Chapter 7: Hanging on a Madman

Climbing at the rope like dark-green roots of an ancient tree proved to be a challenge. Fortunately, the roots abnormal size showed a good use. It's body being larger than normal allow them to cling at it's gaps, some loose enough to fit their limbs. Hasting their pace and giving them the luxury to save stamina from time to time.

With the man on the lead climbing with his four arms unhurriedly. While Zyro followed his tail.

Being under his neighbor, Zyro can't help look at the man's butt.

'What a strange design' He thought in boredom. Wondering as many questions flood his mind but left unanswered. One of it, is how can the man's armor be so flawless. Perfectly fitting his body, as if it's his own skin. Paired with marvelous designs that seemed organic, it didn't even hinder his mobility at the slightest, nor produce weird sounds when moving.

Compared to his, the man's armor seems to be more superior. Making him wonder if this aliens have developed their civilization further than earth. And even the roots his touching seem supernatural.

However, he have to survive first in order to verify this theory. Furthermore, his stolid neighbor remained insipid the entire climb. As if his not the lunatic before who's constantly blubbering nonsense. Right now, his like a cautious warrior, quietly calculating all possible conundrum that may appear. Hinting Zyro his unwillingness for insignificant conversations. Even so, there's a certain matter that concerned him for a long time, that may concerned his life in the future.

He look at his neighbor, then, ignoring the man's stern behavior. He ask an obdurate question.

"...Say, how come the roots didn't trigger?" Zyro asked, his voice was low akin to a whisper.

From the beginning of it all, he have wondered of the man's trick. Enabling the cage torturous trap, making him able to speak which are supposed to be banned inside. And even after he cut the roots, it simply didn't respond as they fled.

The man continues pretending he have not heard Zyro's abrupt question. After almost half a minute, the man said without stopping his tracks.

"Let's just say you'll be safe as long that you stay by me."

Zyro is baffled by his answer, and gave up on the matter doubting he'll get a proper response.

After that, the long climb continue in silence.

Just as the man said, there's no guard in place. Not a single disturbance treated them on their way as they traverse in tranquility. Zyro felt calm, like taking a relaxing midnight stroll in the park rather than escaping one of the greatest prison. Yet the unease of the possibility of being attack still lingers in his mind. Added, the attacker is airborne, placing the two at the greatest disadvantage.

Without anything to do, Zyro's eyes wandered around. There's not much to see, only a vast sea of clouds, colossal roots and the looming shadow above. Specially that night had come, darkening the surroundings. As his gaze shifted aimlessly, something cought his attention.

There, in a certain part of the vast sea of clouds. He could see a blurry orange dot shrouded by fluffy clouds. Akin to seeing a fire afar. Which disturb Zyro, because its position was beyond the region his in. If that thing is flare, just how big and bright could it be for it's radiance be seen this far.

'Questions, questions, questions..'

Yet no answer.

By now, darkness had completely swallowed the world. As the breath-taking nebula painted the black canvas above. The dou mixed in the darkness of night, preventing anyone from noticing their arrival. Hours had already past, and Zyro began to feel the weight of the long and arduous climbing taking toll on his battered body. After all, his body condition has never been in good condition from the start of it all, while his mind was recovering after a long hibernation. Added the greeting

of the tortuous cage which forced him to go through multiple traps in order to scape. Each bringing him at deaths door mentally and physically.

Although, his exoskeleton armor had taken most of it. Even now, its hydrologic joints are the one carrying the weight of his body as they climb. After all, a human body can't withstand rope climbing for hours. However, if aided with state of the art technology, he won't even have to use a single fiver of his muscle to complete such an arduous task.

[Low battery]

An electronic feminine voice resounded in his mind.


Zyro had not much luck on earth, and after recalling the recent occurrences. He confirmed that luck does not varies on planets, but one's self.

'I hope there's a charger up there.'

He sighs and gazes to the darkness above of unknown distance. Due to insufficient power, the suit was unable to use night vision. Thus, all he could see was the man's onyx butt, one of it's wonder is it's strange design. And the vast darkness above, that goes even deeper by the shrouding island. Making him incapable of judging the distance they progressed.

Suddenly, his neighbor came to an abrupt stop.

The man lingered for a moment then said.

"...Where here, can you climb on rocks?"

