Chapter 41: Dark hole

Apparently, the Gricks forest scout have emergency signal. Of course they do! Not only their appearance similar to humans, their intelligence are equal, as well. How would they know if one of them found the fallen knight and manage to call for help. Although, their ways was primitive and not that efficient, horns loud whistles servers it's purpose.

Zyro haven't discovered this due to the horn being at the back of the Grick. In their entire encounter, he never once saw what's behind the handsome Grick.

As the muffled melody of horns being blown reverberated in other clustered spots, waking the forest. Zyro's heart palpitate, an ominous and foreboding felling entered his mind.

Why are the Gricks making so much noise?

An epiphany dawned upon him. The Gricks are not only calling a squad of reinforcement... But an entire fleet itself for a throughout search in the forest. That horn the handsome winged man blew probably inferred the Fallen Knight was spotted. Although, the handsome Grick wasn't able to unravel Zyro's true identity behind his hunter disguise. His hatred, rage and extreme desire for vengeance had pushed him to bellow the army down to bring justice for himself. Despite the hellish punishment it may bring, he doesn't care. His a dying man after all. A man who lost everything will do anything to dragged his killer with him.

Zyro's daze only took an instant, he quickly turn around, giving up on snatching the javelin. And dash away. Taking one last glance at the handsome Grick that damned him really bad. The mustard had already lost his life due to excessive blood lost and the spear thrusted in his chest, breaking ribs cage, causing severe internal injury. It wasn't an easy death, that's for sure.

And now, Zyro is suffering the karma of his crime.

Zyro cursed as he sprinted through the verdant terrain of the bushy woods. Heading as far away from the dead handsome Grick. Thanks to the cybernetic suit enhancement, his speed was 5 times higher than normal. Bringing him at a considerable distance, before the other scouting Gricks arrived at the scene of the battle.

Zyro glance back, there was a bright burning light where he killed the Grick. Suggesting where the fleet would land and area to search. He look up, and saw tiny black silhouettes of descending airships and hundreds of Gricks coming from the root-lifted island. That look like a thin, tower reaching the heaven from afar.

He wasn't that confident at scaping, even with the armor exoskeleton physical strengthening. But he'll manage. Somehow.

Making his way with hasted pace, at the same time. Observing the sky, and luxuriant, dark surrounding trees. Wary for any flying figures or feral monster that must have awakened by the Gricks loud horns. Indeed, soon, Zyro heard snapping tree's and earth shaking stumping at his far side. He slowed down, changing his route to not meet whatever creature that is. He continue running, sometimes avoiding monsters by switching paths or hiding as he wait for them to pass.

At some point in time, Zyro saw a flying grick eyeing the forest below. But was chased and eaten by four bird winged, insect like predator.

Zyro halted, leaned between two big roots and hide to rest. He breathing was labored, for he had been playing cats, bird and mouse for half an hour. Requiring both the exoskeleton and physical might to not be caught by the eyes of flying Gricks, all the while, avoiding monstrous abominations. Fortunately, the Gricks and forest inhabitants don't get along well, their quarrels saved Zyro the trouble a few times.

However. He wasn't going anywhere.

The path he planned to take was the shortest way to the mine. Where he could hide his armor in it's countless caverns stones. Additionally, as a regular slave of the mine, his identity wouldn't be suspected. But thanks to the Gricks and beastial creatures littering around which he had to avoid. Zyro was forced to take multiple turns, abruptly switch random paths. Lossing his way in the process numerous times.

He sighed behind his scarf.


He have to find the right direction once again by climbing a tree top, to spot where the mine mountain are.

As he skillfully climb, to his surprise, Zyro encounter a repulsive creature at the tree's middle. Hiding inside a hole in the bark. It was a big wormy creature with a circular sawing maw. Like a snake, it darted at him when he least expected. However, the beast was more like an animal. Zyro's swift reaction speed had cut the disgusting worm head with the retractable blade before it even struck him. Its head fall, while the body lifelessly hang.

Zyro simply shrugged and moved on.

Asthenic creatures also exist in this world. Unlike the eyeless hound, which is an Alpha. this creatures are not considered beast, but animals due to their pitiful strength akin to mundane people or animal. However, as the marking system apply in all living beings of this world, except Zyro. Even that trivial worm can become a real horror if given enough time to evolve, and gain marks. Likewise, the eyeless hound wasn't born a ferocious predator, but a weak poppy until it had grown as a feared beast of the first mark - Alpha.

That's how this world laws of evolution work. He didn't knew what's behind this logic currently. Maybe if he do, he'll figure out how to personally experience it's miraculous bless.

Standing on a thin branch at the tree's top. Zyro gaze around the horizon - in the vast expanse of leafs, a tall stony mountain stood at a manageable distance. Further behind it was the root-lifted land of Gricks. But no hint of delight appeared on his face despite the progress he made, his goal to reach the mine was close.

