Chapter Thirteen



I only managed to calm down once I reached my office. I valued routine and familiar places greatly. After countless years of moving to avoid raising suspicions about my nature, I had finally settled in, and I didn't like change or unfamiliar places. It was almost a primitive need, a sort of anchor that kept me stable in a world of constant flux.


Over the years, I had learned to appreciate predictability and familiarity, as if these elements were the pillars supporting my immortal existence. In a universe where everything was subject to change and uncertainty, finding comfort in routine was like returning to a more basic, instinctual way of life.


Now that I had achieved this stability, anything that threatened it made me furious. It was as if the tranquility meticulously built over the years could be undone by a single event, no matter how minor.


I knew I shouldn't have left my office today. Besides being hit by a ravenous craving I hadn't felt in years, I couldn't figure out what triggered it. In truth, I strongly suspected it was caused by the sweet scent I had sensed.


That fragrance was etched in my mind, a scent so seductive it stirred something primal within me. It was as if it awakened a desire for possession, a yearning to keep that scent exclusively for my senses, as if it were a treasure to be guarded and protected at all costs.


And to make matters worse, I had to demean myself by seeking out a blood brothel. I could already imagine Elara, that damned mouth, calling other vampires and spreading the news that I had visited her establishment and enjoyed the services.


The mere thought was enough to ignite the flame of anger within me. And I couldn't blame her for gossiping. I was known for always isolating myself and staying away from the human zones. There were few vampires I kept in touch with, and we usually met in Inframundo.


Most of these contacts were merely professional.


As I crossed the office entrance, my secretary stood up with a polite smile to greet me. Without many words, I handed over the reports that needed updating and gave some instructions about the spreadsheets before heading to my office.


I went to the bathroom, for the second time that day, took a shower, and changed clothes. I also brushed my teeth.


Not only to remove the bitterness left from the recent meal but also to get rid of the persistent scent clinging to me, an unwanted reminder of the fragrance that stirred impulses I preferred to keep dormant.


Unfortunately, the shower wasn't enough to completely dissipate the scent that seemed to have permeated my skin.


I took a deep breath, resigned, as I recognized that dealing with that immediate issue was beyond my control at that moment. I decided not to waste more time on something that was far from being resolved and redirected my focus to work tasks.


Returning to routine was my best way of dealing with the situation, allowing time and normalcy to gradually obscure the disturbances of that damned day.


After leaving the bathroom, I went to my desk and sat down.


There was a considerable pile of work waiting for me, from documents to review to reports to finalize. This was a blessing as it kept me occupied and focused on my responsibilities until late into the night.


Immersing myself in work was an excellent distraction. With each document reviewed, I felt a certain relief, as if I were regaining control over my life and mind.


I arrived at my apartment just before dawn, finding the office already empty. As usual, I had released my secretary at the usual time. Despite keeping a considerable distance from humans, I understood the importance of their regular daily rest to ensure their effectiveness at work. That's why all the humans working in my company, including in the stores, had reduced working hours and systematically organized time off.


I didn't do this out of altruism or anything like that. It was a way to keep my employees always well-disposed and loyal to their work. Of course, the high salary helped too.


I was always surprised at how humans sold themselves for a few coins and basic treatment.


As for us vampires, we weren't required to sleep or rest, although we did so sometimes. It was a choice, a way to regain energy in certain situations or simply pass the time.


With the virtually inexhaustible energy of our bodies, we were capable of working for hours on end without needing to take a break. This endurance allowed us to be more productive and successful than most humans.

In this case, the motivational phrase from humans, — work while they sleep,— was more than true.


I sat on my sofa and removed my tie, tossing it onto the coffee table.


I thought about how surprisingly easy it was for us vampires to infiltrate human society and manipulate them to meet our demands. It was as if we were dancing among the shadows, guiding humans with every step without them even realizing. They saw us as figures of power and influence, without realizing that, in reality, they were just pawns in our game.


Due to living many years beyond humans and our freedom from needing to rest or feel the effects of aging on our bodies and minds, we had a unique advantage. This allowed us to dedicate time and effort to developing useful technologies and resources.


While they struggled with limitations of time and energy, we were able to delve deeply into research and innovation, driving progress in ways humans could barely imagine.


And the irony was that many of these advances wouldn't benefit us directly. We didn't get sick or suffer from diseases like humans. Thus, while we might be seen as saviors or benefactors, it was all for our own benefit.


In addition to ensuring a clear and socially acceptable food source, our innovations also had the potential to extend human life beyond what was considered normal. It was a subtle but effective way to ensure our prey remained available and healthy for longer, thus securing our own food supply.


And this elevated us not only as powerful beings but as gods in the modern world. With the ability to influence not only individual destinies but also the course of society as a whole, we were like divine entities among mortals.


I climbed the stairs to my penthouse and entered my bedroom. With a sigh of relief, I loosened my shoes, removed my suit, and unbuttoned my shirt, carefully placing them on an ornamental piece of furniture.


I lay down on the bed and turned on the huge TV in front of me. At first, I questioned the need for a bed in my home. However, the vampire who helped me with the décor and furniture selection insisted. According to her, it would be a useful addition, and now, looking back, I'm grateful I followed her suggestion.


It was comforting to be able to lie there and watch some TV or simply relax after a long day.


I had only a few hours of free time before returning to the office, and briefly considered staying there. However, after the events of the previous day, I realized I needed some time to unwind. After all, facing work responsibilities required a clear and focused mind, something I couldn't achieve without a break to recharge my energy.