Zyro thought for a moment, recalling if the armor have such feature. Unfortunately, it doesn't, so he made a quick decision and said.


Not only can't he climb on rocks, he also can't see. Currently, his primeval exoskeleton armor is limiting all energy consumption for the sake of preservation. Enabling him to have the luxury of using all it's features. So his vision can barely make out of his surroundings with the aid of the moon's light.

"Hold my hand, tight." Said the armored man as he stretch one of his lower right arm toward Zyro.

Hearing the word "tight" made Zyro's heart palpitate. The calmness of a midnight stroll was gone, replaced by a invisible pressure in a soldiers heart in war. The fear of fight, pain and death.

Comically, the scene his in was kind of romantic. A dark knight with four arms lending another dark knight a hand. If Zyro's appearance were that of a princess, then this'll be a romantic scene.

What a strange thought.

Without making his neighbor wait for long, he braved his heart and attach his dominant hand to the man's wrist like a tight bracelet. Wearing an full body exoskeleton that even covered every fingers, Zyro's grip is enhanced tenfold, enough to crush a metal tube. However, to his surprise, the one experiencing a crushing grip is his wrist. Although, the metal frames protection lessen it's effect, he can still feel the man's abnormal strength. The tightness of how their hand is held made the scene rather romantic, if viewed at other perspective.

'I'm utterly sure I don't swing that way'

Still, he cannot deny the fact that the demonic knight is strong.

The man's mystery grown and lessen at the same time. Fortunately, Zyro's expression is hidden behind the helmet, enabling his neighbor to notice his astonishment.

After they hold each other wrist. The four-armed knight strained his muscles and thrusted his three arms above, gripping the island rocky belly that been painted in black by deep shadows with furious speed, directly burying his claws into the stone. Cracks appear in every hit point, producing metallic sounds as it collide.

His neighbor slowly advance repeating the same process, while holding Zyro's weight with one arm. As the man ascend, Zyro completely let go of the roots that brought him alot of pain, and hang in the air. With only one line of survival. Zyro tightened his grip, Incase the former lunatic let go.

Even though the man had somehow regain his rationality, and keep it intact until now. Zyro could still vividly remember the hateful blabbering of the madman. Who knows, maybe he'll get sick of holding a dumble.

Furthermore, it's not like he trusted the man, he simply have no choice but to. And even if the man let go, Zyro could use the exoskeleton full power on his grip, making it impossible to shrug him off unless his neighbor cut his arm. Therefore, shrugging him off will cost him to fall alongside Zyro. If that happens, they'll both die, and even a lunatic is afraid of dying.

As if answering his thoughts of his neighbor sanity. While Zyro hang in the darkness of night, the man lift his lower half, and thrust his right foot at the stone celling. Followed by the other, completely attaching himself into the stone. Zyro began to sweat as the man got into a runner's pose upsidedown, as though preparing to race.

Zyro sweated as he tightened his grip.

'Bastard, your not thinking of...'

Before he could even finish the thought, his neighbor darted like a cockroach on a celling running for his dear life. Ignoring what held under, Zyro's body sway backward. The man doesn't even have to shrug him off for Zyro to use the exoskeleton half power.

'You damm cockroach!' he scream internally as his pale skin became white.

Zyro wear an armor that shield him against cold, but strangely enough. He felt a piercing cold as his heart palpitate. While his body swing to and fro, in a unimaginable height with a lunatic arm keeping him from falling in the abyss below. Even in earth, his never been a fan of carnival rides.

The dou looked rather comical than romantic. As they hasty ascend the reverse slope under the root-lifted island. Suddenly, the man came to an abrupt halt, causing Zyro to sway forward and give him a sudden respite from fright. However, the disturbing stillness of the man made him tense. Zyro opened his mouth, urging to ask what's wrong.

However, before he could, a sharp, deafening howl of a horn thundered. Echoing in the surroundings before disappearing into silence. The nights tranquility returned once again, but not for long.

A sound that Zyro was familiar with was heard, it's calming harmony that represents freedom. The sounds of flapping wings as they glide into the sky. The more Zyro listened, the cleared and louder it get. And wilder, the calm harmony turned chaotic. Only then did he realized that those flapping wings belong to hungry eagles in rush to catch their prey.

Which is them...