CHAPTER THREE Unexpected Encounter

As I settled into the cozy armchair in my childhood bedroom, I dialed David's number, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. It had been far too long since we had spent quality time together, and I was determined to remedy that. It had been ages since we had a chance to catch up properly, and I was eager to share my recent struggles with him. I had been so caught up in my thoughts lately that I hadn't caught up with him properly.

After a few rings, David's voice finally filled the line. "Hey, Daphne! Long time no talk. How have you been?"

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "I've been good, David. Just been going through some changes recently. But I have some news to share with you."

His tone filled with curiosity. "Oh? Do tell."

I took a deep breath, my tone dropping a bit. "I lost my job at the preschool, David!

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and I could almost imagine the concern registering on David's face. "Daphne, that's... unexpected. I'm so sorry. But why?" What happened? David sighed, a mixture of worry and support evident in his voice.

"I'm coming to visit your office right now. It's been too long since we've seen each other, and I could use some moral support." I replied. "I'll tell you everything when I get there."

There was a brief pause, and I could almost hear the cogs turning in David's mind. "Wait, you're coming here? Now? Daphne, that's unexpected! But I'm thrilled. It'll be great to see you again."

I laughed, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through me. "Surprises are what make life interesting, my friend. I'll be there soon, so get ready!"

After bidding farewell to David, I hung up the phone and jumped into action. I quickly rummaged through my wardrobe, searching for the perfect outfit that struck a balance between professional and approachable. Finally settling on a smart yet casual ensemble, I took a moment to check my reflection in the mirror. Satisfied with my appearance, I made my way downstairs.

The comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air in the kitchen. My mom, a beacon of warmth and love, was sipping her morning cup as she glanced up at me with a knowing smile.

"Off to see David, are you?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with maternal wisdom.

I nodded, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within me. "Yes, Mom. It's been too long, and I have much to tell him. But don't worry; I'll be back before you know it."

She reached out, her hand gently caressing my cheek. "Go, my dear. Chase your dreams, but always remember to come back home."

Her words filled my heart with a sense of grounding and reassurance. With a quick kiss on her cheek, I bid her farewell and stepped out into the world. I then took a taxi to David's office.

I stood outside the towering office building, my nerves tingling. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the heavy glass door and entered the elegant lobby. As I entered the grand entrance of the imposing office building, a mix of excitement and trepidation filled my heart. 

The reception area was buzzing with activity. People in business attire hurriedly passed by, their faces filled with purpose. I was immediately drawn to a figure standing near the reception desk—a tall, commanding presence in a perfectly tailored suit. It was Brian, the infamous billionaire boss who reigned over the company. Our gazes met briefly, and in that fleeting moment, I felt a magnetic pull, a spark of attraction that sent a shiver down my spine. But just as quickly, he averted his eyes and turned his attention elsewhere.

Shaking off the unexpected wave of emotions, I approached the receptionist. The receptionist, a friendly woman with a warm smile, looked up as I neared.

"Excuse me," I said, my voice polite but tinged with nervousness. "Could you please tell David Maxwell that Daphne is here to see him?"

The receptionist nodded, reaching for the phone to make the call, but a commanding voice cut through the air before she could dial. "Hold on a moment."

I turned to see Brian, the billionaire boss, striding towards us. His presence alone commanded attention, and the room seemed to fall into a peaceful silence. The receptionist immediately abandoned her phone and straightened her posture, a look of deference crossing her face.

"Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Michaels?" she asked, her voice respectful.

Brian glanced at me briefly before fixing his gaze on the receptionist. "I have a meeting soon. Inform David that I'll be back shortly."

The receptionist nodded, her eyes downcast. "Of course, Mr. Michaels. I'll ensure he's informed."

Satisfied, Brian turned his attention back to me, his expression unreadable. "And you," he said, his tone firm and authoritative, "I suggest you wait elsewhere. I'm busy."

