It's been a few years, and I'm now 13. Everything has been great so far. I've completed my AI, which I named Synthia/Holiday. Synthia can do a lot of things now. It has already surpassed Tony Stark's JARVIS and Ultron in both capabilities and future possibilities. I've hacked into almost all secret agencies around the world, creating backdoor programs in them that are untraceable. I even managed to get into Charles Xavier's tech, which was incredibly difficult, but with Synthia's help, I did it.

This gave me access to all kinds of information about mutants. Using this knowledge, I built my own Super Soldier Serum (SSR), similar to Captain America's but with significant modifications. First, I included the healing factor of Logan and Deadpool, as well as the Lizard. An alternate me had tested it and turned himself into a lizard, but I was able to fix it. Second, I enhanced the senses, especially for things like Mysterium, which was the only thing that bypassed my senses.

It took two years to perfect, even with my advanced AI. Two years ago, I built a new secret base using magic, similar to Doctor Strange's Mirror Dimension—my very own pocket dimension. I built my entire lab there, along with a transmitter to receive and send signals. Otherwise, Synthia would be useless without a connection to the real world. I can access it anywhere, at any time, with magic.

I found out that Klaue was going to be in New York for a new deal so i need my powers to get Vibranium from him, and tonight, I'm going to inject the new SSR in my pocket dimension.

Third Person POV

Peter's physique had changed significantly over the years. At 13 years old, he stood 5'7" with an eight-pack, which he hid under baggy clothes. The only ones who knew about his extreme training and exercise were Uncle Ben, Gwen, MJ, and Harry. They had all grown up as well, with Gwen and MJ becoming more and more beautiful. Peter always flirted with them, and his friendship with Harry had grown stronger.

This morning, Peter was going to use the SSR on himself, so he didn't strain his body by exercising. Uncle Ben came to invite him for breakfast and saw Peter not exercising. Concerned, Ben asked jokingly, "What's up, Peter? Handling two girls getting too difficult?"

Peter laughed. "Yeah, Uncle Ben, I need a break."

Ben chuckled, but he was still worried. "You're a little under the weather? Taking it easy today?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah, I already took some medicine. I'll be fine in a few days."

Aunt May heard them talking and rushed to Peter, placing her hand on his forehead. "Peter, you're burning up! We need to take you to the hospital."

Peter gently pushed her hand away. "I'm fine, Aunt May. I just need a few days of rest."

May tried to insist, but Ben intervened. "Let's wait until tomorrow. If it gets worse, we'll take him."

May took care of Peter all day, sending messages to the school and informing Gwen, MJ, and Harry. They all visited to check up on him.

Gwen's POV

I arrived at Peter's house, worry etched on my face. Peter never missed a day of school unless it was something serious. As I entered, I saw Aunt May bustling around the kitchen, making soup.

"Hey, Aunt May," I said softly, not wanting to startle her.

She turned around, a warm but tired smile on her face. "Oh, Gwen, it's so nice of you to come. Peter's upstairs resting."

"How is he?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

"He's burning up with fever," Aunt May said, shaking her head. "But he insists he's fine. Ben and I are keeping an eye on him."

I nodded, my worry growing. I quickly made my way upstairs, knocking gently on Peter's door before entering.

Peter was lying in bed, looking pale and sweaty. "Hey, Pete," I said softly, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "How are you feeling?"

He gave me a weak smile. "Hey, Gwen. I've been better."

I reached out and touched his forehead, feeling the heat radiating from him. "You're burning up. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," he replied, trying to sound reassuring. "Just need a few days to rest."

I stayed with him, talking softly about school and other trivial things, trying to keep his spirits up. MJ and Harry arrived soon after, and we all crowded around Peter's bed, our worry palpable.


Seeing Peter like this was hard. He was always so strong and full of energy. Seeing him so weak and vulnerable was unsettling. I sat on the other side of his bed, holding his hand. "Peter, you really scared us," I said, my voice trembling slightly.

