Chapter 111: Lonesome heart

Hope ignited in Zyro's heart, relieved that Scarlet didn't abandon him indiscriminately and left a message where she was heading or the location of their meeting.

His gazed at Baron with anticipation.

'I knew it, she wouldn't do that kind of thing-'

Baron continues somberly.

"She said that don't kill Boru because he doesn't deserve such mercy." He sighed "That's why I keep that fat bastard alive despite my urge to kill him. Just thinking about him makes my blood boil." Said Baron, resentment sipping in his tone.

However, Zyro didn't hear his last sentence because the first things he said slapped Zyro hard.

'It can't be...'

Zyro knows how to judge people's character by spending some time with them. And Scarlet temperament throughout their journey felt so genuine, unlike an act. Needless to say, his not a person that can easily be fooled. Coupled with Aizra's evaluations based on proven psychological behavior of a person. Through Zyro's eyes, his mental AI constantly observed everyone's actions, translating body language for anything suspicious. Additionally, Zyro's instinctive judgement was also at play. That's why he managed to trust Pert's intentions despite his paranoia, leading to their solid partnership until the tragic end. And be convinced by Scarlet words, promising generous rewards for escorting her home.

Since being saved by her in the hunters camp and undergone risky ventures alongside Scarlet. Their casual talks as they traveled under the night sky, the battles they fought side by side, the nights their group had shared. And especially that one occasion when the princess expresses her concerns to Zyro's life upon receiving a cut on his neck after fighting through an ambush of eight assassins. Back then, his life was at a risk of bleeding to death. Well, not really, because Zyro has Depter healing spell if push comes to shove.

But Scarlet was unaware of that, making her believe his in danger. So, she gave her blood to Zyro, thinking it would save him from the severe wound. Princess Scarlet blood entered his veins, making him partially a Vampire and enjoying its racial benefits including increase of body self-restoration ability which helped his neck recovery. Zyro later called Scarlet gift as [Servant of Blood] in his artificial system.

He didn't exactly know what the Princess had bestowed him, but suspected it was something really precious to her. Judging by her reluctant expressions that time.

That's how he learned to trust her character as a caring princess, graceful and benevolent princess but a ruthless swordsman to her enemies.

Abandoning those who came to her aid was beneath the royal princess. Yet the situation said otherwise.

Zyro refuses to believe it. Perhaps Scarlet has something urgent to do that caused her to leave unannounced, or did she forget? Maybe she expected them to follow? He even thought Baron lied. However, no matter how much he justified her actions. The fact remains that she's gone elsewhere without him.

Feeling heavy, he asked again through gritted teeth, driven by dwindling hope.

"Anything else? Like, where she's going or where can I meet her?"

Sadly, Baron shook his head dejectedly.

"I'm sorry lad, princess Scarlet left after that and said nothing more."

'Is he lying?' He secretly inquired to Aizra, as he began doubting his own human judgement of identifying if a person is saying the truth or not.

Some part of him prayed for it to be a lie.

However, Aizra's analysis only supported the answer his trying to refuse.

Baron was too old to spout lie on him. Furthermore, Scarlet is many things. Dumb isn't one of them. If she wants them by her side, she would have left an obvious guide to follow.

But she didn't, instead, Scarlet outright left by herself after causing a huge commotion in the Mine. She didn't even try to hide her lone departure.

With that, Zyro's hope was extinguished completely. Leaving an empty void behind.

The world suddenly seems dark, every color he sees dimmed along his cracked heart. Losing his dear friend, Pert, had already caused a grievous wound within him where countless others lay. And now, to be left behind by the lady he put his hopes on was another blow.

Honestly, he desired for Scarlet to know of Pert's death and share his grief. The young Aster did not have many close individuals to be sad for his passing, aside from him and the princess. But instead, Scarlet gives him more pain than comfort.

He wondered if she even truly cared for them, or be dejected by Pert's passing.

'Damn you, Scarlet. I was supposed to be the treacherous one here.'

Zyro was not good himself. He had a heart that could betray and hurt others if required. But, being on the receiving end wasn't pleasant at all.

