Chapter 75: Bloody princess

Her voice sounded like a lullaby in the silent night, soothing the heart of the weary men who heard her. It's sweet and gentle, with a touch of polite nobleness that suits her graceful appearance.

The girl that approached the camp have a beauty that did not belong in this woods. Her bright red hair fell behind her like a flowing river of silky blood. Her eyes had the charm of ruby, precious and captivating as she stared adorably with those crimson pupils. The oversized dark cloak covered the girl body, only revealing her attractive face with pale skin.

When everyone was rendered speechless at the sight of her. Zyro was thinking.

'I've seen her before... Yes, at the Gricks castle in the night of my scape. She's the one I ask for direction, but why is she here? Oh, that's right. The poster in the old vampire store back then reported the missing princess. Scarlet.'

Which match their beautiful guess appearance evidently. Zyro was sure of it, this girl was Scarlet, the vampire princess.

Unlike others, Zyro's focus was mostly drawn by Scarlet's cloak. Clearly, it did not originally belong to her.

'That's suspicious.'

Zyro thought.

However, the mesmerized hunters recovered almost instantly.

The first one to speak was Rogulf, the hunters lead.

He shifted, studying the innocent young woman quickly before responding with mocking arrogance seeping from his tongue.

"Of course young lady, we gentlemens wouldn't be bothered by a beauty such as yourself." His tone turn serious. "But what do we owe the honor of your visit?"

Rogulf seemed aware that Scarlet was nobility, therefore, used the nobles fancy words to communicate, and he did a good job. But apparently, his oblivious at the young lady's true identity. She's royalty!

It makes sense, considering Log Wall was an independent settlement which discriminated against the Vampires and Gricks. Resulting to unfriendly relationship between the territory, that affected news affairs. So, the missing princess posters might not have reached Log Wall yet, or Hunters were just unknowledgeable about political news.

'Oh, she's in trouble.'

Scarlet smile politely.

"Well, I was wondering if you would be so kind to share your spare lodging and supplies with me. I've been out here for a long time now, and in desperate need of supplies."

In return, Rogulf and his men look at her as if she's some kind idiot. Who's moronic enough to give supplies for free? Did she actually expect them to comply? Furthermore, she didn't seem to carry anything valuable to exchange.

That said, she is an expensive gem herself.

Then, lust glinted at their eyes.

Rogulf smirked, trying to appear calm.

"Is that so, hmm... We do have plenty of supplies left and some spare tent. And we're on our way to return from a bountiful hunt. I supposed sharing is manageable."

Scarlet face brightened.


However, Rogulf gleefully added. Hus excitement can no more be suppress.

"But what can you offer in exchange?"

The princess fell deathly silent.

The hunter guarding the slaves suddenly voiced. Unable to restrain himself any longer from teasing the beautiful prey.

"You did bring something to exchange, right? Little missy."

Scarlet pursed her lip.

"My apologies, unfortunately, I have nothing to offer. However-"

But the latter hunter cut her short.

"But you do, what's that seductive body of yours for? Surely, it's not only for display! How about putting it to use to satisfy this lonely hunters. Hehe." He grinned mischievously as he walk closer.

Seeing the unconcealed lust in the hunters eyes, Scarlet was speechless.

Rogulf quickly grabbed her wrist, unabling her from getting away.

"Come on now, don't be scared young lady. I'll make sure to be gentle on you, after all. I'm a gentleman as you address us earlier."

Watching in the sidelines, with his hands tide by rope to a tree besides Pert. Zyro observed silently as the scene unfold.

"Should we help her?"

Asked Pert, his visibly uncomfortable by the situation before him. No one can blame him though, who would want to witness a young lady be devastated by savage men's? Specially if you have the capability of saving her from such disgrace!

Zyro didn't say anything as he continued watching the hunters surround the pitiful girl. After a while, he indifferently said to calm the restless Aster.

"No need."

