Bonds and Promises

**Parting Ways**

After their investigation at the mining site, Jihoon, Mina, and Sooyeon returned to Hanseong High. The data they had gathered about the nexus points provided crucial insights into the growing dungeon disturbances. As they regrouped and prepared for the next steps, Sooyeon decided it was time to return to her guild.

In the school's training center, Jihoon and Sooyeon were finishing up their debriefing. The atmosphere was a mix of accomplishment and anticipation for the future.

"Sooyeon, thanks for all your help," Jihoon said, extending a hand. "Your support has been invaluable."

Sooyeon shook his hand warmly. "It's been a pleasure working with you, Jihoon. If you ever need help or additional support, don't hesitate to reach out to me or the guild."

Jihoon nodded. "I appreciate that. I'll definitely keep it in mind."

**A Personal Request**

Before Sooyeon left, she paused and looked at Jihoon with a hint of hesitation. "There's one more thing I wanted to ask."

Jihoon raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Sooyeon took a deep breath. "I'd like you to call me Noona. It's something that feels right, especially considering how much we've worked together and the bond we've formed."

Jihoon was taken aback for a moment, then smiled. "Alright, Noona. I'll make sure to remember that."

Sooyeon's face lit up with a genuine smile. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."

**A New Departure**

As Sooyeon prepared to leave, Jihoon and Mina accompanied her to the school's entrance. They exchanged final goodbyes, and Sooyeon headed back to her guild with a sense of fulfillment and anticipation for future collaborations.

"Goodbye, Jihoon. Take care and stay safe," Sooyeon said as she waved.

"You too, Sooyeon. We'll keep in touch," Jihoon replied.

**Preparing for the Future**

With Sooyeon's departure, Jihoon and Mina returned to their preparations for the ongoing investigation. The information they had gathered about the nexus points was just the beginning, and there was much more to uncover.

Jihoon was determined to continue his mission and protect those he cared about. The support from Sooyeon and the guild, along with the resources from the NAA, provided him with the confidence and tools he needed to face the challenges ahead.

**Building Bonds**

As the days passed, Jihoon focused on strengthening his skills and expanding his knowledge. He also made sure to maintain his connections with Sooyeon and the other allies he had made. Their support was crucial in navigating the complex and dangerous world of dungeon activity.

Jihoon found that the relationships he had built, including his growing bond with Sooyeon as his Noona, provided him with a sense of stability and encouragement. These connections were vital as he continued his journey to uncover the truth behind the rising dungeon threats.

**A New Chapter**

As Jihoon looked forward to the next phase of his mission, he knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and discoveries. With his allies by his side and the lessons he had learned, he was ready to face whatever came his way.

The fight against the increasing dungeon activity was far from over, but Jihoon was prepared to confront it with determination and resolve. The future held many uncertainties, but with the support of his friends and the guidance of the system, he was ready to forge ahead and protect his world from the growing storm.