
The ride there is quiet as it leaves alone with my thoughts, and boy do they wonder the whole way.. I'm once again being driven through the coded gates and let out at the doors of Mr. Damon Wright.

I knock three times and wait a few moments, the door opens as I'm greeted by a pretty face in a work uniform. She let's me in and leads me down the hall where Damon is sitting waiting for me, a home study. He's sitting on his chair with a love seat across from it and a small glass table in between.

A bottle of cognac and a few glasses sit next to a stack of papers. I watch Damon thank and excuse the woman as he places his hand on my lower back and walks to seat me. As he takes a seat across from me he pours us the drinks and hands me mine.

' Ariel .. I have a lot I'd like to discuss with you .. Starting with how you're feeling '

' Well I sat on an ice pack longer than I ever thought I would .. But I'm fine .. Thank you ' I say coyly. I watch as his eyes change as a smirk comes upon his face.

' Hm. Do I still need to exercise you then love? '

He mocks me.. Like it's my fault he has a monster.. I'm no prude so I take no fault in this. I hate that just at the mere thought behind his words has me throbbing hard. She's still healing but so thirsty for what only he can give her.

' So what's this about Damon .. Is this paperwork for me .. Is my job in jeopardy ' I ask.

' That's what'd I'd like to talk about '

I finish my drink leaning forward to set the glass on the coaster. Crossing my legs and asking him to indulge me on what he's talking about.

' I'd like to give you an offer .. '

' An offer ' I ask dryly.

' Yes doll an offer '

I give him a confused look as he goes on.

' You're the only girl at my club to ever turn down every man, every offer .. '

I cut him off before he can finish.

' Because I'm there to work, observe.. None of the men ever caught my attention... Before you.. ' I say the last part quietly.

' I know princess that's why we're here .. I'd like you to .. take a hiatus from Starlight... If you take the offer you would be paid very handsomely more than you ever would at the club.. And a personal level of that observing you're so interested in '

I pour another drink and gulp some before saying anything. I don't know what to say to be quite honest..

' What exactly is it you want from me '

' I told you already doll '

' Indulge me again sir ' I say gingerly yet a hint of a tease in the question.

I watch as he takes a drink before responding.

' You. I want you all to myself.. I didn't like seeing you at the club with that man ... Any man ... I will move you in for one month, as a .. Trial run. And we go from there. If it's not what you want you can return to working at the club and we go back to me working in the shadows '

I shift in my seat as he says these words. It sounds perfect but to be used as his little sex slave .. sounds so degrading.. But I want him just as bad as he wants me. Not even about the money which is never terrible but I just need Mr. Wright.

' To be used by you ... Like a dirty little secret '

' Oh on the contrary doll .. You'd be shown off, treated with respect .. outside of the playroom, put on the highest pedestal, spoiled and well taken care of mentally, physically, emotionally and especially sexually but to answer your question.. Yes '

That doesn't sound bad in the slightest. Actually it sounds wonderful but it feels too good.. It is a shallow deal, but one I think I'm going to take.

' And the title ... I don't want to be seen as some mistress sex slave Damon .. '

His chuckle makes my stomach drop.

' You'd be referred to as my woman ' He growls.

' And would I be .. Your woman ' I ask him in a low tone before finishing the rest of my drink. I can feel the booze starting to kick in.

' Of course ' His tone low and lustful.

I bite my lip as I watch him slowly and steadily finish his glass and set it down. His eyes never leaving mine.

' Yes ' I answer softly

A devilish grin washes over his face.

' Good Girl ' He says as he sits forward and tells me we'll need to go out and celebrate. He puts the paperwork back in the folder they were on top of as he uses his two fingers to push it forward.

' I want you to go through this, don't skip any of it '

I agree as I go to get up I watch his eyes as they scan my dress .. My body. The throbbing is so intense as I feel my knees get wobbly and my heart begins to race. Damon raises a brow to me, he feels it.

' Come ' He growls.

