Tommy waited for his mom to come down so they could leave for the state park. When he saw her this morning, there was nothing to indicate that she knew what he had done the previous night, she smiled sweetly at him and they talked about all the normal things, he figured he had gotten away with that one but he knew that he would have to be careful. Sue tried to be philosophic about what had happened, he was a young with lots of growing pains, it was only natural for him to see his mother as a sexual being, it would be strange for it to be any other way, she just have to be more careful. When Sue came down wearing a tank top and a tight short skirt, Tommy was astounded again, he could almost see her indentation of her sex lips in the crotch, she couldn't have panties on, he thought, trying not to stare, Tommy was also amazed when he saw that she was not wearing a bra. Sue large breast stood out proudly, she could feel them swaying freely under her top and her hard nipples poking through the material as she walked toward her son. "Do I look okay this time? Sue said noticing Tommy's appreciative look " you look great mom" Tommy said I'll have to fight all the guys off of you.

Sue smiled sweetly at her son and took his arm, squeezing it to the side of her breast as they walked out of the door. The park was a large facility with numerous picnic tables, thick woods and a large lake with rowboats. Sue and Bob used to come here often when Tommy was still a child, to let him play on the swings and swim in the lake. When they arrived, the park was buzzing with activity, there were 60 or 70 people at the picnic, representing the team, family and friends. Tommy jumped out and opened the door for his mom. They walked proudly towards the group picnic area.

It was quickly obvious that everyone noticed Sue. The boys and their father's drooled and the women looked jealous. Some of the men tried to come on Sue but she put them all off saying she has a date, her son. Tommy strutted around like a peacock, never letting his mom get too far from his sight.

After everyone had eaten, played some volleyball, and did some rowing on the lake, the crowd started to thin. Tommy and Sue took their blanket and went up the hill and found a place under a large oak tree, a good distance from the crowd. Sue had a little too much to drink and swayed as she helped Tommy place the blanket on the ground. She seemed to be drinking a lot lately.

The two of them sat watching the people below, enjoying the cool, early summer breeze. Tommy put his arm around his mom, pulling her willing body to him. " I love you mom," he whispered.

"I love you too Tommy," Sue said, turning to her son.

Tommy saw a tear in her eye. "what's wrong mom?" Tommy said with concern.

" Nothing sweetie, it's just this is so perfect. Your dad and I used to bring you here all the time. We even sat under this tree. I feel the best that I've felt since your father died. Thank you for being here for me, Sue said leaning in close and putting her head on his shoulder. " always will be here for you mom. As Tommy's arm was squeezing his mother to him, he realized that his hand was touching her breast again. This time it was the Side of her breast, where it swelled out from the tank top, Tommy moved his hand slowly, touching her soft breast outside the material of her top. He held his breath as he waited for her to stop him. Sue felt what Tommy was doing, she didn't want to start a fight so she let him gently rub her breast. However, that familiar feeling started in her lower region again. Goose bumps appeared on her arms and she leaned heavily into her son's Strong chest. Tommy worked his fingers across the soft material slowly. He kept it up for a long time, waiting for her to grab his hand like she had done at the movie. When she made no move to stop him, he boldly opened his hand and slid it under her breast then slowly lifted up. His head began to spin when he held one full cloth covered breast in the palm of his hand, His penis throbbed in his pants, he felt the point of her now hard nipple as it almost burned his palm. Sue's alcohol fogged brain began to scream warnings, yet the pulsing in her groin blocked it out.

Tommy thought he held her moan but no she was breathing heavy and regular. He looked at her face and saw that her eyes were closed the weight of her body against him made Tommy think that she might be asleep. Tommy moved his hand down and under the tank top to the warm skin of her stomach slowly he move his hand upward, inch by inch he felt am electric shock when the side of his hand touched bare skin, He thought he was going to cum in his pant. He took a deep breath and turned his hand over, palm up. Now he held the full bare breast of his own mother in his hand, he waited for what seemed like an eternity for his mother to react. When she didn't move, he began to squeeze it. He played with the heavy breast gently, feeling the fullness and the warmth of her flesh, fearing all the time that he would wake her. Sue's mind was reeling, the blood was pounding in her head, she couldn't think straight she knew she should stop this but her libido and the wine was in control, she could feel her skirt getting wet and feared that it might show through. Tommy grew bolder, he cupped and kneaded one breast before sliding across to do same to the other, he move slightly and let us mother slide sideways and into his arms, her back press to is now pulsing penis, he sighed with relief when he saw that her eyes were still closed, then he shifted his view and watched his hand move freely under her top. Sue laid as quietly as she could, letting her son explore her breasts, she could feel his erection pressing to her back and throbbing, it felt huge, her hips wanted to move as she fought to control her breathing.

