or six steps and was in front of Yang Huawi. She executed a high kick, aiming a long, slender leg at Yang Huawi's stomach.

With a loud slap, Yang Huawi's large hand grabbed her sexy leg. He touched her leg a few times and shook his head again. "Muscles may be strong, but they only have explosive power, not endurance. If you can't resolve the fight within thirty minutes against a decent opponent, you'll be the one to be slaughtered," Yang Huawi said, tossing the woman backward a few steps, causing her to crash against the wall with a thud.

"Good kid, you have some skill," the sexy beauty sneered, and with a flash of her body, she appeared in front of Yang Huawi again, reaching for his hair.

"Are you done yet?" Yang Huawi, annoyed at the disturbance, was irritated by her lack of self-awareness. Women in the Holy City were not like this.

Yang Huawi grabbed the sexy beauty's arm and tossed her out of the inner room. She crashed into the office desk with a loud bang, scattering documents everywhere, and lay there stunned, unable to get up for a while.

As the sexy beauty was struggling to stand up, Xiao Guo, carrying a set of large clothes, was about to enter the office. Seeing the beauty's plight, he cursed inwardly, knowing that this woman was famous for her bad temper and for beating up all the male police officers in the city. Moreover, like many women, she had a small mind and was afraid of offending her. Besides Captain Wang Pengfei, no one dared to provoke her. Seeing her current state, it was clear she had a run-in with Yang Huawi, who apparently did not understand the concept of treating women gently.

Xiao Guo didn't want to provoke the lady. He lowered his head and pretended not to see anything, trying to back away. However, just as he took a step back, the sexy beauty had already grabbed the broken desk and stood up, reaching for the gun between her legs. "Xiao Guo… if you dare to leave, I'll shoot your little brother and make you a eunuch for the rest of your life," the sexy beauty, named Fang Hongyan, growled through gritted teeth, enduring the pain from the bruised desk.

"Oh, Fang Hongyan is back. How did it go? Did you deal with those two Japanese?" Xiao Guo stepped back in and greeted her with a smile, tossing the clothes into the inner room and dragging a chair over to Fang Hongyan, helping her sit down.

"It was just two Japanese. I dealt with them with just two shots. How dare they come to China," Fang Hongyan, who was finally catching her breath, said while rubbing her stomach. She then furrowed her brows. "Xiao Guo, don't change the subject. When did we get such a perverted character in our team?"

"Ah? Perverted? Yeah, quite perverted," Xiao Guo said awkwardly. "He arrived last night. I stayed with the captain all night, and we just went to sleep. What's the matter? Did he offend you?"

"Hmph, where did he come from?" Fang Hongyan asked.

"Miss, the captain just went to report this, and there's no news yet. How would I know? We're all veterans here, so please don't make things difficult for me," Xiao Guo said with