The Hidden Trial

The passageway grew increasingly narrow and treacherous as Jihoon and Sooyeon ventured deeper into the dungeon. They moved cautiously, their flashlights revealing intricate carvings on the walls that seemed to shift as they passed. Suddenly, the ground beneath Jihoon gave way, and he plummeted into a dark pit.

"Sooyeon!" Jihoon's shout was cut off as he hit the bottom with a thud. Pain shot through his body, and his vision blurred. He tried to move but felt a wave of dizziness overcome him. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was Sooyeon's panicked face peering down into the pit.


Above, Sooyeon scrambled to the edge of the pit, her face pale with fear. "Jihoon! Jihoon, are you there?" She heard no response, and her heart pounded in her chest.

Desperate, she raced back to the entrance of the dungeon. "Guild Master!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the corridors. "It's all my fault! Jihoon, I lost Jihoon! I can't find him! Please, help!"

The guild master, alerted by her frantic cries, arrived with a group of experienced adventurers. "Calm down, Sooyeon," he said, his voice firm but reassuring. "We'll find him. Show us where he fell."


Jihoon's world was dark and disoriented when he awoke. The fall had knocked him out, and now he found himself in a dimly lit room. As his vision cleared, he saw that the room was vast and circular, with twelve constellations displayed on the walls. Each constellation was intricately crafted, glowing softly in the darkness.

Jihoon slowly sat up, his head pounding. He noticed a pedestal in the center of the room with a small stone resting on it. Weak but determined, he approached the pedestal. As he reached out and touched one of the constellations, the room shifted, and a vivid image began to materialize before him.

He was transported into a vision, witnessing a scene from his parents' past. His parents, both in their adventuring gear, were battling an ominous, shadowy figure. The air crackled with dark energy as they fought bravely, but the scene turned grim as the unknown object's aura enveloped them, making their struggle more desperate. The vision ended abruptly, and Jihoon was left feeling a deep, unsettling sense of loss and urgency.

Shaking off the lingering dread, Jihoon turned his attention to the stone. He picked it up, feeling its smooth, cold surface. It bore an inscription, faintly glowing. He hesitated for a moment before swallowing the stone, hoping it would provide some guidance or strength.

As the stone dissolved, a glowing interface appeared before him, similar to what he'd seen in the dungeons before. It was a system notification:



**Welcome, Jihoon Kim.**

**Your parents have left you a legacy.**

**Acquired Item:** **Inheritance Stone**


- **Enhanced Strength:** Increases physical and magical capabilities.

- **Memory Access:** Provides visions of past events connected to the stone.

- **Dungeon Guidance:** Reveals hidden passages and secrets within the dungeon.

**New Objective:**

- **Locate and Rescue:** Continue the search for your parents and uncover the truth behind their disappearance.

- **Unlock the Constellations:** Each constellation holds vital information. Touch and interact with them to gain further insights.


Jihoon stared at the system, processing the information. He felt a surge of newfound strength and clarity. The room seemed to pulse with energy, and the constellations glowed more brightly. He understood that his parents' legacy was now a part of him, guiding him through the challenges ahead.

Determined to continue his quest, Jihoon approached each constellation, ready to unlock their secrets and find his way back to Sooyeon. The weight of his parents' mission now rested on his shoulders, but with the support of their legacy and the new powers granted to him, he felt a renewed sense of purpose.

The dungeon's mysteries awaited him, and Jihoon was more prepared than ever to face whatever lay ahead.