CHAPTER FIFTEEN                               The Unraveling        

I woke up the next morning all flushed and happy. It was the happiest day of my life. Memories of the previous night flooded my mind, and I opened my eyes to see Brian beside me, his hands wrapped around me. I smiled. I looked at the wall clock, and it was almost 5 am. I have to get out of here before the kids wake up. 

Brian was still sleeping, his hair tousled, and his beautiful face relaxed. He looked sensuous and satisfied, and my cheeks flooded with color as I remembered how much he had wanted me.

In the night, he had lifted me again into his arms, his hands tracing my skin, his lips murmuring my name, and I had turned to him willingly, a slave to his every demand. Our lovemaking was frantic until we had fallen into a soft sleep again, locked in each other's arms.

I couldn't believe how one long night could have changed my life. He had turned me into another being, and I clung to him tightly, murmuring against his skin, and now as I looked down at him, raising myself on one elbow, I could see the Brian I adored. I had belonged to him since we had first met.

Brian opened his eyes to find me watching him. A smile formed on his lips as he drew me close.

"Good morning, sweetheart." He murmured against my ear.

I buried my face against him feeling shy. "Good morning."

"Tired?" he asked seductively, his tongue exploring my ear.

"A little," I whispered, and he bent his head, finding my lips.

"I-I've got to get up," I said tremulously.

"Right now?" he asked, his teeth nipping my skin. "I'm going to start the day as I've wanted to start it for months now…with you in my arms." I blushed as he pulled me in and started to kiss me.

"T-The kids? Brian?" I whispered breathlessly. "I've got to get up before they awake."

"Aaaaargghhh…." Brian groaned. "Just a few more minutes."

I smiled and nodded, and before I could finish nodding, he thrust himself into me, sending jolts of electricity and shivers down my spine. I had never felt this much pleasure. We made love, and I enjoyed every bit of it.

"I have to go now, Brian. The kids will soon be up." I lifted myself on an elbow and made to stand up, but Brian pulled me back into a kiss. I chuckled. "You have to let me go….. Brian…. Now… You wouldn't want the kids meeting us like this, would you?"

"Hmm, I just can't get enough of you. As for the kids, soon enough, but not yet."

"Then let me go." He planted one last kiss on my lips and let me stand. I had forgotten I was completely naked, and when I stood, the sheet slipped from my body, exposing my physique and making me shy. Brian smirked and I tried to cover myself ad I hurriedly got dressed.

"Stop looking."

"What?" Brian grinned. "There's nothing I haven't seen or touched…"

"Just look away. I feel shy."

"You weren't saying that last night. And you don't have to feel shy around me."

I gave up. He wasn't going to stop looking, so I dressed in silence. As I turned to leave, Brian called, "Daphne?"


"I love you. I always have."

His words melted my heart, and I believed him. I believed Brian. I walked back to where he was on the bed and kissed him before I tiptoed out of his room. When I got to my room, I hit the shower immediately. As I had my bath, scenes from my time with Brian flooded my mind as I reminisced as my sponge touched my skin, caressing while cleaning.

I spent longer than usual in the bathroom. The kids were already awake when I got out. I met them in the kitchen with Brian, who was already making breakfast. Brian cooks? 

As I walked in, Elena noticed me first as usual, and came to hug me. "Good morning, Daphne,"

"Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"

Simon came along, too, as Brian made eye contact with me. I blushed. "Good morning, Daphne,"

"Good morning, darling," I kissed Simon on his forehead and then turned to Brian.

"Good morning, Mr. Michaels," I smiled.


"I know. Just teasing." I smirked. "What are you up to?"

"Trying to make breakfast…"

"You're sure you know what you're doing?"

"I'm full of surprises, Daphne," he made eye contact again, and we both smiled. "Now sit while I make you the best pancakes in the world."

"Yay," Elena and Simon chorused.

Elena, Simon, and I waited; indeed, it was the best pancake in the world.

"Where did you learn how to make these?"

"Well, my late wife and I used to cook together. I learned a lot from her. And pancakes are our kids' favorite, so we made pancakes often."

"She was amazing."

"Yes, she was. And you are amazing too, isn't she?" He turned to Elena and Simon.

"You're amazing, Daphne," Elena responded, giggling.


We spent the rest of the day on the beach. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the beach. The soft, rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing backdrop to the laughter and excitement of the children playing in the sand. Elena and Simon had thrown themselves into building sandcastles, their faces alive with joy as they molded and shaped the sand with their tiny hands.

I sat a little apart from them, a content smile playing on my lips as I observed their antics. It was a picturesque scene—the children's laughter, the salty breeze, and the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out before us. I had never felt more at peace.

As I watched the kids, lost in my thoughts, I felt a warm presence beside me. Brian had come to sit down, his shoulder brushing against mine. I turned to him, a soft smile gracing my features. His hand reached out, his fingers gently caressing my cheek. My heart skipped a beat at his touch, and I looked into his eyes, my breath catching in my throat.

