A New Beginning

**The Transfer**

Jihoon Kim's return to Seoul had marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. In an effort to reintegrate into society and pursue his education, Jihoon decided to enroll as a first-year student at a high school known for its strong academic and combat training programs. This school, Hanseong High, was renowned for its emphasis on preparing students for the challenges posed by sudden dungeon appearances.

On his first day, Jihoon felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The school was a far cry from the chaotic scenes of dungeons and battles, but it was a crucial step in his quest to understand and confront the new threats facing the world.

**A Sudden Threat**

During a routine school day, a tremor shook Hanseong High. A rift began to form in the school's courtyard, leading to the emergence of a series of menacing creatures. Panic spread through the student body as the monsters began to attack.

Jihoon, who had been in class, quickly assessed the situation. With his experience and training, he knew he had to act fast. He sprinted toward the courtyard, where students were being attacked by the monsters.

**Heroic Rescue**

Upon reaching the scene, Jihoon took immediate action. He drew his sword and engaged the creatures, using his skills to fend them off and protect the students. His movements were precise and powerful, showcasing the expertise he had developed over the years.

As he fought, Jihoon noticed a group of students cornered by one of the larger monsters. Without hesitation, he dashed to their aid, slicing through the creature and clearing a path for them to escape.

The students, initially stunned by the sudden appearance of the monsters and Jihoon's intervention, quickly recognized him. Murmurs of recognition spread among the crowd.

"Isn't that guy… the one who battled the dungeon with the CLON Club?" one student exclaimed.

Another added, "Yes, I remember! He's the hero who helped us during the dungeon invasion at Seoul Academy!"

**Recognition and Gratitude**

Once the immediate threat was neutralized, Jihoon took a moment to ensure that all the students were safe and attended to. As the emergency responders arrived and the creatures were dealt with, the students gathered around Jihoon, expressing their gratitude.

One of the students, a girl with a grateful expression, approached Jihoon. "Thank you so much for saving us. We heard about you and the CLON Club's work. Your reputation precedes you."

Jihoon gave a modest nod. "I'm glad I could help. It's important that we all work together to keep each other safe."

Mina, who had heard about the incident, arrived at the school and found Jihoon surrounded by students. She walked over with a relieved smile. "Jihoon, you're here. I heard about the attack and came to check on you."

Jihoon greeted her warmly. "Mina, it's good to see you. This is Hanseong High, where I'm starting as a first-year student. It looks like I've already had a chance to put my skills to use."

Mina looked around at the grateful students and the damage caused by the rift. "You did an amazing job. It's good to have you here, especially with everything that's been happening."

**New Challenges**

As Jihoon settled into his new life at Hanseong High, he found that his presence had a significant impact on the students and staff. His experience and actions during the attack earned him the respect and admiration of his peers. He quickly became known as a reliable and skilled individual, bridging the gap between his past experiences and his current role as a student.

Despite the positive reception, Jihoon knew that the recent attack was just a glimpse of the challenges ahead. With the new dungeon activity and emerging threats, his role at the school would be crucial in preparing for future encounters.

**A Fresh Start**

In the weeks that followed, Jihoon balanced his academic responsibilities with his involvement in the school's combat training programs. He worked closely with other students, including those in the CLON Club, and contributed to the school's efforts to handle sudden dungeon appearances.

Jihoon's presence at Hanseong High marked the beginning of a new journey. With his skills and experience, he was ready to face the challenges of his new environment while continuing his quest to uncover the truth about his parents and the increasing dungeon activity.

As he walked through the halls of Hanseong High, Jihoon felt a renewed sense of purpose. The school was a new battleground, and with the support of his friends and allies, he was prepared to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.