The Awakening

The sun barely peeked over the horizon, casting a soft orange glow over the sprawling city of Seoul. Early morning commuters bustled about, unaware of the quiet boy standing at the edge of Han River, his eyes fixed on the water's gentle ripples.

Jihoon, a ten-year-old with unkempt black hair and a weary expression, clutched a worn photograph in his small hands. It was a picture of his parents, smiling brightly in their adventurer gear, taken just days before their disappearance. Today marked the one-year anniversary of the day they vanished in the depths of an uncharted dungeon.

Jihoon sighed, folding the photograph and tucking it carefully into his jacket pocket. "I'll find you," he whispered, his voice determined despite his young age. "No matter what."

The streets began to fill with the hum of daily life as Jihoon made his way to the heart of the city. Seoul had changed drastically since the Awakening event ten years ago. Dungeons had sprung up all over the world, bringing with them both danger and opportunity. For Jihoon, they represented a path to finding his parents and proving himself in a world that had largely ignored him.

As he approached the Adventurers' Guild, Jihoon paused to take in the towering building. It was a place of legends, where the strongest adventurers gathered to take on quests and explore the unknown. His heart pounded with a mix of excitement and fear.

"Hey, kid, you lost?" A gruff voice interrupted his thoughts. Jihoon turned to see a tall man with a scar across his cheek, looking down at him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

"I'm not lost," Jihoon replied, straightening his posture. "I'm here to join the guild."

The man's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Join the guild? You? How old are you, twelve?"

"Ten," Jihoon corrected, his gaze unwavering. "But I'm strong, and I know how to fight."

The man chuckled, shaking his head. "You've got guts, I'll give you that. But the guild doesn't take kids. It's dangerous work, you know."

Jihoon clenched his fists. "I don't care. I have to find my parents."

The man's expression softened slightly. "Alright, kid. Tell you what, why don't you talk to the guildmaster? If he thinks you've got what it takes, maybe he'll let you stay."

Jihoon nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "Thank you, sir."

Inside the guild, adventurers of all shapes and sizes milled about, discussing quests and boasting about their achievements. Jihoon weaved through the crowd, feeling a mixture of awe and envy. He reached the large wooden door at the end of the hall and knocked firmly.

"Enter," came a deep voice from within.

Jihoon pushed open the door to reveal a spacious office, lined with bookshelves and adorned with various artifacts. Behind a large desk sat the guildmaster, an imposing figure with a long white beard and piercing eyes.

The guildmaster looked up, his gaze settling on Jihoon. "What can I do for you, young one?"

Jihoon took a deep breath and stepped forward. "My name is Jihoon, and I want to join the guild. I know I'm young, but I'm strong and determined. My parents were adventurers, and I need to find them."

The guildmaster studied Jihoon for a long moment before nodding slowly. "You've got spirit, I'll give you that. But being an adventurer isn't just about strength. It's about skill, intelligence, and most importantly, survival."

"I can learn," Jihoon insisted. "I'll do whatever it takes."

The guildmaster leaned back in his chair, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Very well. We'll give you a chance. There's a small dungeon nearby that's relatively safe. If you can clear it and bring back proof, you can join the guild."

Jihoon's eyes widened with excitement. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

The guildmaster handed Jihoon a small map. "Be careful, boy. And remember, sometimes the greatest strength lies in knowing when to ask for help."

Jihoon nodded, clutching the map tightly. As he left the office, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. This was the beginning of his journey, the first step towards finding his parents and uncovering the truth behind their disappearance.

The sun was high in the sky as Jihoon made his way to the dungeon marked on the map. He stood at the entrance, taking a deep breath. This was it. His first real test.

With determination in his heart and his parents' memory guiding him, Jihoon stepped into the darkness, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