His gaze had an undeniable intensity—a longing that mirrored my desires. It was a silent exchange, a meeting of souls that transcended words. We were both acutely aware of the depth of our feelings, the magnetic pull that had drawn us together. At that moment, it felt like the world had faded away, leaving just the two of us on that secluded stretch of beach.

Brian's gaze shifted briefly, his eyes flickering towards Elena and Simon to ensure they were occupied. And then, in a daring move that sent a shiver down my spine, he leaned in, his lips brushing against mine. The kiss was soft and tentative yet filled with an intensity that left me breathless.

Time seemed to stand still as our lips met, a mixture of longing and restraint fueling the fire smoldering between us. I could taste the salt of the sea on his lips, the sensation sending a thrill coursing through my veins. It was a stolen moment, a secret exchange of emotions we had kept hidden from the world.

When we finally pulled away, our eyes locked once again, and the unspoken words hung heavily in the air. It was a promise of the depth of our feelings, the longing that had taken root within us. Brian's hand found mine, his fingers intertwining with mine as he held on as if unwilling to let go.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that all day," he confessed, his voice a low whisper that sent a shiver down my spine.

I smiled softly, my heart racing with excitement and trepidation. "I've been longing for it too," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "But we have to be careful, Brian. We can't let the children see."

He nodded, his gaze never leaving mine. "I know."

The weight of our emotions hung heavily between us, the unspoken understanding of the challenges we faced and the risks we were taking. But at that moment, as we sat on that quiet stretch of beach, with the children's laughter ringing in the distance, none of that seemed to matter. We were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, a passionate connection that defied reason and logic.

The rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur. We had sandwiches for lunch. The children's laughter filled the air as they played in the sand, their innocence starkly contrasting the complexity of the emotions that had consumed us. We joined in their games, building sandcastles and chasing waves while stealing glances and secret touches when we thought no one was watching.

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, we gathered the children and made our way back to the beach house. 

Little did I know, Brian had a surprise in store for us that evening. After a busy day of beach adventures, he approached me with a mysterious smile, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Daphne, how about we have a special dinner tonight?" he suggested.

My curiosity piqued, I agreed, and he instructed me to get the kids ready. Elena and Simon were brimming with excitement, their eyes shining with anticipation as we headed out. "What do you have in mind?" I asked as we entered the car.

"You'll see."

Brian had chosen a charming restaurant with a cozy ambiance, and as we stepped inside, the aroma of delectable dishes filled the air.

The kids were in awe, their gazes darting around the elegant setting. "Wow, this place is fancy!" Simon exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder.

Brian chuckled, ruffling Simon's hair affectionately. "Only the best for my two favorite companions."

As the evening sun cast a warm glow through the restaurant windows, we enjoyed a delightful dinner filled with laughter and conversations. The kids chatted animatedly about their day, sharing stories of sandcastle building and ocean adventures. Brian and I exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the precious memories we were creating together.

After dinner, Brian's surprises continued. He led us to a nearby outdoor concert, where the air buzzed with excitement, and the stage came alive with music. The children's eyes lit up as the performers took the stage, and I couldn't help but get caught up in their infectious enthusiasm.

Brian's hand found mine as we watched the concert, and our fingers intertwined. The connection was electric, sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine. I stole a glance at him, my heart skipping a beat at the intensity of his gaze. He was lost in the music at the moment, and it was as if we were in our own world, a world where our feelings for each other were unspoken yet palpable.

Elena and Simon were engrossed in the performance, their eyes wide with awe. I smiled, a mixture of emotions welling up inside me. Unknown to us, they had seen us. They had even seen us kiss on the beach earlier. This was a side of Brian I rarely saw, the thoughtful companion. It was a side that made my heart swell with affection for him.

The concert ended, and we made our way back home. The kids were buzzing with excitement, their voices filling the car with cheerful chatter. Brian's hand never left mine, the connection between us unbroken. He navigated the streets easily, his attention divided between the road and our intertwined fingers.

As we arrived home, the children's energy showed no sign of waning. They bounded out of the car, their laughter ringing through the air. Brian and I exchanged a fond smile before joining them. The evening had been filled with joy, a welcome distraction from the challenges ahead.

Exhausted from a day of laughter and play, Elena and Simon quickly fell asleep, their faces peaceful in slumber, their dreams filled with the day's magical moments. Brian and I lingered on the balcony, the night sky a canvas of twinkling stars above us.

"I hope you enjoyed your day," Brian said, his voice soft yet filled with satisfaction.

I nodded, my heart full. "It was a perfect evening, Brian. Thank you."

He turned to me, his gaze unwavering. "Daphne, I want you to know that I cherish our shared moments. With you, with the children. They mean the world to me."