His dismissive words hit me like a gust of wind, but I refused to let his commanding nature intimidate me. Squaring my shoulders, I met his gaze head-on.

"I'm here to see David Maxwell," I stated, my voice steady. "He's expecting me."

Brian's eyes narrowed, and annoyance flashed across his features. "Well, you'll have to wait then," he replied, his tone edged with impatience. "I'll make sure he knows you're here when I see him."

Without waiting for my response, he turned on his heel and walked away, his confident strides echoing through the lobby.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself against the unexpected encounter. The receptionist, sensing my unease, offered a sympathetic smile.

"Don't mind Mr. Michaels," she said softly. "He can be a bit... demanding. But I'll let David know you're here."

I nodded, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you. I'll wait patiently."

As I settled into one of the plush chairs nearby, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of man Brian indeed was. His commanding presence and brusque demeanor intrigued and unnerved me simultaneously. Little did I know that our paths would continue to cross, unraveling a story of forbidden desires and unexpected connections.


With a polite smile, the receptionist directed me to David's office on the top floor. The elevator ride seemed to stretch on forever as I nervously anticipated our meeting.

When the doors finally opened, I stepped onto the executive level, my heart racing with anticipation. I followed the directions, walking down the plush carpeted hallway until I reached David's office. A sense of comfort washed over me as I saw him standing by the door, his face lighting up with a genuine smile as he caught sight of me.

"Daphne!" David exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth. We embraced tightly, savoring the familiarity of our friendship. As we settled into the comfortable chairs in his office, the worries and anxieties of the outside world faded away, replaced by a sense of safety and belonging.

We spent the next hour catching up on each other's lives, sharing stories, and laughing like we used to. But beneath the surface, I carried a heavy burden—the weight of my recent job loss and the uncertainty of my future. David sensed my unease and gently probed for more information.

Taking a deep breath, I began to recount the events that led to my dismissal from the daycare. The financial struggles and eventual closure had left me feeling lost and disheartened. I expressed my desire to find a more fulfilling job that would align with my passion for working with children.

David listened attentively with concern written on his face.

It was then that David shared a surprising revelation. "You know, Daphne, I may have a solution for you," he said, his voice filled with excitement and concern. "Brian, our boss, has been looking for a nanny for his kids. I think you'd be perfect for the job."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Brian, the enigmatic and imposing figure I had glimpsed earlier, needed a nanny? The idea was both intriguing and intimidating. Working for someone like Brian would undoubtedly be challenging, but the thought of making a difference in the lives of his children tugged at my heart.

"But David," I hesitated, "working for someone like Brian... I'm not sure if I'm cut out for that. He seems so rude, intense, and demanding. How do you even cope with him? "

David leaned forward, his eyes filled with unwavering belief. He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and said, "Daphne, you have a natural gift with children. Your love, compassion, and nurturing nature are unparalleled. Trust me, you can bring light into their lives, even amidst Brian's tough exterior."

"And as for Brian," he continued, "you'll learn to understand him, and I believe you can do that. You can tame the wildest beast." he laughed.

His words resonated deep within me. The idea of becoming a nanny for Brian's children sparked a sense of adventure—an opportunity to embark on a new chapter, explore uncharted territories, and make a difference in the lives of young hearts.

Determined, I nodded. "You're right, David. I'll give it a shot. Who knows what new adventures await me?"

"Hold on," David said as he picked up his phone to dial a number.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm calling Brian to tell him about you." He responded.

"You mean right now? I haven't even decided yet." Surprise washed over me. David's willingness to go the extra mile for me touched my heart. "David, that's incredibly kind of you. Are you sure about this?"

He chuckled softly. "Just give it a try Daphne. I know how caring and nurturing you are. You genuinely love children, and I think Brian needs to see that. Consider it my way of supporting you."

Gratitude filled my voice as I replied, "Thank you, David. Your faith in me means the world. Let's give it a shot and see what happens."

