
The supply situation was being sorted out as I met with my Colonels to begin the planning phase of Operation: Maynard, so named because we were fighting pirates. The ancient Terran Naval Officer who defeated the famous Pirate Blackbeard was named Lieutenant Robert Maynard. I felt the name had symmetry, even though it was likely that some of my colonels wouldn't get it, the state of Periphery Education being what it was. Regardless, I entered the prefab command bunker we'd set up and found Colonels Frankowski and Lindqvist there along with Colonels Kelly and El-Fadil. Colonels Kadlec and Oivio staying back to guard our link to the stars via the Grenid and Urt Spaceports. At the same time, two New Colonels in Ryan's Rebels Uniforms with bandanas tied about their right arms bearing the Poniatowski Coat-of-Arms were also present.

Colonel Juliusz Sapowski was a stern-looking, one-eyed, Man. His neatly combed hair and perfectly trimmed mustache were offset by the large eyepatch over his right eye. Somehow, he still managed to pilot his mech, a Rifleman, with a surprising degree of capability, even with only one eye. The other, Colonel Arto Inha, was a more jocular man with his formerly muscular build beginning to turn to fat, as he'd started going to seed behind a desk at Mater. Colonel Inha was smoking a cigarette as I entered and seemed to be quite fond of cigarettes, as the stubs of three others sat in an ashtray next to him. At the same time, Colonel Sapowski had a half-empty bottle of brandy in front of him and a cup. I was certain that he'd started with a bottle that was at least mostly full. I wasn't in any place to judge, however, not with my own drinking habits being what they were.

"Gentlemen. Is Wing Commander Raczak not joining us?" I questioned.

"He's accepting the surrender of the Yonker Oasis Airbase. Our Aerospace forces just inflicted a rather stunning defeat on the Aerospace Fighters stationed there. I believe our Commodores insisted on attacking the Yonker Oasis Airbase to further trim back Ryan's capabilities in advance of an invasion." Answered Colonel Sapowski.

"Oh? How many fighters did we destroy and how many did we lose?" I queried.

"Reports from Commodore Clarke have put the total destroyed number of enemy fighters at one-hundred-two enemy fighters destroyed and sixty enemy fighters captured for a loss of only eight of our own." Informed Colonel Frankowski.

"That's trading damn near twenty-to-one in places." Blinked Colonel Kelly.

"Indeed. No hidden missile launchers and canyon ambush this time." Grinned Colonel El-Fadil.

"Ok, so how many of those we captured are locals?" I asked.

"About half. That's enough for four-and-a-half squadrons of replacements." Answered Colonel Lindqvist.

"Not that we need the replacements. Most of our pilots were able to bail out when being shot down. Those that weren't are in the minority." Added Colonel Frankowski.

"Of course, you know this means that the only ASF Forces left are the Wing at the Raider's Roost and the Wing at Singlestown. One-hundred-eight fighters against our one-hundred-seventy-nine." Grinned Colonel Inha.

"How soon did Colonel Kadlec say that we could put damaged Vulcans back into the air?" I questioned.

"Give the techs a week and he can have every damaged Vulcan back in the air. We brought enough spare parts for that and the automated repair bays in the Star Lords can work faster with the techs than by themselves." Responded Colonel Kelly.

"Our damaged combat vehicles and mechs will be repaired in half that time, or so we've been told. Automated repair bays on Star Lord-class Jumpships are something of a limited resource." Offered Colonel El-Fadil.

"Right. So just to be safe, we should schedule D-Day for Operation: Maynard for a week and a half from today. How do we keep Redjack Ryan on the backfoot until then?" I demanded.

"Colonel Inha and I had a thought on that, actually." Spoke up Colonel Sapowski, unrolling a paper map of the Groaning Peaks region. A number of industrial areas were labeled, such as the Ballyluna Corsair Plant and the Iron and Chrome Mines near Vrcholové Město.

"This is the Groaning Peaks Industrial Region. It's an important mining and manufacturing area, although there aren't any settlements larger than a moderate-sized town there, the region contributes an outsized portion of Planetary GDP. However, because of the sparse population, it isn't as well defended as it should be. Redjack Ryan's thinking boiling down to being able to counterattack from the Raider's Roost with Air Support from the Yonker Oasis. Any force that took the area would be swiftly pushed out by local regiments with local air support." Explained Colonel Inha.

