Chapter 56: The Blinker

3 seconds, that's how long he holds his eyelids open. Upon seeing the assumed Blinker dark visage and realizing something amiss.

Back then at the delivering caravan, Zyro recalled witnessing the unforgettable, sudden demise of an Alpha. That guy look at the side, then, his eyes widened. The next moment, the Alpha was dead and havoc broke loss.

That guy state before death remind Zyro of his current position. Furthermore, if he remembered correctly, although the real blinker captured image was blurry. It's six legs, hunched body and black skin resembled the unmoving monster Infront of him so much to be a coincidence.

The caravan guard, was this what he saw in the forest back then?

However, what marveled Zyro the most is the diseased Alpha instant death. Which happened after he blinked his constricted pupils.

'Blinked? It sounds familiar. Right, it's the name the poet had given that monster'

Adding the famous poetry about the mythical creature Pert shared that day.

It goes.

"Famed for it's notorious nature, forgotten for its elusive existence."

"No one believed it, No one had seen it... But I did."

"Amidst my travel, the horror meet my eyes... The Blinker."

It was said to be written on unnaturally crude writing, as if penned by shaking hands. Or a horrified author who wrote while staring at a menacing monster. However, why did the poet called the Blinker, the Blinker? In the past, when that famous literally work was still not made. The notorious beast was known for its supreme swiftness. Earning him the title - Swifter.

It's a more fitting name because of the unimaginable speed it showed when victimizing people. Yet, the dead poet describe Swifter, the Blinker. Connecting all this dots together. Zyro realized the underlying nature of the Blinker.

The poet last masterpiece was made messily. Because the author was not staring at his work while shaking in fear. That man must have realized it too, and maintained his composure in time. Just like what Zyro achieved. Knowing every endeavor to survive was futile, the poet decided to spent his last moments doing the thing loved - Writing poetry, no need to find inspiration, for it was Infront of him. Leading him to write about the notorious monster, and calling it with the tittle it truly deserved - The Blinker.

A term which define it's primary ability to blink instantly to it's enemy. And mysterious flaw, for some reason, the Blinker required eye contact with it's prey. Likewise to what it's doing now. However, there seemed to be a condition. The prey, needed to blink for it to attack. Or else, why would it just stand there?

Those who shut their eyes upon seeing it died. The diseased Alpha guard on the caravan was proof of his theory. And the fact that no one knew what the Blinker actual appearance is, for all those who see it perished.

Zyro did not know how it's possible. Then again, this is not Earth. But he was certain how the Blinker power worked - loss in it's staring game means death. Unfortunately, he was caught in it's trapping scheme. The moment he blink is the moment he die.

Knowledge truly are power, if not for those seemingly insignificant clues. Zyro would have died without knowing what just happened. Thankfully, his quick thinking saved him just in time.

4 seconds.

The oblivious Pert, whose done opening the entrance said behind him after putting aside a rock.

"It's done, let..."

Zyro hastily ordered.

"Whatever you do, don't turn to look."

The kid head, in the middle of twisting to face Zyro's back froze.

"Huh, why?"

Pert was confused, feeling a bit unease due to the Fallen sudden grave tone.

6 seconds....

Without delay, Zyro tell him the truth.

"You'll die, head in first, I'll follow."

Hearing absolute seriousness in Zyro's command. Pert stiffened, lingered for a moment, he opened his mouth, wanting to say something. But didn't and do as he was told. The noise Pert made as he crawl into the tunnel informed Zyro.

9 seconds....

Still staring directly at the distant horrifying creature single, abyssal eye. Zyro unblinking eyeball began feeling discomfort.

'What to do, what to do."

He didn't know.

No one had ever live to tell the tale after meeting the Blinker.

Zyro was sure some of then was strong beings, yet they're no match against his glaring enemy. Heck, maybe it's the Blinker who massacred the horde of flat-biters earlier and cause all that cry. If all of those appalling worms combined failed to prevail against this single creature. What are his chances?

"Really, really low. Should I start writing my last will?" He mumbled.

There's no pen nor paper nearby. However, Zyro could still use Aizra to digitally record his final goodbye in her internal storage. Sadly, will anyone be able to read it? Probably, no one for that record would disappear along his life. Added, not like anyone care.

'I guess dying is out of the options.'

10 seconds...

The question is, how? The Blinker can rip his life in a blink of an eye. Zyro can't open his sight forever.

