
Chapter six

The Vortex facility hummed with the energy of a new day. Technicians hustled between workstations, scientists reviewed data, and security personnel monitored the perimeter. The chaos from the previous attack seemed a distant memory, though an undercurrent of tension remained.

Alex entered the tech lab, where Dr. Lynn awaited him. "Good morning, Alex. Today, we're testing the new AR contact lenses. They should help you see potential future events and analyze threats in real-time."

Alex slipped on the lenses, a faint blue glow indicating their activation. As he adjusted, the room's details sharpened, and he saw faint overlays of data on everything he looked at.

Ryan joined them, holding a small drone. "This is the latest in our drone tech. It's designed for rapid surveillance and minor repairs. We're also integrating quantum computing to speed up data processing and encryption breaking."

Alex nodded, intrigued. "Let's get started."

They moved to the training area, where Alex began practicing with the lenses, holo-interfaces, and drones. Initially, he struggled, but his determination quickly turned challenges into achievements. The lenses showed him a possible future event – a security breach – which he managed to prevent during the simulation.

In the background, staff whispered about the recent breach. The atmosphere was tense but focused. General Cutter received a discreet notification on his phone. Glancing around, he quietly moved to a secluded area to read it.

General Cutter opened the message from the investigation team. Five names appeared: Agent Harris, a cybersecurity expert; Dr. Patel, a forensic analyst; Lieutenant Morris, a tactical operations specialist; Officer Ramirez, an undercover operative; and Captain Chen, the team leader. Cutter nodded, knowing these were the best in the field.

Meanwhile, Alex reflected on his new responsibilities and his growth. He had brief interactions with other key characters, revealing more about their backgrounds and roles. Ryan shared his concerns about the malware's sophistication, hinting at an internal mole.


Alex stood in the training room, his AR contact lenses seamlessly overlaying data onto his vision. Max's voice, calm and precise, guided him through the exercise. "Alex, simulated drones approaching from 4 o'clock. Prepare to evade."

As Alex ducked and rolled, simulated laser beams from the drones grazed past him. He coordinated his movements with Max's guidance, each dodge and maneuver executed with precision.

"9 o'clock, incoming," Max warned.

Alex spun, narrowly avoiding another blast. He had to stay sharp; the training drones were relentless. Sweat dripped down his forehead, but he kept his focus, trusting Max's guidance.

"Alex, you have an opening. Move forward and take cover," Max instructed.

He sprinted towards a simulated barricade, diving behind it just as another laser shot past. "Max, what's my next move?"

"Hold position and prepare for a counterattack. Drones are recharging their weapons," Max responded.

Alex took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the environment. The simulated scenario was intense, but he felt a strange sense of exhilaration. Just as he was about to ask Max for the next command, his vision suddenly blurred.

The lenses glitched, flashing erratic images and static. Alex staggered, momentarily disoriented. "Max, what's happening?"

Max's voice remained steady. "There appears to be a malfunction. Attempting to stabilize."

Before the lenses could correct themselves, Alex saw a series of dark, ominous images. It wasn't the future, but it was just as disturbing: masked figures infiltrating the Vortex facility, sabotage, and chaos. Amidst the chaos, a figure emerged, his face obscured but unmistakably similar to Ethan's. The figure looked directly at Alex, his voice distorted but clear enough to send chills down his spine. "Alex, They are coming for you."

"Alex, are you receiving me?" Max's voice cut through the haze.

"Yes, Max. What was that?" Alex asked, shaking off the unsettling vision.

"Diagnostic indicates a temporary malfunction. Attempting to analyze audio and visual data," Max replied.

"Can you enhance the audio and video?" Alex pressed, his heart pounding.

"Processing... Unable to improve clarity beyond current levels," Max stated.

Dr. Lynn approached, concern etched on her face. "What did you see?"



5 Hours Before the Attack

In a dimly lit room, Victor leaned back in his chair, watching his men move with purpose. The door creaked open, and a trusted lieutenant entered. "Sir, should we proceed with the operation?"

Victor's eyes narrowed. "Is the girl in position?"

"Yes, sir. They're about to get her. Should we go ahead or abort?"

Victor smirked, a cold glint in his eyes. "Proceed. Make sure there are no mistakes."

End of flashback

Jake's phone buzzed with a message from an unknown contact: "I miss you. Can we meet at Café Roma?"

Jake smiled, replying, "On my way."

He arrived at the café, spotting a girl, Emily, with her friends. They greeted each other warmly, and Victor's usual stern demeanor softened. They talked, laughed, and shared a kiss, oblivious to the chaos about to unfold.

As Jake and Emily kissed, a shadowy figure watched from a distance, their expression unreadable. The figure's phone buzzed with a single message: "Ready to proceed. Awaiting your signal."

The figure smirked, replying, "Proceed."


Back in the Vortex facility, A familiar voice can be heard. "Alex, they are coming for you. The voice was coming from Max and the screen glowed showing, "message saved."