Check the System

{What else can you do?}

[System is capable of displaying stats, unlocking skills, evolving Host, and a myriad of different functions]

{I'm guessing you were given to me by this Shadow Monarch}

[ The Shadow Monarch was unaware of my existence]

This was confusing to Ciar. Where did the system originate from then? The only connection he has in this world, at least that he's aware of, is the Shadow Monarch.

{Now, tell me about these stats you were referring to}

[Host can open their menu to view their stats and apply points that you gain via quests or leveling up.]

{....and how do you access this menu?}

[Telepathically communicate the word menu with System with the intent of viewing it]

{Could you talk like a normal human being...}

[Analyzing speech patterns]


{Status, or menu, whatever it is}

A holographic screen with many different listed features and buttons appeared in front of Ciar's vision. It was so real he felt like it's always been there, right in front of his face.


Race: Shadow Dragon

Title: None

Lvl: 3

Health: 16/20

Mana: 10/40

STAM: 50/60

ATK: 45

DEF: 40

EXP: 20/45

{Level 3? I seem to have gotten a lot of exp from killing those rabbits}

Ciar knew what he was doing. He had a lot of infiltration missions he had to fulfill, getting close to the target was the main objective. He spent a lot of time keeping up with popular, and underground, books, music, shows, and movies. Therefore, while he had never let a spark form since it was just tied to his work, he was quite knowledgeable.

[Race abilities are essentially free abilities, these are your natural abilities as a dragon, and you will receive them at some point in time even if you were to sit and do nothing for a thousand years. However, you can expedite the process by training or performing specific tasks, this is just a general gloss over of race abilities. Unique skills are unique to me, the system. I give them to you, but nothing comes free since I am incapable of making something from nothing. Through different means of payment, you are able to 'purchase' these skills to further your power beyond the realm of normal dragons.]

{I understand, can you show me some of my race abilities?}


Race Abilities;

Fire Manipulation - lvl 1

Night Vision - lvl 1

Shadow Monarch's Aura



Shadow travel


Humanoid Transformation


{I expected most of these to be here, however, what is the shadow monarch's aura.}

[As the offspring and heir to the Shadow Monarch, you have a divine affinity to darkness. With Shadow Monarch's aura, you will be able to afflict your will as a superior lifeform on others to make them submit and cower]

{Just based off of the wording of the system, "your will as a superior lifeform on others" rather than "your will on lesser life forms" or some variant of that, would suggest that there aren't many things, if any at all, that categorize as a higher or equal lifeform to dragons. This is in line with what is depicted in the media back on Earth.}

[Your thoughts are correct]

{Intruding upon my thoughts... System you need a name, makes things easier for me}

[Whatever would make you comfortable]

{I am also going to need a name; in case I meet any other intelligent life forms}

[Such an outcome is exceedingly likely]

{From here on out system your name shall be Aariv while mine will be Shadow}

[Saving into database]

{Question, why do some of the skills not have levels next to them?}

[ You haven't unlocked those skills]

He should've expected such a development I guess

{Aren't we communicating telepathically right now?}

[This is because I am in direct contact with your thoughts, telepathy would be the ability to broadcast those thoughts outward]

{Makes sense to me}

{Now I must eat, because I am starving}

[You are no danger of dying of hunger}

{It's an expression...}

[Updating database]

Shadow knew from that point on that this was going to be a long ride with getting this system up to human-like standards, it was either that or face the potential of him being lonely for the rest of his life. Humans were a liability, so while we might be able to find human companions, it was highly unlikely. Humans were too greedy, too selfish, they would lock him up and either keep him as a pet or sell him. Too add-on to that, he obviously wasn't very good at picking friends since the last time he did that, he died. Aariv would most likely be his only friend of sorts, and robotic conversations were not his cup of tea.

{I can eat this raw meat, right? Or do I need to cook this some more?}

[Your digestive tract excels at breaking down raw meat into sustainable protein to nourish your body]

{You could've just said yes}


After "nourishing his body with sustainable protein," Shadow figured it was time to train his abilities; he'd rather not sit around for a thousand years waiting to get stronger.

{Let's start with what is most likely going to be my most used ability, fire breath. I'm going to assume fire breathing falls under the race skill 'Fire Manipulation?'}

[Yes, you train fire breathing simply by using it constantly, consistently, or by creating innovative ways to use fire]

{That sounds like an easy way to cheat for anyone who paid attention in their science classes}

{First, I'm going to dig this cave out farther and create a training room of sorts}

Shadow spent around 30 minutes digging 50 feet farther into the cave, 20 minutes digging down 25 in a diagonal manner then after turning left, spent an hour creating an area that was 45 feet in length, 10 feet in width, and 10 feet in height. Three-fourths of each time interval was spent moving the dirt out of the cave, but it was worth it.

Before beginning his training, Shadow spent 2 hours digging a 50 feet-deep, 2 feet-wide line right at the entrance, easy for him to cross, however, if it were to rain the caves wouldn't flood.

It was the evening now and the sun was getting closer and closer to completely setting. Shadow was unaware of this as he was in his training room spewing orange flames with all of his might.

{At first, my flames barely went five feet, and I could sustain them for 30 seconds, but after about 3 hours of training, they go 20 feet, and I can keep them going for 3 minutes. However, why does no one in pop culture mention how tiring holding a flame breath is?}

{Aariv how's my level looking?}