Brian picked up the call, and they had a short conversation. After David hung up, he smiled. "He wants to meet you." David grinned.

"What? Now?" I jumped with a start. "This is happening all too quickly, David." I said nervously.

"You can do this, Daphne, and I'm sure you'll get along with Brian. I'm not promising it'll be easy at first, but with time, you'll see." David replied.

With nervousness written all over me, I sighed and said, "Alright, but I won't let myself get intimidated by him."

"That's the spirit," David said as he stood up to walk me to Brain's office.

I could hear the sound of my heartbeat as the elevator lifted us to the last floor. The thumping in my chest seized to stop as we neared Brian's office. I began questioning myself, "Do I really want to do this? Can I work with that arrogant and rude man?"

David's voice jilted me from my thoughts, "We're here." He smiled.

My heart skipped a beat as he turned and walked away. I exchanged a nervous glance with him, and he offered me an encouraging smile. "Good luck, Daphne," he whispered.

Armed with a freshly printed resume and a mix of excitement and nerves, I found myself standing outside Brian's office. The door was imposing, just like the man himself, but I squared my shoulders and knocked confidently.

"Come in," a deep voice called from inside.

Pushing open the door, I entered the opulent office. Brian was seated behind an expansive desk, engrossed in his work. His piercing blue eyes flickered up, meeting mine with a mix of curiosity and detachment.

"Mr. Maxwell mentioned that you were interested in hiring a nanny," I began, my voice steady despite my nerves.

 Brian gestured towards one of the plush armchairs, and I took a seat, my hands clasped tightly in my lap. He settled behind his expansive desk, and his gaze fixed on me with a combination of curiosity and scrutiny.

"Yes, I am." He began, his voice measured and commanding. "What makes you think you're the right person for the job?"

I leaned forward, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. "Mr. Michaels, I have always had a natural affinity for children. I believe that every child deserves a loving and nurturing environment to grow and thrive. I have worked with kids for many years, and their well-being and happiness are always my top priority.'

Brian arched an eyebrow, seemingly intrigued by my response, "And what do you think makes you different from other applicants?"

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before answering, my voice steady. "I believe my genuine love for children and ability to connect with them sets me apart. I understand that each child is unique and requires individual attention. I strive to create a safe and supportive environment where they can explore, learn, and develop their passions and interests."

Brian nodded thoughtfully, his gaze locked on mine. "You have an impressive perspective on child care, Daphne. I'm intrigued by your dedication and passion. I'd like to invite you for a formal interview at my house tomorrow. It will allow you to meet my children and see if you're the right fit for the position."

A surge of excitement coursed through me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "Thank you, Mr. Michaels. I would be honored to come for the interview tomorrow. I look forward to meeting your children and showcasing my abilities as a nanny."

With a nod, Brian rose from his chair, extending his hand across the desk. I reciprocated the gesture, our hands meeting in a firm handshake.

"Until tomorrow then, Daphne," he said, a hint of a smile on his lips. "I'll send a ride to pick you up at five."

"Thank you, Mr. Michaels. I'll see you tomorrow," I replied, a mixture of determination and excitement pulsing through me.

As I left his office, a surge of anticipation filled my heart. I replayed the office scene in my head and wondered if Brian was actually nice or he pretended to be. Little did I know that this interview would mark the beginning of an unexpected journey, where secrets would unravel, and forbidden desires would ignite.

Later that day, as David returned to his own office, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He made his way to Brian's office, his steps filled with resolve. Gathering his thoughts, he spoke passionately about my love for children, nurturing nature, and unwavering dedication.

Initially resistant to the idea, Brian gradually began to see the merit in David's words. He couldn't deny the appeal of having someone genuine and caring in his children's lives, even if he tried to suppress the flicker of attraction he felt for me.

By the end of their conversation, David had successfully convinced Brian to give me a chance. Brian agreed to meet with me for an interview, and David couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He knew that this opportunity could be the beginning of a beautiful journey for both Brian's children and me…