For his eyes was full of horror, focus on the fleet of red winged boats looming above the Mine mountain. Followed by thousands of scattered flying figures sharply eyeing the land below in a wide arch. Like a huge flock of deadly birds scanning the area they past, hunting for a single prey - The Fallen knight.

All of them was heading towards him.

'Ah... what a wonderful sight'

In contrast, it is. Hiding from the few reconnaissance while surviving the wilderness perils had already demanded his everything. Adding dozens of floating battle ships accompanied by thousands of airborne warriors was utterly to much. It was impossible, to say the lest.

A heavy sigh escape from his lips.

He didn't think evading the vast searching range of a thousands Gricks in time was achievable by foot. Heading to the Mine now was equivalent to surrending himself to the punishing hands of Gricks, as well. Even if he don't go there, the winged warriors will eventually arrived to hunt him down throughout the verdant forest.

In summary, his stuck. Despite the gifted power blessed by his Cybernetic armor. His current strength was a drop in the ocean compared to the sky race enmity.

At the thought of his armor... A bitter grin appeared on Zyro's covered face.

'There's always a way, you just have to take the risk.'

He hastily climbed down. Landing on his foot, Zyro swiftly made his way to a different direction. But his luck finally run out on his way.

Stumping sounds was heard. Zyro look over his shoulders only to see horror. Behind him, a hairy creature ran on four foot, it's appearance akin to a big bear, but with long brown furs obscuring it's entirely, bulky body. And, on its head was two elephant like hairy trunk above one another. The top trunk was short, holding an eyeball at the end. While the bottom long trunk have five long fingers with sharp nails.

The moment Zyro glance meet the eerie mammal single eyeball. He felt his body movement slow down, on the other hand. The furry abomination hasten up. As if an invisible force weighing his mobility, Zyro averted his gaze as soon as he can. That instant, felt like minutes of tension.

When his finally free from the mysterious hexing sensation. The hairy monstrosity had already reach him, as it swing it's long handed trunk sideway without him knowing. For it was too fast.

A sudden devastating force assaulted the sprinting Zyro's left arm. The next thing he knew, his flying to the side. Zyro stumbled and rolled in the ground, gritting his teeth as he bare the agony of his shattered bones on his left upper arm. Despite tungsten alloy protection, the abomination single attack had went through his armor defense, and flesh, breaking the bones in his arm. That bone, was also toughened by military grade alteration and wasn't easily broken. But it did, under the beastial mammal physical potency.

His rolling body was abruptly blocked by a standing tree. Zyro groaned, hastily got up while painfully coughing. The action was eased by the exoskeleton, so his back and running again while supporting his broken left arm with his right.

Then again, he soon heard dreadful stumping behind, fastly growing closer. Zyro gritted his teeth, knowing fleeing with his trivial speed is futile. Furthermore, it will allow the previous attack occurred again. Steeling his will, Zyro face back. This time, avoiding the abomination eyes at all cost.

As the saying goes: Better to die in the attempt than to die having done nothing at all.

Zyro put on a dark grin, fear raging at his palpitating heart. Yet he seemed calm and fearless in a battle ready stance. But his mind suggest otherwise.

'Duck!Duck!Duck! I wanna sleep! Can't I woke up from this hellish nightmare!? Arg! Damned it! Come you big fat mustarded elephant, I'll kill you!!... Please let me.'

The hairy creature run like a ferocious fat bear, delightfully heading towards the young man. On its way, however, it pass a silent, unmoving tree littered with dark holes allover. When the abomination was just beside it, snake like, black long worms abruptly sprung out of the holes and bit at the monster thick furs. Their circular sawing maws locked the hairy monstrosity movement. Black worms keeps sprouting out from the tree, hundreds of them and greedily bite the furry mammal hive, some of them successfully dug inside, spraying blood as they feast. The hairy creature tried to scape using its monstrous strength, it almost got out from the worm tree's grip. But then, the unmoving tree stand up using hundreds of disgusting lengthy worms as feet. Closing their distance once again as it continue to devour the poor monster alive, wildly shrieking a cry of misery.

At that time, Zyro had long run with his dear life.

'Duck! That worm tree is scarier. To think I killed one!'

After some time, Zyro came out to a stony clearing. Rubbles lay everywhere at the inclined mountain side. It was the same place Zyro had hidden his suit of armor, and loss some parts. Walking further, he arrived at the familiar two large rock, leaning to each other. Under them, a triangular dark entrance can be seen.

This is the route he had chosen as salvation from the thousands approaching Gricks.

Lingering for a moment, Zyro sighed and dived into the abyssal hole. As if a devouring mouth of darkness swallowed him, he slipped inside after bumping his helmeted head into rough rocks multiple times before tumbling as he hit solid ground.

Standing up, Zyro suddenly frozen shock as soon as he saw the surroundings with the aid of night vision.
