A Plan and A Prisoner

After spending the better part of an hour assessing South's attack from every angle neither Gabriel nor Afton could make sense of it. The attack wasn't rational, and this worried Gabriel immeasurably. South had to know that North's army could deflect anything that was brought against it here where they were strongest.

The brothers led by Shelton were at this moment fortifying the magical shield that protected the wall. There was no way South's army was coming through, especially with North here. What was the play and what did his brother stand to gain by sticking his head out like this other than getting it chopped off?

A sudden thought gave Gabriel a thrill of fear. What if the play wasn't about breaching the wall in Tetra? What if it was about getting to Megan back in the human world like the hotel attack had been? This seemed like a possibility and Gabriel brought it up with Afton.