Prologue (Explicit Content)

[Rest your tiresome soul and unravel the universe's unspoken words.

Listen to its elegy,

Allure the sun and follow the traces left behind.

Paint his allegory,

Awaken the dormant will and unwind its origin.

Should we cross paths again, stay and recall,

Our mellifluous melody.]

(18+ content)

"Focus, Yohan."

An exasperated voice demanded his attention.

Snapping back into reality, he faced a man who was sitting opposite of him.

Dressed in a silk bathrobe draped over his shoulders with a wide exposure of muscular physique; as if crafted by the hands of Michelangelo himself, made him look like a living depiction of a European god's sculpture. His face— as if carved by gods with his emerald eyes embedded like gems, he was the second prince of the Empire of Eir, Laurent Carlos La Eir.

He narrowed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, revealing an impatient expression.

"Did you hear what I said to you? Your mind is running off somewhere again."

"I apologise for my ignorance, Your Highness,"

Yohan replied weakly, casting an uncomfortable glance to the side. He awkwardly straightened his back, feeling the immense pressure from the other party. However, he regained his composure, remembering his duty as His Highness's bodyguard.

"We could discuss this tomorrow. More importantly, you shouldn't be out of your chamber, Your Highness. If Butler Sebastian was to notice your absence, it would alarm the whole palace," Yohan firmly said. He carefully collected the empty teacups on the table and walked away, excusing himself.

In the bathroom, Yohan slowly washed the cups. Taking his time, he noticed a weary young man with tousled black hair in his reflection, having an overall depressive appearance. He tried to smile, but his eyes couldn't hide his exhaustion.

Exhausted from living twice.

In his first life, he was a poor college student in the modern world, named Yu De. He lived his life without his childhood memories, and was abandoned by his adopted parents. Because of his upbringing, he rarely interacted with anyone, and sought solace in his solitude, detached from his struggles to make ends meet.

However his suffering was short lived. On his usual trip to the convenience store, he was fatally hit by a truck, ending his obscure life.

When he opened his eyes, he was bewildered to be transmigrated into a game world that took place in mediaeval times. A system introduced itself and requested one thing from the player.

[Completing missions is, and should be your priority, your return to your original world, and will only be guaranteed if you achieve the 'death ending' !]

'…Imagine being relieved that you got a chance to live again, just to be asked to die for world peace' He protested.

However, living in an unfamiliar world with no prior knowledge, he was left no choice but to walk down the scripted path.

He set off to be an Imperial Knight, working his way up to be the right-hand man of the Crown Prince, and aided in the war against Ordin, the neighbouring country.

It was once famous for its capital city, Orias Port, a popular trading hub where the world's trade took place due to its convenient geographical location. It had an abundance of natural resources and minerals, making its land rich and valuable.

Between the borders of the two countries, there was a barren land named "No Man's land". The land that was once stretched over with light blue skies that painted the horizon, a portrait that contained beauties of every possible shade was now replaced with a dull grey hue. The only colour in sight.

It was a phenomenon resulting from the residue degradation of the waste land, filled with rotten corpses and monsters.

Clouds that resembled spirals formed a vortex in the sky, a mesmerising yet ominous sight. Years ago, miners discovered the vortex and began drilling deep into the uninhabitable ground.

Scholars suspected it to be caused by the 'Outer-core'— the origin of Calibre.

Calibre was the manifestation of the souls' will. It could be categorised into mental and physical abilities.

Physical abilities could manipulate the invisible forces and natural phenomena that could change the natural laws, or a straightforward enhancement of one's physical state. While mental abilities could affect psychological behaviour.

However, Calibre was not omnipotent. It had its properties and restrictions, limited to humans' capability.

Since he was absent from the world's database, Yohan was not bound by any phenomenon present in this world. Unable to manifest a Calibre, the system granted him an ability, "Nothingness".

His ability was self-beneficial and acted as a defence mechanism— to fully resist any mental abilities. This helped him to create a misunderstanding that he held a mystery Calibre, instilling fear in his enemies. However, that fear came from his swordsmanship, not his ability.

With this, he completed his missions, bringing victory back to the Empire of Eir. The Emperor commended his effort, bestowing him with the title of 'Count', estates and special rights. The citizens called him the Hero of Eir and celebrated the success of the war.

It was then the system revealed his actual role, The Betrayer. Him deliberately sharing hopes with the people, gaining trust with his comrades, and his sincerity towards Laurent were all stepping stones to achieve his death ending.

Infuriated by the system's deception, he sought his own way to live his life— to experience emotions he previously didn't have.