Zyro thought hard and sighed. The Blinker ability was just to much of a broken cheat. He witness that thing kill Infront of him without distinguishing the murderer appearance, if not thanks to Aizra recording everything he perceived 24/7. Zyro would not even recognize the standing figure. There seemed to be no flaws to exploit in this trap.

12 seconds...

How is he supposed to survive?

14 seconds...

He felt a fleeting breeze caress his bare eyes. Causing further discomfort, tingling his desire to drop his eyelids to rest. Not only Zyro had to preserve calmness Infront of a powerful foe, he had to think of a solution while resisting the growing destress, as well. That said, is there even an answer to his current predicament?

Closing his eyes meant death, Turning away is suicide too. What is he supposed to do here? Well, Zyro can battle the freakish monster without blinking once. Of course that's impossible, even for a trained soldier. Zyro's barely holding himself from blinking.

20 seconds...

His eyes became itchy. The frequent, chilling breeze of dawn just made it worsen.

25 seconds...

Bits of water began involuntarily coming out. His eye veins were like heated wires. Making the itch almost unbearable.

Zyro keep spinning his mind gears yet no probable results was found. All the while bearing the agony of burning eyes with gritted teeth.

Was there really no way? Is this the end?

'Think, think, think. Use that brain of yours.'

32 seconds...

The torturous sensation enhanced tenfold.

As if to make matters worst. The unmoving monster seemed to run out of patience and started moving. It's black limbs move with a grace of a crawling spider, gentle yet fast.

38 seconds...

The dreadful approach of the Blinker made Zyro momentarily forget about the unbearable itch that can only be scratch by closing his eyes. Forget about pain, his death was coming!

By now, The Blinker was close enough for Zyro to distinguish all it's horrifying glory.

It's six, segmented legs was long, ending with sharp points that pierce the soil. Making it more akin to black, metal scythes, rather than limbs. However, what fright Zyro the most is the head. A reverse, angular triangle with a single abyssal hole on the center. The two corner above serves as horn, the one below... Was dyed in red, sticky crimson liquids dripping on the ground. It was the Blinker beak. The maw it will use to skewer Zyro.

41 seconds...

Facing the incoming horror without moving. Zyro secretly sighed in relief, simultaneously, cursing his dumbness.

'... Great! You idiot. You have two freaking eyes! Why did you not think of it earlier.'

Indeed, Zyro had a pair of eyeball.

Taking a deep breath, to calm his palpitating heart and anxious mind. Zyro was about to wager his life to prove an idea devoid of certainty.


Without time to waste, Zyro finally shut his eye. As if molten ball dumped in cold water, the agonizing fire on his eye vanished. Yet... His not dead. Because his other eye was still being tortured, indifferently glaring at the approaching dark beast.

'It worked'

As long as he view the Blinker, it won't be able to trigger it's supreme agility. Fortunately, Zyro had a pair of sight. He reopen his closed eye to finally shut the other, relieving him of optical torment.

However, although he solved the riddle of enabling the Blinker from instantly killing him. The problem remains - it had crawling feet. Now that Zyro clearly observe the arriving monster, it seemed to have become faster. It's three, squirming tongues revealed hanging from it's beak. Apparently, the rumored dweller lack the ability to shriek or express emotions. But Zyro could feel it's fury upon seeing him undo it's unfair power.


Zyro crouched down, and pushed himself backward into the not so big hole behind him.


Crawling backward, while maintaining eye contact with the nearing monstrosity was not easy. Still, his composed body under tense situation allowed him to move fluidly, without unnecessary shuddering. All the while resting his eye in a patterned coordination, when left is open, right are closed. Thanks to this, he gain the luxury of not stressing his eye without losing sight of the Blinker.

The burrow swallowed him within it's shadowy embrace, by then, the Blinker was just a few meters away from him.


'Almost there.'

Zyro gritted his teeth, he only need to distance himself a little further more to avoid the Blinker reach in his calculation.

But at that moment, a specially strong gust of wind enter the tunnel. Gently blowing dust particles towards his bare, one open eye. He wasn't trained for staring games, it's actually an amazing milestone that Zyro manage to keep his eyes open this long despite being a newbie. However, beginners accomplishment was limited and failing is inevitable.


When the tiny dust from the burrow top touch his one right eye, Zyro subconsciously blinked. It can't be helped, for it was a habit he had since birth. Who would have never expected that a harmless habit of his will be the cause of his doom.

With that, the Blinker ability condition was fulfilled. Somehow freeing it's peerless speed enough to pierce it's prey in the blink of an eye.

The moment Zyro loss view, a sound of something colliding against the burrow entrance was heard.