"Only now, the Yonker Oasis Airbase is ours, not his." Pointed out Colonel Frankowski.

"Which means we can hit any counterattack from the air and there wouldn't be much they could do about it." Nodded Colonel Lindqvist.

"They still have one Wing at the Raider's Roost they can fall back on for air support, though." Pointed out Colonel Kelly.

"True, but we have over three times that number even without waiting for repairs." Retorted Colonel El-Fadil.

"What about the forces at Singleton? Won't they move to attack any force that takes the mountains?" I queried.

"That's the best part. The Regiment at Singleton is commanded by Agnar Haggerty. He's ambitious and an opportunist. If Ryan loses again, even just temporarily, Agnar might just take his regiment against Ryan's to try and claim the crown." Smirked Colonel Sapowski.

"That's insane! Infighting when they need unity?" Blurted out Colonel Kelly.

"That's Pirates. They only tend to work together smoothly when everything is going well. When things break down, though? Well, then maybe it's time someone else took charge." Chuckled Colonel Inha.

"Indeed, discipline is often a problem amongst Pirate Bands. It would seem that even Pirates pretending to be otherwise have this problem." Nodded Colonel El-Fadil.

"What do you think?" I asked, turning to Colonel Frankowski.

"It's a good plan if Agnar Haggerty does what Colonels Sapowski and Inha say he will. Who knows? They might even take each other out, leaving the way to Raider's Roost and Butte City wide open?" Offered Colonel Frankowski.

"If this Agnar Haggerty revolts. My Lord, it's a large gamble to place on predicting the psychology of a Pirate." Mused Colonel Lindqvist.

"I think it's worth it, but I'd like to put it to a vote if only to gauge the mood of my officers. All those in favor?" I questioned. Colonels Sapowski, Frankowski, Inha, and El-Fadil raised their hands.

"All opposed?" I pressed. Colonels Lindqvist and Kelly raised their hands.

"Since the ayes have double the votes of the nays, I'd say the majority of my officers agree with me that it's worth the risk. Colonel Sapowski, Colonel Inha, we will be using this plan as phase one of Operation: Maynard. However, I didn't get this far without listening to my Colonels' reservations. Colonel Lindqvist, I want you to draft up a contingency plan by this time tomorrow to put into play in the event that Agnar Haggerty proves to be less ambitious than we were hoping for." I intoned.

"Of course, my Lord. I shall see it done." Agreed Colonel Lindqvist.

"All right, you all know what the plan is for phase one. Phase two will be the attack on the Raider's Roost. Does anyone have any insight on how that might be accomplished?" I queried.

"Raider's Roost is formidable. The fortress sits on a plateau overlooking Butte City. It is difficult to assault and difficult to shell from below. It has its own airfield and plenty of anti-air emplacements to make bombing it hazardous, and is well prepared for a siege with multiple cisterns for water and up to a year's worth of rations." Informed Colonel Inha.

"It sounds like we'd need a commando-style raid to go in and take out these anti-air defenses." Frowned Colonel Frankowski.

"Unless you have Jump Infantry, your commandos are likely to die going up the plateau before even reaching the Raider's Roost." Refuted Colonel Sapowski.

"As it happens, we do have jump infantry. Entire companies of it." Replied Colonel Lindqvist.

"If that's so, a nighttime assault would be best." Advised Colonel Inha.

"Drunk Pirates?" Asked Colonel Kelly.

"Indeed." Nodded Colonel Sapowski.

"So we send in the Jump Infantry for a night raid, they take out the anti-air defenses, then our ASF Forces bomb whatever's left before we move in to seize the base properly?" I offered.

"Indeed, my Lord. It seems that way." Concurred Colonel El-Fadil.

"Which leaves Butte City and Singlestown." Nodded Colonel Frankowski.

"Butte City will likely surrender once the Raider's Roost is taken. The average citizen there struggles under Redjack Ryan's production quotas and the glorified protection racket he calls taxes. It's why he built the Raider's Roost, to begin with, to ensure that his Capital was under loyal guns in the event of a rebellion." Informed Colonel Sapowski.

"If that's so, then that just leaves Singlestown. What can we expect there?" Questioned Colonel Lindqvist.