Scarlet betrayal isn't what down-casted him the most, it's the fact that Zyro led Pert to follow this tragic path.

Pert believed in the Fallen Knight capabilities and offered himself in exchange for taking him out of Foggy Ring. Throughout their journey together, Zyro was decisive in choosing their path to freedom. They failed a few times, but eventually found a path he deemed trustworthy. Scarlet is that path which will grant them freedom if they took her home.

There had been many obstacles along the way, yet they persisted together through the dangers. Pert respected his leadership, trusting the Fallen Knight would guide him out of this place. Unfortunately, the way he believed in, took his life. Zyro is guilty for that because Pert sacrifices his life for him. However, to know the road they traveled so hard and sacrificed so much for would turn out to be false.

Then did he and Pert support Scarlet for what? To be tricked in the end! To be abandoned, betrayed and left alone.

The young Aster would certainly be disappointed that the Fallen Knight was fooled by a beauty. More so, because his life was taken by treading a mistaken road.

If only Zyro did better, if only he took a better way. Perhaps their outcome wouldn't be so tragic.

Noticing Zyro's downhearted silence, Baron tried to cheer him up with a smile as he changed the depressing topic.

"Anyway, are you really sure you don't want a pair of proper clothing? You appeared in need of it. And I won't accept no, lad. I wouldn't be in my position now if not because of you!. So please, let me show you my gratitude even though it's not much."

The young man remained quiet in response, seemingly lost in negative thoughts as he suppressed the raging emotions inside. The urge to kill, rampage and cry was restrained, hiding it beneath a composed facade that he could barely maintain.

To lose a friend then be betrayed was too much to handle. After all the suffering he went through, he ended up in such a tragic fate.

He looked heartbroken in Baron's eyes, causing him to misunderstand his feelings.

"Hmm, do you perhaps want to go after her highness? Let me be honest with you, Zyro. Lowlifes like us have no place beside nobilities. But if that's what you want, I'll support you with my best." Baron patted his shoulder.

Hearing that made Zyro suddenly chuckled with lowered head, his chuckle sounding a little sinister.

'What a joke...'

Baron probably thought he fancy the princess and was saddened by her departure in his absence. In truth, it was actually the opposite. He resented Scarlet for using him before leaving him like a disposable sword. Maybe if it were back then, he would admit she's a pleasant companion to have... If only she did not turn out as a traitor.

Whatever her reasons are, it wouldn't change the fact she left him.

Baron walked towards the door, prompting him as he went.

"Come now, lad. I'll give you the most decent carriage to chase after your fancy."

But once again, Zyro rejected his generous offer. Because he had no need to go after Scarlet even if he knew where she was headed.

"No thanks... Instead, can you give me something flammable? And a lot of it." Said Zyro, his voice was cold, devoid of emotions.

'I'll show you that I can escape this hellhole alone. Even without you... Scarlet.'

It's funny, days ago. Pert's death taught the price of arrogance, making him learn how arrogant he had become after obtaining inhumane power capable of razing many. He mistook his haughtiness as confidence, which made him pay with life that Pert saved in exchange for his. From that moment on, Zyro tried to learn to rely on others more than dealing with everything by himself. He thought he would be fighting side by side with Scarlet until he learned companionship in battle.

However, Scarlet betrayal gave an opposite lesson. It made him wonder if it's better to be alone or not?

A lone soldier can't be betrayed for he trusts no one. But a group strength is greater than one. Sometimes, life is really complicated. There comes times when right is wrong and wrong is right.

Then again, when did life become constant? It's ever-changing, so there's no right or wrong.

Hence, Zyro decided what was right for him.

He chose to be alone, to take the challenges by himself despite the odds. Why? Because he realized if Pert didn't sacrifice his life for him. Zyro would gladly die knowing he did his best to survive until that moment and escape his accursed life. More importantly, the young Aster would continue living in his instead.

Lost, broken and abandoned. Zyro declared to himself with raging conviction.

'I... don't need anyone.'