The sincerity in his words tugged at my heartstrings, a warmth spreading through my chest. "I feel the same way," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Brian reached for my hand, his touch sending a rush of emotions through me. "Let's keep building these moments, Daphne. For the kids, for us, and they'll accept us with time."

I met his gaze, my heart pounding in rhythm with his. "Yes, Brian. Let's keep building."

As we stood there, hand in hand, beneath the star-studded sky, I couldn't help but feel that despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, we were creating a tapestry of memories, a bond that would withstand the tests of time. And as our fingers remained entwined, I knew that whatever came our way, we would face it together.

Brian and I stood on the balcony, the ocean breeze playing with our hair. The stars twinkled overhead, casting a soft, ethereal light over everything. The air was charged with the unspoken words that lingered between us, the depth of our connection impossible to ignore.

"They're the most important thing," I murmured, breaking the silence that had settled over us.

Brian nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "They are my world. I love them so much, and I love you." He turned to face me. "Which means you are part of my world now.

I turned to him, my heart swelling with a mixture of emotions. "We'll navigate this together, Brian. No matter the challenges that come our way."

He reached for my hand, his fingers entwining with mine. "Together," he echoed, his voice a quiet promise that sent me a warm wave of comfort.

As the night deepened, we remained on the balcony, lost in our thoughts and each other's presence. The fear of discovery and the uncertainties that lay ahead was ever-present, but for now, at that moment, we found solace in the whispered promises and stolen moments that had ignited a love that defied all odds.

"Spend the night with me," Brian pulled me closer to him. I could feel his shaft against me. He was hard with longing for me. I nodded, giving him all the answers he needed. He kissed me hard and pulled me up, carrying me to his bedroom without breaking the kiss. Our clothes were flung to the ground, and we were both completely naked before I knew it.

Brian pulled me closer to him to lie in his arms. His tongue curled around my fingers, licking each one in turn, erotic and exciting, sucking rhythmically.

I gave out a strange little cry, and he scooped my head towards himself, taking my mouth by storm, his hand resting on the swell of my breast.

"You like this, Daphne. We already know that. You like me to touch you here. It sets your heart racing."

His fingers coaxed me, taking my erect nipple and twisting it gently until every part of me seemed to burst into flame, fierce shafts of feelings that darted downwards to engulf me.

His lips covered mine fiercely, and I gave up, surrendering to the desire that raged between us. He moved his hands over my breasts, molding with soothing persuasion, his thumb circling the tight, hard nub. I lifted my head, seeking his lips frantically, and he claimed my mouth, his tongue invading the sweetness with rough, pulsating movements that were suggestive and overwhelming.

I moved against him, sensuality I had not even known I possessed driving me on. I wanted more. I wanted much more, my hips trying to arch against him with instinct, inviting him on.

"Not too fast, Daphne. Slowly,"

"I want you now." I pulled him closer. He gave a loud groan and thrust himself into me, making me moan out loud. The pleasure I felt was better than the first time. He continued until our bodies moved in rhythm with our breaths. We reached climax, and he came with a loud groan. I could see the satisfaction in his eyes as he lay beside me and pulled me into his arms.

"I can never get enough of you, Daphne." He kissed me and licked my ears while I giggled.

"I can't believe this is what I've been missing out on." I chuckled. "I feel amazing."

"Look at me," Brian commanded quietly, and I obeyed, my face still flushed and wild, my cheeks hot.

"I-I feel- I feel shy."

"I know." He kissed my eyes, his lips on the soft velvet lids and the thick, dark lashes. "This is where I wanted you to be the first time I saw you. I just kept fighting it. Tired?"

"Exhausted!" I sighed. I cuddled close, warm and at peace, and after a minute, I stretched out languorously and smiled mischievously into his eyes.

"You realize I might be pregnant?" I asked softly.

"It crossed my mind, but I was too desperate to think of it. On the other hand, it would be a joy to see little Daphne running around even though I want you to myself for a long time." 

"Would you say that you're spoiled for choice?"

"I believe I am." He kissed my soft and willing lips, and we fell asleep locked in each other's arms.


 As the first rays of the sun stretched across the room, bathing everything in a gentle morning light, a sense of tranquility filled the air.

Suddenly, the door swung open with youthful exuberance, and Elena's voice trailed off as she stumbled upon an unexpected scene. "Daddy, Good m…." Elena's greeting dissolved into a stunned silence as her eyes widened, taking in the sight before her. I shifted uncomfortably, and my cheeks tinged with a blush as I averted my gaze.

Brian and I had slept in, and her innocent interruption caught us sharing an intimate moment, tangled in each other's embrace.

The surprise on Elena's face was unmistakable, freezing us in that vulnerable instant. My heart raced, my mind racing to find words to explain the situation. The weight of the moment hung heavy, and I felt a rush of emotions—embarrassment, concern, and an unshakable sense of guilt.

Brian's reaction mirrored my own. He opened his mouth, attempting to find words, but like me, he seemed momentarily speechless.