It's me, GentleLord, and with important news for the upcoming weeks and maybe months for the fate of this fanfiction novel.
First, I will be taking a break, the reason being that I need time to read prof every chapter that I've been writing, including the volume two and perchance the first volume. But don't worry, the break won't be long, maybe a week or two after this one.
Second, I hope you liked the new cover, if not i could change it ASAP. Another thing, I will be updating the covers after finishing a volume and change it. For example, this current cover is the volume 1 -MARSHALLED- and when this volume is finished, I will change it to the second volume's cover -NEW HEIGHTS- and ect.
Third, this fanfiction has been uploaded into two other platforms which are: RoyalRoad and Wattpad. it has the same name and published by me: GentleLord. I am only doing this to grow the fanfiction to those who still don't know it exist.
Trust me, I've been getting comments, whether they're good or bad, it still helps me grow as an author and gives me laughs here and there when I notice my mistakes in writing. However, I won't quit this fanfiction just because of some "feedback" comments as I like to put them.
Anyways that is all I wanted to say and I apologize for the long note but I am giving you assurance of my word that I won't quit but rather take time off to ensure the potential of this fanfiction.
Sincerely; GentleLord.