Tommy squeezed and lifted the breasts and then moved on to play with the hard nipple. It suddenly occurred to him that he had sucked this same nipple as a baby. Suddenly, he had to see them, slowly his hand lifted the top until a large orb was bare, his eyes were wide as he stared at the smooth white skin and the long pink nipple, he squeezed the flesh gently, he was fascinated as he watched his hand knead her soft flesh.

Sue finally had to stop this, she stirred and felt Tommy quickly pull his hand from her breast, letting her top cover her again. Then she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I must have fallen asleep , l'm sorry, l seem to be doing that when I drink, How long was I out? "uh… oh not long" "let's take a walk," Sue said standing up. Suddenly she felt lightheaded and almost fell.

Tommy quickly stood beside her and steadied her.

They walked hand in hand down a path that led towards the lake. It was impossible for Tommy to hide the bulge in his pants, he couldn't Believe what he had just done. He shook his head, thinking that it might all have been a dream. Sue's eyes kept glancing down at her son's crotch. She almost felt sorry for him as she saw his confined penis pulse with need. Soon the two reached a small clearing near the lake.

" let's sir down here Mom." " oh, I don't want to get my skirt grass stained."

" Here," Tommy said stripping off his shirt and putting it on the ground, he now stood beside her in his shorts and sandals, his strong chest bare.

"Wow, you've been working out," Sue said admiring her son's muscular chest. She squeezed her leg together and felt her swollen lips pulse with excitement. " it's coach lewis, he wanted all his players to be in top shape. " You look great," Sue said sitting on the shirt Tommy had laid down. She felt the tight seam of her panties pull into her sex lips and she closed her eyes in pleasure. "thanks," Tommy said sitting next to his Mom and putting his arm around her. they sat there in silence looking out over the glistening lake. They could see specks in the distance on the lake that had to be people rowing small boats. Coming from far away they could hear the faint sounds of children laughing and playing. At that moment, everything was perfect. "Mom," Tommy said breaking the silence, "do… do… you think I could kiss you again?" Sue sucked in her breath, she couldn't answer right away, somehow, she knew that this question would come up again. She had practiced how to tell him no gently, she didn't want to hurt him. However, all of the practice went out the window when she was faced with the question. Sue could still feel his hand on her breast and her swollen lips were still dripping in her skirt. Instead of a firm no, she said, " I suppose so, but just one." Tommy heart leaped in his chest. Nervously, he turned to his mother and brought his lips to hers. As their lips pressed together, he pulled her into his bare chest. When she opened her mouth, he didn't wait for her tongue; he pushed his into her warm and wet mouth, he could taste the wine she had drunk, when his tongue pulled out his mother followed, pressing into his mouth. He sucked in her talked and heard her moan, the kiss went on and on turning into second kiss and then a third Tommy took a chance brought his hand up and slide it under his mother top touching her breast again, Sue wasn't pretending to be asleep this time but still she couldn't stop him. He moaned as he felt her breast her in his palm his fingers were shaking as he played with the nipple causing his mother to push her breast into his hand and let a little moan escape her lips. Their lips were almost swollen from the continued passionate kissing. Finally, Sue pushed him away her breath coming in short gasp, Tommy, " we can't, we … we … have to stop, her voice didn't seem that convincing to Tommy, he pushed her back into the ground ignoring her weak protests and again brought his mouth to her's.

