Peter knew it was her the moment he saw her. The red-haired girl moving in next door had to be Mary Jane Watson. His heart skipped a beat as he thought about their future together. He quickly made up his mind to meet her and welcome her to the neighborhood.

"Uncle Ben, Aunt May," Peter said, trying to sound casual, "I think we should welcome the new neighbors."

Ben smiled, understanding Peter's enthusiasm. "That's a great idea, Peter. Let's go."

They walked over to the Watsons' house, and Peter could feel his excitement growing with each step. Mary Jane's mother answered the door, a warm smile on her face.

"Hello, Mrs. Watson. We're the Parkers from next door," Ben said, extending his hand. "This is my wife, May, and our nephew, Peter."

"Nice to meet you all," Mrs. Watson replied, shaking hands with each of them. "Come in, please."

As they stepped inside, Mrs. Watson called out, "Mary Jane, come meet our new neighbors!"

Peter's heart pounded as Mary Jane appeared, her red hair catching the light. She smiled shyly at the Parkers.

"This is my daughter, Mary Jane," Mrs. Watson said. "MJ, these are our new neighbors: Mr. and Mrs. Parker and their nephew, Peter."

Peter tried to look confident as he introduced himself. "Hi, MJ. I'm Peter Parker. It's great to meet you."

Before he could say anything else, Aunt May pulled his ear gently. "Peter, behave yourself," she admonished with a smile.

Peter laughed, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Sorry, Aunt May."

They exchanged pleasantries and welcomed the Watsons to the neighborhood. As they left, Peter felt a surge of happiness. He had met Mary Jane, his future wife. He couldn't stop thinking about her as they walked back home.

That night, Peter lay in bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the future. He had already started building his AI and had blueprints for new web-shooters. He was also thinking about what tech to add to his future Spider-Man suit. But he needed funds to make his dreams a reality.

Peter had become an anonymous hacker, testing company cybersecurity and earning money. He already had over $15 million saved up in a secret bank account, buying parts under the pretext of building projects.

"I need to keep improving," he thought, "and I have to protect MJ and Gwen. This time, I'll be ready."

The next morning, Peter woke up early and started his daily exercise routine. He did 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull-ups, and ran 10 kilometers. As he neared the end of his push-ups, he counted aloud, "97, 98, 99, 100."

Uncle Ben walked in, impressed. "Peter, you're really dedicated. Why don't you show Aunt May and me some of your exercises?"

Peter smiled. "Sure, Uncle Ben. It's all about staying fit and being prepared."

Over breakfast, they talked about Mary Jane. Aunt May mentioned, "Peter, you should try to be friends with her. It would be nice for you to have more friends."

Peter smirked. "If you insist so much, Aunt May, I'll make her my second girlfriend."

Aunt May pulled his ear again, while Uncle Ben winked at Peter behind her back. Peter laughed, enjoying the playful interaction.

After school, Peter went over to MJ's house to invite her to play with him and Gwen. Mrs. Watson answered the door again, smiling at Peter.

"Hello, Peter. What brings you here?"

"Hi, Mrs. Watson. I was wondering if MJ could come over and play. Gwen and I are working on some fun projects, and we thought MJ might like to join us."

Mrs. Watson called MJ, who came to the door, looking curious. "Peter wants to know if you'd like to go over to his house and play with him and Gwen."

MJ's eyes lit up. "I'd love to, Mom!"

Mrs. Watson nodded. "Alright, but be sure to behave."

As they walked to Peter's house, MJ asked, "So, what kind of projects are you working on?"

Peter smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia. "We're working on a lot of things. You'll see."

They entered the Parker's basement, where Gwen was already waiting. Peter introduced them. "Gwen, this is Mary Jane. MJ, this is Gwen."

Gwen smiled warmly. "Nice to meet you, MJ."

Peter felt a wave of memories wash over him. He had seen this scene play out in his previous life, but now he had a chance to do things differently.

Peter's POV:

As Gwen and MJ chatted, I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. This time, I'll protect them both. I won't let anything happen to them.

Peter showed MJ around the basement, pointing out various machines and gadgets. "This is where I do most of my work. I built that PC when I was five."

MJ's jaw dropped. "You built a computer at five? That's incredible!"

Peter shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "Yeah, I guess I'm pretty smart."

Gwen chuckled. "He's being modest. Peter's a genius."

MJ looked impressed. "What are you working on now?"

Peter led them to the half-built remote-controlled car. "This is our latest project. We're adding sensors and a microcontroller to make it fully autonomous."

MJ's eyes sparkled with interest. "Can I help?"

Peter nodded. "Of course. The more, the merrier."

As they worked together, Peter felt a deep sense of satisfaction. He had found his first love, his best friend, and now a new ally in MJ. With their combined talents, they could achieve anything.