The hunters had disregarded a crucial aspect due to the heat of the moment. In this world, the higher your life are, the greater your mark become which reflected your strength as an individual. So, how much power a royal princess hold? A pure blooded vampire at that! Belonging to the race who reigned at night and feared as blood suckers!

She's no dazzling in distress at all.

Despite being cornered by three tough looking men, Scarlet was simply uncomfortable. The thought of Rogulf tightly gripping her wrist with lustful smile on his face and two approaching middle age hunter creeps her spine. However, there's no fear in her heart. Instead, indifferent confidence nested in her eyes, as cold as blood.

Betraying the hunters expectations, Scarlet let out a heavy sigh of disappointment.

"I have mistaken, your no men's... Pigs."

The moment she finished her words, the hunter's froze in unison. And that's all she needs to injure two among the three enemies.

Unbeknownst to them, a line of blood was drawn on the ground. Starting at her feet, and ending under the hunters boots. Scarlet potent vampiric lineage granted her full control of her body's blood, to the point she could solidified it's liquid state. Of course, such feat required unraveled concentration and control which she restlessly sharpened through restless training from a very young age as royalty.

The tread of vampire blood beneath the hunters foot suddenly protruded, assuming the shape of deadly spike as it abruptly emerge from the ground. Passing through the leather boot and reaching the skin.

Rogulf's younger brother and the other hunter suddenly scream in pain, as they clumsily fall on their butt.

The leader, however, was more responsive. Rogulf wisely let go of Scarlet pale wrist where needle-like solidified blood emerge from her pale skin. Which almost stab his hand. And swiftly jump back, avoiding the piercing blood spike under his footing, at the same time, put safe distance between them to release his dual dagger from the back.

However, Scarlet moved fast too. She gracefully points her right palm towards dodging Rogulf with fluid motion. Then, red lines rapidly flowed out from her finger tips, that swiftly intertwined like weaving strings. Forming an circular intricate tapestry. In seconds, her royal blood became an awing art of complex patterns.

"No way..."

Zyro subconsciously mumbled with wide eyes.

Partially due to Scarlet prowess, although, she appeared as an innocent young lady with delicate face that begged to be shielded. Only to turn out to be a cynical ambusher, laying out traps before hand to harm those she came to negotiate with. But what surprised him the most, or rather, confused him was her current action.

In this kinds of situation, when the ambusher reveals their true intentions by triggering the element of surprise. One needs to be swift and precise, making full use of their advantage without room for mistakes in that instant.

Scarlet's surprise attack was good so far, she successfully took down two out of three enemies footing stability which is crucial in battle. If they can't walk or run properly, they're good as dead.

Leaving her one sole problem... Rogulf. The strongest among the trio. Who weilded dual dagger behind his back. Dealing with him wasn't easy, Zyro could tell. So, when Rogulf retreated to evade Scarlet unexpected attack.

What did she do?

Zyro couldn't understand. Not fully though, he knew what she did in that instant. Scarlet used her vampiric ability to control blood with insane speed and precession to create a complicated pattern. He recognized that pattern, for he had seen Depter manifested it to demonstrate magic. The pattern she made looked exactly like that magic spell, the three circle fire ball spell when the sealed sage first showed Zyro magic within the ruined chamber.

If Scarlet aimed to fire a flaming ball to Rogulf, it wasn't a bad move.

However, magic was supposed to be casted with mana. Not blood! Everyone knew this.

It wouldn't work, would it?

But it did.

A spark of light appears on her casted spell made of blood. Soon, becoming a sphere of burning flame the size of a basketball.

Before Rogulf could fully release his weapon and charge forward, a burning ball meet his face. The distance between the caster and he was too short to react, hence, he failed to evade. However, pure flame was weak without solid core to support it's structure. So, it merely blinded Rogulf for a moment, burning some facial hair as it heated his skin before extinguishing into nothiness.

But the moment Rogulf regains vision, Scarlet had already manifested a crimson saver with her blood. It's lethal tip slid through a gap on his shoulder guard, burying in his flesh.

Rogulf was paralyzed, silently announcing the princess victory.