
Chapter three

Alex walked back to the briefing room, his mind racing with uncertainty. As he entered, Agent Cole was waiting for him, a look of determination in his eyes.

"Alex," Agent Cole began, "I know this is a lot to take in. But we need you. Your genetic profile is the only match we have to operate Max to its full potential. Your brother's work, his sacrifice, it all leads to you."

Alex sighed, running a hand through his hair. "What does this have to do with Ethan and why did they kill my friends?"

Agent Cole leaned forward, his tone urgent. "We believe the same organization that killed your friends is responsible for Ethan's death. They were after his research. Joining us means you can help us stop them and get justice for Ethan."

Alex felt a surge of anger but still he had a lot of questions on his mind. "But where's Ethan!, where was he buried? Was he even buried?,"

Flashback: The Night of the Attack

Agent Cole took a deep breath and began recounting the events of that night.

"Ethan was in the car, issuing commands to Max. 'Activate thrust boosters,' he said, his voice strained. The car responded, 'Boosters activated, Ethan. Your vitals are critical. Hypothermia setting in, administering painkillers.' Ethan was losing a lot of blood and was in immense pain. The shield was down to three percent."

Alex listened intently as Agent Cole continued, "We were being pursued. Ethan's commands kept us ahead, but only just. Suddenly, an energy blast hit us, causing a temporary shutdown of the AI system. The car crashed, but not severely."

Cole's eyes darkened as he recounted the next part. "The attackers took Ethan, but just as they were about to take me, the car reactivated. Max's emergency protocols kicked in, and it fought back. I managed to escape, but Ethan was already gone. The car returned to the facility to protect its technology, but I was injured in the crash."

Alex clenched his fists. "So they took Ethan alive?"

Agent Cole nodded. "Yes, and we've been trying to track them ever since."

The next morning, Alex stood in the training facility, ready to begin. General Cutter watched from a window, his expression unreadable.

Agent Cole explained the schedule. "We'll start with physical conditioning. You'll run, lift weights, and spar with Jake. After that, we'll move on to tactical training."

Alex nodded, steeling himself for the challenge.

Hours passed as Alex pushed his body to the limit. Sweat poured down his face, his muscles screamed in protest, but he didn't give up. Jake, ever the supportive partner, encouraged him at every step.

"Come on, Alex! You can do this!" Jake shouted as they ran laps around the facility.

By the afternoon, they moved on to mental training. Dr. Lynn guided Alex through complex simulations, testing his problem-solving skills under pressure.

"This is intense," Alex muttered, wiping sweat from his brow.

Dr. Lynn smiled. "It's meant to be. We need you at your best."

Alex nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but he focused on the task at hand. The simulations grew increasingly complex, testing not only his physical endurance but also his mental acuity. Dr. Lynn watched closely, noting his reactions and adjustments.

"Your progress is impressive, Alex," she remarked after a particularly challenging scenario. "But remember, this is just the beginning. The real test is out there."


Hours later, as the team gathered for a dinner in the facility's mess hall, the mood was surprisingly light. The camaraderie among the agents was palpable, and Alex felt a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced in a long time. Jake, always the jokester, was in rare form.

"So, there was this one time," Jake began, a mischievous grin on his face, "when I had to convince a border guard that my pet ferret was a highly trained espionage agent. The guy bought it, too!"

Laughter erupted around the table. Even General Cutter, usually so stern, cracked a smile.

"You should've seen his face when I told him the ferret could disarm a bomb," Jake continued, "He actually asked for a demonstration!"

Alex laughed along with the others, the tension of the day momentarily forgotten.


The next morning, Alex was still asleep when Jake entered his room. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead," Jake said, shaking Alex gently. "We've got another intense day ahead."

Training resumed with even more vigor. The physical drills were grueling, but Alex pushed through, driven by the need to avenge his brother and protect those he cared about. The tactical exercises were mentally exhausting, but he knew they were crucial.

As the day wore on, an alarm suddenly blared through the facility. Red lights flashed, and a voice over the intercom announced, "Unidentified vehicle approaching. All personnel to standby positions."

The agents scrambled into action. Alex felt his heart race as he followed the others to the designated safe zone. General Cutter and Agent Cole were already there, their expressions tense.

"It's a senator's car," one of the tech agents reported. "Registered to Senator Markham."

"What is he doing here?" Cutter muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

The vehicle pulled up to the entrance, and Senator Markham stepped out, his face set in grim determination. He was quickly escorted inside, where Cutter met him.

"Senator, this is unexpected," Cutter said, his tone respectful but curious.

Before the senator could respond, his phone rang. He glanced at the screen, frowning. "Excuse me," he said, stepping aside to answer the call.

"Hello?" he said into the phone.

"Dad?" came a trembling voice. "It's me, Cathy."

Markham's heart sank. "Cathy? What's wrong? Where are you?"

"I... I've been kidnapped," she whispered, her voice shaking.