His hand now worked her top up until both breast were exposed to the cool late afternoon sir causing nipples to hardened even more Tommy broke the kiss and pulled back looking down at his mother's beautiful breast they're beautiful Tommy said leaning over as if to kiss one. " No Tommy stop", Sue said pushing Tommy away. Tommy fell unto his back his chest heaving looking up at the sky I'm… I'm.. an idiot Mom, I always spoil everything am sorry Sue sat up pulling her top back down sue looked at her son. She was so worked up that she was losing control, it's my fault not Tommy's she thought, I'm … I'm … the adult and I led him on. Then a sigh escaped her lips as she looked at her son's strong chest then down to tent in his shorts, you're not an idiot Tommy, you're a wonderful son and I love you very much Sue whispered, then stretched out next to him a put her head on his chest, the side of her face lay on the hot skin of his chest. She could feel his heart pounding, slowly as if she couldn't control it her hand began to slide down her son's stomach she marveled at his hard abdominal muscles and watched them ripple from her ticklish touch, when she reached his belt she paused and then as if she had made a decision she began to unbuckle his pant. Tommy lay frozen excited beyond his wildest dreams "Mom" he whispered "shhhhh!" Sue said as she unsnapped his shorts and pulled his zipper down, she hesitated only a moment before she reached her trembling into his boxer shorts and grasp his hard penis, Tommy moaned. Sue's hand pulled his hard shaft from his shorts and out into the bright sunlight, oh!! She said as she looked at her son's tool. The head was swollen and dripping juice. The skin of his shaft felt warm, almost hot in her hand. Sue's world was spinning around her as she began to move her hand up and down her son's penis. Tommy was shaking as he felt his mother take her finger and run it through the stream of clear juice coming from the dripping tip. Then she used it to coat the head until it was shining in the sunlight. She ran her fingers gently up and down his long shaft; bringing another long moan from him and another large bubble of juice. Her fingers dipped into the clear fluid and slowly, with her hand trembling she brought it to her lips. Now there was a long strand of clear pre-cum juice connecting sue's lips to her son's penis her head began to slowly slide down his chest. She is not going to… Tommy thought as he felt his mother's head move, Sue knew how wrong this was, how crazy, but yet she couldn't stop she coated the palm of her hand with his clear juice then rapped it round the hot shaft. She inched further down his chest and watched as if it were someone else's hand it wasn't real she told her self, she couldn't be holding her son's hard penis in her hand. Suddenly Tommy gasped and his hips pushed up Sue was startled when a stream of white juice shot from the head of his shaft hitting her on the cheek and neck with great force, she squealed as it splattered across her cheek and down to her neck Sue quickly recovered and squeezed her son's penis, milk jet after jet of sperm unto his chest and stomach in front of her wild eyes it splattered inches from her mouth, she could smell it, sue squeezed her legs together as she felt a spasm run through her, her hips moved in sync with tommy ejaculation as her own climax took over her. Moment later all was silent except for the bird chipping in the forest and the labored breathing of a mother and her son, then Sue lifted her head and fell back into the ground, her chest still heaving up and down, she closed her a took a deep breath. If he hadn't cum when he did, what was I going to do? She asked herself.

I think it's time we head back, Sue said as she sat up, she looked down at his sperm covered stomach and shivered, she could feel the hot juice cooling on her face and beginning to run.

"Mom" , I uh, uh, I'm sorry, "Tommy said, feeling like a fool for not controlling himself and squirting cum in her face, he looked shameful at his mother's wet check and the clear steam of cum streaking her neck. "Here take your shirt", Sue said, "it's getting dark".

Tommy started to put his shirt on but hesitated, looking at glistening juice on his mother's check and neck. "Do you want to use this"? He said hold his shirt out to his mother.

"No, I'm ok, let's not soil your shirt", Sue said. She felt the juice trickle down her neck and to the top of her breast, it was very odd but she wanted to feel his juice on her face, she just wasn't ready to wipe it off. Bob use to love to squirt his juice into her face and she will leave it there until it's dried. As they turned to head back up the trail, sue's hand brushed her son's without looking down or saying a word, Sue took his hand and squeezed it.

Tommy almost sighed in relief, they walked hand in hand, back to were they had left their blanket, they retrieve the blanket and the rest of their belongings and drove home in silence. Both mother and son had a million thoughts going through their heads.