Alas, The system made no exception to his defiance.

[Player Yohan, if you continue your obscene behaviour with the male lead, it will be ruled as a violation. You will receive punishment for not complying to the system's rules.] It warned.

"Violation?" He raised his voice. "You didn't say anything about- hah, never mind. Tell me what's the punishment."

[A forced death.]

The unpleasant memories flooded his mind as the water flowed from the tap filled the basin, submerging the two cups.

A hand from behind closed the tap lightly, and tightly wrapped his arm around Yohan's waist. He snuggled his head on his shoulder, his golden hair, brushed against his skin as he whispered pitifully. "What's wrong? Is it because I was acting harsh on you just now? If so, please forgive me."

"It's not that, your highness," Yohan sighed.

"It's just that…"

"Just what?" Laurent sharply raised his voice. His elongated fingers that were ruffling his hair cupped his cheeks. With a serious face, he took a deep breath and finally gave his ultimatum.

"For many days, you have been acting distant, as if you're a stranger. You know how many people value you, right? Everyone is worried about you, your health and your mood. I don't need you to protect me or my Empire if the burdens you're shouldering drain your life away. So please, Yohan, don't be so hard on yourself."

Yohan pushed Laurent's hands away, his dull eyes on the brink of tears. However it wasn't Laurent that made him emotional.

[Warning! Warning! Close contact, —- story -progression: negative.]

[Punishment- instilled]

"N-no," he mumbled. His eyes shaken in fear, fixated at a certain angle. Clenching his lips, Laurent pulled Yohan's arm into the darkness.

The harsh force threw Yohan and pinned him down onto the bed as if gravity was concentrated only on his body— rendering him unable to escape. Panicked, he begged Laurent.

"Wait, wait-Mhm-m,"

He grabbed his chin and pulled it closer. Yohan struggled against his force, gripping the edge of his clothes over his shoulder. However, his mouth intruded his, both their tongues entwined, spiralling into a dance of dominance. Yohan widened his eyes as it met his, which reflected an uncut aventurine— translucent and pellucid.

Captivated by his gaze, Yohan's guarded nature melted, letting unfamiliar moans escape his mouth. In his last ditch effort, he forcefully turned his head away from Laurent, gasping for air.

"Yohan," his voice commanded. "I'll give you a chance."

"Walk away now, and I'll let you go. If you look back in my direction, I'll do what I want to you."

Laurent softened his expression to mask his possessiveness, his eyes prying onto his prey.

Yohan could feel his glare, leaving him defenceless against his touch after the clash of their warmth.

Everywhere his eyes went, the system screen always followed, watching his every move and decision, twisting it into its favour.

So why should he hesitate?

Relaxing his tense body, his eyes slowly locked in his, welcoming Laurent to his embrace.

His mouth explored every part of Yohan, from his cheeks to his collarbone. His fingers busily unbuttoned their shirts, allowing him to feel skin-to-skin. His tongue rolled around Yohan's chest, the traces warming the sweat; like a cat marking its territory.

His teeth bit at the tip and softly pulled. His lips kissed his chest and nibbled, playing with his dessert.

Overstimulated, Yohan squirmed in his embrace, feeling a stiff erection. His watery eyes peek at his uncontrollable body, twitching in every orgasm.

Laurent's enlarged hand sneaked down and held it. Slowly, he rubbed and stroked rhythmically, teasing Yohan's patience.

He could feel their connection together, weakening his resolve to push Laurent away.

Heat clouded his judgement as he was taken away by pure ecstasy. Everywhere Laurent touched heightened his senses.

[Warning! Violation!] It repeatedly rang in his head.

But the man who had absorbed his entirety, was what's left of his consciousness. His eyes blurred, and his hearing muffled. Squinting his eyes, his raised arms, embracing the man above him, surrendering himself to his desire.

The momentum became faster, the wet squelched between his hands did not miss a beat, releasing its load.

"A-ah, that's so-!" Yohan exclaimed sheepishly.

"You're embarrassed already? We're just getting started," Laurent continued. His lewd expression was like a wild beast, ravishing his entirety.

His slippery fingers sneakily entered, rubbing against his inner wall.

The walls hugged the shape of his fingers, pushing it deeper into the chasm. It consumed his fingers tightly as he twisted around, coating every area. Pressing a specific area, Yohan violently jerked.

"You're taking it well, but relax more," he instructed.

Yohan struggled to keep calm, his toes curled and his hands lost their grip, like shocks zapped against his will.

Laurent's touch electrified his heated body as the tip of his fingers burnt his skin, saturating his intense thoughts.

