Chapter 70: Godspeed

Zyro had expected that the ominous fog that came out from the Blinker's corpse wasn't anything good. Fortunately, his innate attribute saved him from it's corrupting side effect. However, Depter thought different. In the sealed mage view, the dark knight was a victim all the same. Who will soon loss his sanity to the monster core. And there's no cure.

It's truly a shame for an aspiring knight to meet an unfortunate end. But in reality, Zyro was fine. And he had no plan informing the sage about this to ease the misunderstanding. Instead, he took advantage of the old mage worries.

Zyro was not a kind person at the beginning, anyway.

Facing the forlorn gaze of the ancient sage in the gloomy chamber, Zyro shamelessly said.

"If possible, I want your help in the future."

In other words, he meant.

I want you to owe me. Even though I didn't do anything to earn it.

It's a one sided deal. Still, as old and wise as the sealed sage was.

Depter agreed without much hesitation.

Perhaps he had nothing better to do in this lonesome cage, or didn't have the heart to reject a dying man's request.

Nevertheless, he agreed. Which means, Depter would do Zyro a favor in the future for free, as long as it's within his capabilities.

There's nothing more to be spoken, and plenty more to be done outside. So, Zyro head back to the Mine to meet Pert who bought supplies for their upcoming long journey towards Log Wall.

However, before that. There's something Zyro had been itching to do.

His almost certain that the soul core corruption are reluctant to invade his otherworldly soul. But the power it bestow passed through, bringing the unnatural change his feeling since getting the defiled core.

'I wonder what ability it is.' Zyro marveled as he silently moved through the bushes and trees in the dead of night, sneaking back to the mine.

The soul core belongs to the Blinker, thus, it's normal to assume it contains one of the monster power. That said, the Blinker didn't shown much of its capabilities. Rather, Zyro hadn't witness it. Because being at the Blinker range of sight already meant death. Let alone, get close to it for observation. His encounter with it put him at a deadlock everytime, he had to endure prolong eye contact because the moment he blink, it's game over.

So, his not sure what it's power really is.

If there's anything unforgettable it had displayed on their short encounter, that will be it's supreme swiftness that can't be followed by naked eye. A total cheat ability, but flawed to be unseen. Which Depter identified as Gift. Exceptional powers given to chosen few, along with curses to balance what it had bestow.

The curse of the Blinker's gift are not that hard to guess. As he had experience, it can't activate godspeed while being stare at the eye. Rather, while being viewed by someone. As long as Zyro don't loss sight of the Blinker dark visage, it's most potent ability is crippled.

Aside from that, there's only the Blinker monstrous strength and six lances as foot. Apparently, it seemed Zyro won't have those two. His limbs are not showing any sign of changing, nor his strength increasing.

'Don't tell me I'll get that godspeed ability?' He thought, excitement glinting in his eyes that became slightly wide.

The chances are high, considering all the signs that the evolution the soul core offered are directed to something unknown. His body improved somehow, yet he can't feel or see it.

So, maybe he really got the Blinker mysterious gift of speed.

If that's the case, then Zyro's power just skyrocketed. The Blinker's is a troublesome foe in battle due to its supreme mobility and lethality. However, such power is wasted in the monster hands. Beast are beast, and thought like it. The Blinker's might have shown sighs of intelligence by using strategic movement in trapping it's prey when it's weakness was found out. Still, Zyro believe he could do better with it's power. For example, instead of straight up revealing his flaw by standing still and waiting for his opponent to close their eyes, Zyro could act normally until his enemy subconsciously blink. Allowing him to strike with instantly. He could also deceive them, using tricks to make them loss sight of his body. Furthermore, Zyro's appearance lets him blend into society. Unlike the Blinker that could only roam in the wild and be feared once seen by others.

Still, him getting the Blinker power was an unanswered question.

'Well, I'll never know unless I try.'

Excited at the thought of possessing speed beyond imagination, he stopped his tracks.

Halting his steps, Zyro looks around to check for any threat nearby. The Gricks watch area are behind him already, so it's unlikely for the scouts to spot him. The only potential dangers around was nocturnal beasts, but even those are rarely seen.

After confirming the area safeness, he began concentrating.

He did not know how it work exactly. After all, seeing and doing are completely different things. However, his not completely clueless. Zyro tried to simplify the Blinker godspeed. Or was it teleportation? No, because when it charges at Zyro, it bear devastating force along with it. That why his sure the Blinker use it's six legs to traverse instantly, somehow.

And so will he. Needless to say, traveling speed comes from the legs. Now that Zyro thought about it, he haven't run since getting his ribs fractured because it's unnecessary and painful. But with his bones restored to it's former glory, he could sprint all he want without worries.

Taking a deep breath, Zyro took a runner starting stance. While meditating, his mind calmed down as he searched for power within him. Time past in silence, his concentration depending as time goes by. Then, he found it.

That something, which change inside him. A new ability.

As it's turns out, it's nothing complicated. Zyro had used his body since birth, therefore, known it better than anyone else. And one of most memorable aspects, is it's limit. The amount of strength his body could exert are restricted by human limit. However, Zyro just found out that it's no longer there. In his current state, when no one is there to see him. Zyro could strain his muscle fibers to unleashed astonishing strength, surpassing human capabilities.

His lips curved.

Before dashing as fast as he could.

The moment he began running, chilling wind blew against his helmet. Then, he added more energy to his movements as the passing trees blurred in his vision, soon reaching his highest speed. It was his limit, the human body limit. But... He felt like he could break it.

A grin twisted on his lips.

He feel like there's a shackle hindering his true potential from blooming. He always did. But this time it's different, he could lift that binding shackles if he willed to.

Without hesitation, he broke it. He broke the chains of human limitations in his body, unleashing strength beyond what the cybernetic suit could give.

His speed tripled, then rose higher and higher. But not only that, his senses sensitivity and responses skyrocketed through the roof, too. Allowing him to perceive his surroundings with clarity despite moving with astonishing speed.

Exceeding the norm was gratifying, filling his heart with joy of fulfillment.

Well, it's normal. After all, Zyro was probably the first human to traverse this far in the galaxy and find an habitable planet, he even lived! Now, Zyro's body just surpasses the human limit.

But somehow, it felt bitter and sweet. Sure, Zyro accomplished incredible things enough for his name to run in history for countless centuries. Unfortunately, no one can acknowledge or record his magnificent feats, but him alone.

His joy dimmed a little.

'It doesn't matter.'

His never the type who enjoyed spotlights and fame anyway. Zyro didn't care about that, by now, he only cared about completing STELLAR'S mission. That's all that matters.

And to do that, Zyro needs strength.

His new found power was just the begining.

Again, Zyro added more energy in his run.

He wasn't careless, who'll straight up utilize his power to the max the moment he discovered he could do so. Zyro preferred taking it step by step, by starting slow, then fast, and faster. Eventually surpassing human speed. Before putting in more strength constantly until he felt his new limit.

Indeed, soon enough, Zyro felt his legs ache. But it doesn't mean he could no longer move faster, rather, Zyro feel like his not even exerting half of his body strength.

But his muscles already hurt...

It's to be expected, nothing is limitless in this world after all. But Zyro thinks he vaguely figured out how the Blinker produce that Godspeed effect when he face the monster back then.

Amidst his gratifying run, the joy of becoming superhuman lingering in his mind. Sadly, his delight didn't last long, for the next moment, he felt excruciating pain crawl through his leg muscles.

Causing him to loss focus and fail to avoid a protruding root on the ground.

Zyro's foot tripped.


Was the only word he could think of.