Chapter 11

"Hello Ares" said Naruto, "fancy meeting you here."

"I see corpse-breathe didn't do his job," said Ares, "You were supposed to stay there."

"Not all plans come together," said Naruto, "One of the first lessons for Athena's children, but something tells me your plans aren't that well thought out."

"You! You stole the bolt and Hades helm" said Percy.

"Well not me personally, but yeah I orchestrated with the whole thing," said Ares

"No because for one thing, you're not the real Ares," said Naruto

"You dare accuse me of impersonation," said Ares

"Yes because your vocabulary and planning skills are too advanced for the real Ares." said Naruto, "His plans mostly consist of overwhelming the enemy with force, not cloak and dagger."

"You're really becoming a thorn in my side son of Athena," said Ares, "and today that's going to change."

"Unfortunately you can't," said Naruto, "by the ancient laws you can't harm us without repercussions."

"Luckily I have a challenger," said Ares

"What do you," said Naruto only to realize what he meant "Percy!"

"Ares!" yelled Percy as he charged Ares.

"Well that looks like a challenge to me," said Ares

'That idiot' thought Naruto as he put on some gloves and ran to assist Percy.

While Ares was fighting Percy Naruto was directed at Percy's movements so he would last longer in the fight, but

Ares managed to knock Percy out of the fight earlier than expected.

"If that was your secret weapon than the Chiron really needs to step up his game," said Ares.

"Congratulations you managed to defeat a demigod that received less than a week's worth of training." said Naruto, "He just got over his head and allowed himself to be influenced by anger."

"True, but you're no better," said Ares, "a weaver not a fighter."

"That's where you're wrong," said Naruto as he removed his gloves and took out a roll of paper, "because I'm about to show you why I was banned from capture the flag."

"Big words coming from a reject," said Ares, "and I see you decided to bring out the big guns."

'Remain calm he's just trying to goat you' thought Naruto as the paper unrolled and harden to reveal his father's prized sword, Nuibari, a long sword in the shape of a sewing needle."

"What can I say," said Naruto, "Only the best for the God of War."

Naruto was the one that started the fight by attacking with a lunging thrust and a few experimental slices. Ares blocked these easily with his sword, and this patterned continued for a good five minutes, with the occasional slice from Ares.

"Just quit," said Ares, "you're only tiring yourself out, and with the way, things are going our doomed anyway."

'He's right, but I still have one more trick up my sleeve.' thought Naruto

"I may be tired, but you'll find out that I'm full of surprises," said Naruto

"Like what," asked Ares

"Like this;" said Naruto

" Ermís (Hermes)

Angeliofóros ton Theón (Messenger of the Gods)

Ágios na Listés (Saint to Bandits)

Akoúste tin klísi mou kai na kánei ton kósmo mou pragmatikótita (Hear my call and make my world a reality)

Gi 'aftó kai boreí na patáxei tous echthroús mou (So I may smite my enemies)

léxi mármaro "(Word marble)

As Naruto was chanting a large circle of energy started to surround both Naruto and Ares.

"What sorcery is this!" said Ares

"This Ares is the benefit I get to being the tailor to the Gods," said Naruto as a dome started to form over them.

The sight that greeted Ares was inky blackness with random lights illuminating various strings that spanned the span of the dome.

"Welcome to my world," said Naruto as he stood on one of the strings, but his appearance changed.

All over his were what looked to be stitches, from two lines on his face to the multiple lines on his hands.

"Like my new look," said Naruto as he walked along the string, "this is an unforeseen feature that I pay when I use this ability."

'Including the loss of my powers for twenty-four hours.' thought Naruto.

"Looks don't matter to me kid, but your skill facing a god," said Ares

"That is where you're wrong," said Naruto as he flexed his fingers, catching Ares in mid-strike, "While you're in this dome you're at my mercy."

"This power shouldn't belong to a demigod," said Ares as he struggled against the strings.

"That may be true, but isn't this what you always wanted," said Naruto as he tossed Ares, "to face an opponent that an overwhelming ability, having to push past your limitations."

Ares replied by laughing, "You got me there kid, but let's see how long this 'ability' of yours last."

Are's materialized a sword and charged as Naruto again only to be attacked by the various strings that surround them. The odd thing was Ares was smiling throughout the match, for eons all of his opponents started to become predictable or were overcome by his aura, but now he's fighting someone that pulled a powerful skill against his making his blood pump. The two continues to 'dance' for a few minutes, Naruto surprising Ares by undoing the stitches on his body allowing his body to fall apart and then reassemble somewhere else. The downside of this ability is the strain of maintaining the dome and fighting Ares started to take its toll on Naruto's body as his vision started to get blurring, he started to sweat heavily and the final strike was what did Naruto in as his concentration broke throwing Naruto back on the beach with Annabeth, Grover, and Percy.

"Your friend definitely gave me a workout, but the war is still going to happen," said Ares

"Ares!" shouted Percy as he charged towards Ares.

While Ares and Percy were fighting Annabeth and Grover were tending to Naruto's wounds, but in the back of Annabeth's mind, she was wondering how powerful her brother was.

Out of all of her siblings, Naruto was the most mysterious, she knew little to nothing about him. All she knows about him was the fact he owned a business and has a pet owl named Fluffy. She would visit him from time to time, but on those visits, he was always working on something or was checking his inventory. At most they spent at most an hour with each other during lunch. Sure she would love to get to know Naruto more, but with camp responsibility and looking after her cabin that doesn't leave her with a lot of time. When she does have some spare time, she'll usually volunteer to be a model for some of the dresses he was making, but the conversation usually died as Naruto was concentrating on the dress.

Annabeth's thought process stopped when she heard Ares scream and seeing the god bleed for the first time.

"Know this demigod, from this day forward whenever you raise your sword in battle it will fall you," said Ares as he began to glow.

"Look away!" yelled Annabeth

After Ares was gone Percy walked back to the group and assess their next movement.

"So now what?" asked Percy

"Return the helm and bolt" answered Annabeth.

"No, we only need to focus on the bolt as the furies will handle the helm," said Naruto

"So, how are we going to get to New York?" asked Percy

"From them," said Naruto as he pointed towards the reporters that started to gather.

Percy managed to guilt the reporters into giving them money to purchase plane tickets, but they could only afford three. Naruto insisted they take the tickets when asked how he will return all they got as a reply was him using one of his other benefits. The four did travel by bus together, but Naruto stepped off when they neared a private airfield that's when Annabeth realized how Naruto was getting back, on a private jet. This both depressed and angered Annabeth as they could have used his jet to get to California faster only to remember that Percy was with them and they for couldn't fly, she still pouted thou.

It took the group of three-four hours to get through security and to board the plane, while it took Naruto twenty minutes to get through security to board the jet.

"Some aspects of being a demigod aren't so bad," said Naruto as he sat in his leather chairs sipping on Dr. Pepper and watching a movie on Netflix.

Omake: The real reason Hermes doesn't go to the underworld

Hermes, the messenger of the gods and patron saint to anyone that uses the road, has many jobs, but the one he dreads the most is delivering mail to Hades. He doesn't have any problems with Hades, it's just the route.

Hermes was making his way through the long and dangerous route when he ran into one of his worst enemies, dogs. He tried to quietly sneak past Cerberus only to pause when the middle head started to sniff the air, that's when he decided to run. As Hermes ran the various Hellhounds that surround the Underworld decided to join Cerberus in chasing the godly 'mailman' and by the time Hermes did reach the palace over thirty canines were chasing him. After Hermes delivered Hades' mail, he turned around and saw the various beasts that seemed to hate him.

"I really hate dogs."