I do as I'm told and stop in front of him, he pulls me on to him, slow and calculated. Placing either leg on his sides.

' This is how I want to take you '

He whispers into my chest as his fingers are holding into my back. I feel his growth right on my throbbing, I swear he can feel it.

' I want a closer look at you this time as I stretch you '

I hear him say as he sits back and runs his hand up my stomach stopping at my right breast, cupping it, massaging it.

' You wanna go celebrate so you can come home and take this dress off of me ' I groan. I don't care how bad it'll hurt I just know I want him inside of me.

He smiles as he helps me up.

' There's nothing I would love more '

He chuckles as he stands up, both of us looking down at his buldge. I follow his lead as we meet Eladio at the front door. We are let in as Damon gives him the name and we're off. He put the privacy window up as we get going.

His hand creeps to my inner thigh as his finger runs along my panty line

' How sore are you love ' He whispers.

' I'll survive ' I whisper back.

' Good '

I feel his fingertip slither up and down a few times as he just barely goes in.

' You really have to tease me right now Damon ' I moan softly.

Hearing his barely above a whisper laugh I feel his fingers slide all the way in as I groan in pleasure gripping the seats at my side as I open my legs a bit more, he picks up speed and rhythm.

Just as I'm about to cum the car is stopped and so are his fingers. I watch as he pulls his fingers out as he licks them clean.

' Are you fucking kidding me right now ' I whimper.

' Don't worry doll, when we return there's no stopping me ' He growls intensely.

Damon let's us out as he leads us inside of a nice restaurant. We're seated and our drinks are brought.

We spend the next hour and a half talking, laughing, flirting and most of all enjoying one another's company. I'm pretty tipsy as we're leaving, arm in arm. As we're waiting out front for Eladio, Damon grips my chin and whispers onto my lips

' I hope you're ready princess '

Eladio pulls up and let's us in as he finishes we're on our way back. The whole ride is quiet with nothing but sexual tension filling the air. The darkness outside, with the only light being passing headlights, the slow looks and magnetic eye contact.

When we return Damon sends Eladio home and we head inside. Desperate to touch one another, Desperate to be one as we are bound by nothing more than lust. Pure lust for noone else but each other. To be one soul if only for a moment, I look into his eyes as we both know the truth.

The truth is nothing more than two bodies being intimate in the most vulnerable way. There's nothing better.

I love the way he looks at me, the way he obsesses over me, and I him. We're like animals, we're in our most natural state.

As we walk inside he doesn't take me to the bedroom .. He leads us on the other side of the house as he unlocks the door to a big room. Damon turns the light on and what I see blows my mind. It's a freaks wet dream. And I fucking love it. I guess he wasn't lying when he said I'd get a front row seat to observe.

There's even a mini bar, I take it all in as I walk around just looking but not touching. I watch as Damon makes his way to the bar and pours us some amber colored liquor I can't read the name of.

' This excites you doesn't it Ariel? ' He asks as he hands me my drink.

' I think we both know the answer to that Damon '

I say slickly taking the first sip, its so good, Like sweet honey flavored vodka.

I look at the bed that's covered with clips for what I'm assuming are for either ropes or cuffs and my heart skips a beat. I walk towards a lounger with a similar set up as the bed.

I run my finger along the top finishing off the sweet liquor as I set the glass down by the side table. Damon is watching me, calculating me. I lick my lips as my eyes dare him to come close, I watch as he finishes his glass as he sets it on the bar.

Damon takes slow steps towards me as he unbuttons his shirt and tosses it aside, exposing his muscle, his raw strength. I walk around to the front on the lounger as I watch him take his belt off next his pants. As he stands so close to me I feel his fingertips slowly drag up my thigh til they reach the tips of my dress.

He lifts my dress off and tosses it aside, exposing my bare breast to the cool air. I watch as he slowly pulls my panties down until they pool at my heels. Goosebumps fill my body as I feel him kiss his way up my legs, past my navel, past my breast and stops at my lips to whisper..

' Are you ready to play princess '