"That depends on what happens with Agnar Haggerty. If he attacks Redjack Ryan, he'll likely have his forces depleted in the struggle, regardless of whether or not he defeats Ryan. Depending on how badly depleted his forces are, taking Singlestown could be either an afterthought or a full-fledged battle. Ultimately, we won't know until after Phase One." Shrugged Colonel Inha.

"Right, then I suppose we'll just have to wait and see." I sighed.

"How soon do you want to go on Phase One, my Lord?" Questioned Colonel Kelly.

"Phase one likely will have more for Aerospace Fighters to do than combat vehicles. It is difficult terrain, even for a hovercraft." Mused Colonel El-Fadil.

"We also can't wait a week for all repairs to be done. We need to maintain momentum." Advised Colonel Frankowski.

"Right. I'm giving D-Day for Phase One of Operation: Maynard in four days. Everyone make your preparations for it. Colonel Lindqvist, get on that contingency plan. This meeting is adjourned." I ordered.

Just as everyone stood up to carry out their orders, however, a breathless Communications Officer, some fresh-faced Lieutenant whose uniform labeled him as Lieutenant Pilecki of the Fourth Baronial Guards Regiment, burst into the prefab bunker. The guards, to their credit, were halfway toward killing the intruder before they realized it was one of ours and shouldered their rifles. Lieutenant Pilecki took several deep breaths, before straightening up and saluting.

"Sirs, we just received a transmission from the fleet! Commodore Singh has engaged the Jarnfolk at Sigurd with the Fleet Reserve. He won a major victory! Sigurd is now a member of the Barony!" Reported Lieutenant Pilecki.

"Outstanding News! Thank you for informing us, Lieutenant." I nodded, smiling at the young Lieutenant.

"Thank you, Milord." Blinked Lieutenant Pilecki, before tossing off a salute and heading back to his duties in the communications tent.

"That makes Eleven Worlds. Twelve once Butte Hold falls." Pointed out Colonel Frankowski.

"It does." I agreed.

"Many of those worlds will need Governors. You'll need to ennoble people to do the job." Pointed out Colonel Lindqvist.

"Angling for a title, Olav?" I teased.

"One wouldn't be amiss if you're offering, My Lord. The Wife would be ecstatic." Shrugged Colonel Lindqvist.

"All in good time. For now, let's focus on the task in front of us, eh?" I chuckled.

With that, the meeting broke up and everyone left for their duties. True to his word, Colonel Lindqvist had a contingency on my desk before ten in the morning the next day. It was a good one, involving the requisition of some of the Sniper Artillery Gun Trucks the technicians had repaired for study purposes, along with keeping Colonel Kelly and her Regiment as a flying reserve that could skirmish with Redjack Ryan in the event Agnar Haggerty didn't attack him. I approved it and turned back to the day-to-day minutiae of commanding an army. By D-Day, we had one-hundred-twenty-seven Vulcans flying, up from ninety-five thanks to repairs. Two Air Wings of Which we had forward based at the captured Yonker Oasis. We had our plan set, our supplies laid in, and what repairs were possible to make were finished.

Now it was time for Phase One of Operation: Maynard to begin. . .


AN: All right, the planning is done and now we're ready for the first phase of Operation: Maynard. As shown, there are three major phases, after which, there should only be mopping up left before Butte Hold can be officially declared secured. Phase One is banking on Agnar Haggerty's ambition to work, though the contingency plan should help if Haggerty doesn't bite. Of course, what nobody realizes just yet is that Agnar Haggerty is actually spying on Redjack Ryan for Hendrik Grimm. The SI Dreams haven't shown Jozef that just yet.

Expect an analysis of at least part of the Butte Hold Campaign to reach the King of the Oberon Confederation, which will likely make him pull out those Rim Worlds Republic Army Mechs he had mothballed in the event of War with Jozef. In canon, Hendrik Grimm didn't pull them out until the Clans Came, now he has a potential rival with comparable equipment, so he's gonna start working up the mothballed suits via exercises to prepare for a potential war with Jozef. The Oberon Confederation is going to be a harder nut to crack accordingly, perhaps too hard for the time being.

At any rate, the next chapter will be Phase One of Operation: Maynard.

Stay tuned. . .