The Meeting of Paths

The bustling streets of Seoul were alive with activity, but Jihoon Kim's focus was elsewhere. The city had changed significantly since his disappearance, and he was still adjusting to the new reality. As he walked through the streets, he couldn't help but notice the evolving world of adventuring and the role of schools in defending against sudden dungeon appearances.

On this particular day, Jihoon was making his way to a local training center known for its advanced combat simulations and dungeon training programs. The center had gained prominence as a hub for the newly established Clashes of Norm (CLON) Club, a club designed to prepare students for real-life dungeon encounters. It was here that Jihoon hoped to gather more information and find a way to contribute to the ongoing efforts.

At the training center, the facility was abuzz with students engaged in rigorous drills and simulations. Jihoon observed from the sidelines, taking in the impressive display of skill and coordination. The students were clearly well-trained, and the CLON Club's presence was felt strongly within the center.

Amidst the activity, Jihoon noticed a girl with fiery red hair leading a group of students through a challenging simulation. Her commanding presence and clear leadership skills caught his attention. She was Mina, the leader of the CLON Club.

**The First Encounter**

Jihoon approached the training area as the simulation concluded, the students panting and catching their breath. Mina, who was providing feedback and encouragement, noticed Jihoon watching from the sidelines.

"Excuse me," Mina said, walking over to him. "Can I help you with something?"

Jihoon introduced himself, explaining his background and his interest in the CLON Club's operations. "I'm Jihoon Kim. I've been away for some time, but I'm impressed by the work your team is doing here. I wanted to learn more about how the CLON Club functions and how I might be able to contribute."

Mina eyed him curiously. "Jihoon Kim? I've heard of you. You were quite the adventurer before you disappeared. We've seen reports about you, and it's a pleasure to meet you in person."

Jihoon nodded. "I've been away for a while, but I'm eager to see how things have changed and how I can help. I've been in dungeons and faced many challenges, and I think my experience could be useful."

**A New Partnership**

Mina, intrigued by Jihoon's offer, decided to give him a chance to prove his skills. She invited him to join a training session with the CLON Club. Jihoon agreed, eager to see how his abilities matched up with the new generation of adventurers.

The training session was intense, with Jihoon and the CLON team working together to tackle a simulated dungeon scenario. Jihoon's experience and tactical knowledge complemented the students' skills, and his presence was a valuable asset.

As the session ended, Mina approached Jihoon with a smile. "You've certainly still got it. Your expertise was impressive and a real boost for the team. I think you'd be a great addition to our efforts."

Jihoon returned her smile. "Thank you, Mina. I'd be glad to help out. The CLON Club's mission is crucial, and I'm happy to contribute however I can."

**Building Trust**

Over the next few weeks, Jihoon became a regular presence at the training center. He worked closely with Mina and the CLON team, offering guidance and support while learning about the new system and techniques they used. Mina appreciated Jihoon's willingness to share his knowledge and adapt to the evolving methods.

Their partnership grew stronger as they faced various challenges together. Jihoon's experience and Mina's leadership created a powerful combination, enhancing the CLON Club's effectiveness and fostering a sense of camaraderie among the team members.

Through their time together, Jihoon and Mina developed a mutual respect and understanding. Jihoon admired Mina's dedication and leadership, while Mina valued Jihoon's experience and the wisdom he brought to the team. Their collaboration became a cornerstone of the CLON Club's success, and their bond grew as they faced the trials of the dungeon world side by side.


Their initial meeting marked the beginning of a strong partnership. Jihoon's return and his subsequent work with Mina and the CLON Club set the stage for a new chapter in his journey. With Mina's leadership and the team's support, Jihoon was ready to face the challenges ahead and continue his quest to uncover the truth behind his parents' disappearance.