Unpredicted Union

In the room,

When groom mother enter the room they are so afraid to explain situation but they explained everything to her.They are all afraid to their respect in the society.Now

they all don't know what to do?

The groom is waiting on the stage but bride didn't come so he went to the bride room to see what is going on there.When

he saw that bride is missing he was shocked and want to stop the wedding but his mother didn't agree.

His mother and parents of the Raashi

(bride) both are mutually decided to marry the radika to rudra.But rudra didn't

accepted their proposal he argued on that.His mother remembering his promise that he made.He promised that he will get married at any cost.He stoped arguing and accepted her mother decision.Now

they waiting for the decision of radika.

She is not ready for the marriage.She tried to refuse it.But her parents are begging her to do it even the groom mother is trying to convince her.Rudra

told her that don't accept this,you have bright future don't spoil it.His mother told

him to shut up.Everyone are arguing.

She shouted that "I will do".Rudra said

'Are you sure' radika.She replied him'yes,

I'm sure'.I'm doing this for my parents happiness.

Her parents and his mother are so happy

to her decision.Her mother and mother in law helped her to get ready.Rudra is on stage and then radika came upon the stage.Everyone praised their pair.They both looks good with each other.The wedding is completed.Now it is time to leave her parents and her house and go to the another house.She is not prepared for this she cried alot.Rudra driver brought the car it's time her to leave they all sit in the car and ready to go.Radika sadly sit in the car her eyes are full of tears.Rudra wants to comfort her but don't know how?She was helplessly seeing the sky from the car.

They reached home....

What will happen next....

Stay tuned...