Dante Moretti

"Where's my money Sam?" I asked, looking down at the battered quivering man kneeling before me.

"I promise to bring it soon, Dante, please spare me," he said, pleading for his life.

Ever since my father left me in charge I got involved in loan sharking, giving out loans to people and those who end up not paying up on time end up paying with their lives and their families continue to pay back for the rest of their life. Sam right here has been owing for over a year and the only reason he's still alive is because he has proved himself useful over the year but right now he is useless to me.

"Sam, you realize it's been over a year that your money was due, huh?"

"The only reason you and your family are still breathing is only because you've proved yourself useful, but right now," I said pausing, a low scoff escaping my lips.