He squeezed my hand weakly. "I'm sorry, MJ. I didn't mean to worry you."

"We just want you to get better," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

Harry stood by the bed, his hands shoved into his pockets, looking equally concerned. "Yeah, Pete. Take it easy and get some rest. We need you back on your feet."

Peter nodded, his eyes closing. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate you being here."

We stayed with him for a while longer, talking and laughing softly, trying to keep the mood light. But the worry was still there, a heavy weight in the room.

Third Person POV

At night, Peter was exhausted from faking his illness with chemicals. The new SSR had a few limitations, such as working slowly to change his genetic structure due to the new healing and sensing abilities, similar to a mutant's. He had to fake his illness because he wouldn't feel good for about three days.

At night, Peter went to his lab. He stepped into a tube, exposed himself to radiation, and injected the SSR. Within minutes, he screamed in pain as the process took five agonizing hours. Barely able to walk, he staggered out of the dimension and collapsed into his bed.

Next Morning - Gwen's POV

I woke up early, my mind still occupied with thoughts of Peter. I quickly got ready and headed to his house, hoping he was feeling better. Aunt May greeted me at the door, her face etched with concern.

"He's still resting," she said quietly. "But you can go up and see him."

I nodded and made my way upstairs. As I entered his room, I saw Peter lying in bed, looking even worse than the day before. My heart sank.

"Peter," I whispered, sitting down beside him. "How are you feeling today?"

He opened his eyes slowly, giving me a weak smile. "Hey, Gwen. Still not great, but I'll be okay."

I reached out and touched his forehead again, feeling the heat. "You're still burning up. We need to get you to a doctor."

"No doctors," he mumbled, shaking his head. "I'll be fine. Just need more rest."

I sighed, feeling helpless. "Okay, but if you don't get better soon, we're taking you, whether you like it or not."

He chuckled weakly. "Deal."

I stayed with him all morning, talking softly and trying to keep his spirits up. MJ and Harry arrived later, and we all spent the day with Peter, refusing to leave his side.


It was hard to see Peter like this, but we had to stay strong for him. We talked and laughed, trying to keep the mood light, but the worry never left us. As the day turned into evening, Peter seemed to be getting worse, and my concern grew.

"Peter, you really should see a doctor," I said again, hoping he would change his mind.

"No doctors," he repeated firmly. "I'll be fine."

I sighed, exchanging worried glances with Gwen and Harry. We stayed with him until late into the night, making sure he was comfortable and trying to keep his spirits up. But as the hours passed, our worry only grew.

Harry's POV

Seeing Peter like this was tough. He was always the one who kept us all together, the strong one. Now, it was our turn to be strong for him. I stayed by his side, cracking jokes and trying to make him laugh, but it was clear he was struggling.

"Come on, Pete," I said softly. "You gotta get better. We need you."

He nodded weakly, giving me a small smile. "I'll be fine, Harry. Just give me some time."

We stayed with him until late into the night, refusing to leave him alone. As the hours passed, I could see the worry in Gwen and MJ's eyes, and I knew they were feeling the same way I was.

Peter's POV

The night was agonizing. The pain from the SSR was intense, but I had to endure it. I couldn't let them know what I was doing. As the hours passed, the pain started to subside, and I could feel the changes taking place in my body. By morning, I was exhausted, but I knew the worst was over.

When I woke up, Gwen, MJ, and Harry were all there, looking exhausted but relieved to see me awake. "Hey, guys," I said weakly, giving them a small smile.

"Peter!" Gwen exclaimed, rushing to my side. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I replied, feeling the truth in my words. "A lot better."

They all sighed in relief, and I knew I had to keep up the act a little longer. But deep down, I knew the SSR had worked. I could feel the changes in my body, the enhanced strength, the heightened senses. It had all been worth it.

As they stayed with me, talking and laughing, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for my friends. They had been there for me when I needed them the most, and I would always be there for them. No matter what.