After ejacualating, his legs weakened and folded onto the bed. However, Laurent's hands gripped his thighs and spread them, leaving red marks.

"I'm not done," Laurent licked his lips.

"A-hmph, mh… aurgh, huh?"

Discreetly, he pressed his against Yohan's bottom half.

"Hic!" A terrified sharp inhale heard.

The tip entered into the leaking membrane, roughly pushing through its way. Pain resonated through their nerves, his veins paled through his skin as Laurent entered ruthlessly.

Yohan arched backwards and grasped. He clenched the bedsheet as he squirmed around, coping with the sudden pain. Tears fell as he struggled to keep up with the pace.

Laurent lifted his legs up onto his shoulders and mercilessly thrusted. He felt his body being dragged down, wrinkling the once smoothen white sheet. It was a surreal feeling; it felt so repulsive and yet, his thirst was quenched. To reassure Yohan, Laurent's hand touched his clenched fist and invaded his fingers' space, forcing their fingers to intertwine.

"Aurgh, ah hah, hah… pls" Yohan pleaded.

"Are you going to push me away?" He whispered airily. "I'm trying very hard to understand your hesitation."

Taking short breaths, Yohan mustered a dry voice. "That's not what I want."

His hands covering his eyes to hide away his breaking point, his fingers massaging his swollen eyes.

Shocked by his reaction, Laurent's body froze. Taking it out, his lonesome shadow blended into the darkness, hiding his expression.

"I-I," His voice trembled.

"No, listen Laurent," Yohan hurriedly corrected himself, swiping the system's window invisibly fast to the side.

Gathering his strength, he lifted his body weight onto his calves and sat upright, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of the warm discharge dripping down his feet.

In that moment of silence, they said simultaneously.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm in the wrong,"

"You're not." Yohan shook his head.

"I do owe you an explanation. However, you must understand everything has its reason. Sometimes, the truth is… beyond your understanding."

"You can't tell me? Who is forcing you?" Laurent questioned.

"No one."

"Don't lie to me out of obligation."

The words Yohan desperately wished to say were swallowed. He could hear the shakiness of his voice, the pretence in his composure.

"I can't promise you anything. But, I will try my best to accompany you," Yohan caresses the confused face.

"You're the people's sun, you can't risk it all for some half-hearted feelings. For us to be together shows how much we have already sacrificed."

"… I have no excuses. When it comes for you to decide, you can resent me."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Laurent wailed aguishly.

His bleary eyes reflected his fragility, glistening in clarity and desperation.

If eyes were windows to the soul, they had given their inner selves to each other.

Laurent's head drooped defeatedly. He knew that questioning Yohan any further would put a strain on their relationship. Hugging a fleeting existence that would easily disappear from his grasp, he wondered if Yohan was ever living.

"You're so cruel." Laurent muttered bitterly. Interconnecting their dampened bodies, they kissed passionately.

Yohan smiled weakly.

"You're not to be blamed."


As Yohan gained control of his slipping consciousness, he saw his feet standing on a rough wooden plank.

His ears perked as the muffled cheered victoriously, chanting the words "banish", "eradicate", "cleanse". 

His numb mind was overwhelmed, but he understood the situation he was in. In front of him was an angry mob, violently throwing their hands out and shouting incessantly. 

Above the elevated platform, a hanging rope swayed along with the breezy wind. Then, he looked to his side where the imperial royal family sat stoic on their thrones. 

The emperor slanted his body, supporting his chin with his palm while tapping the armrest restlessly. Next to him was the second prince, sitting unnervingly on the plain throne. His body flinched, yet he looked in the other direction.

His eyes darkened to the colour of natural emerald and his lips were dried. Once an astute man, who had become an empty shell of his former self, left to deal with the aftermath. 

As the rope tightened behind Yohan, strangely, he felt more regret than fear. For once, he felt a strong tug at the heartstrings, aching for the warmth he neglected long ago.

He couldn't help but to smile bitterly. He did everything he could to love Laurent, despite the Emperor's decree to eradicate same-sex relationships. 

He felt defeated, achieving the death ending that he wanted to avoid the most. He didn't want to return back to his original world— a world that ignored his desperate cry.


[Congrats to Yohan, Дrocicdo wgsvvxoѳ obpybqsѳ o,pybqodѣ]

His remaining will dissipate after seeing the system notification. Before he could understand it, another system notification popped up. 


It was the first of many. Soon later, the same messages were overlapping and glitching. Yohan was taken aback.

'Is the system glitching? Rebooting? What is going on?' 

The unpredictable characters appeared briefly before being replaced by a new set of codes. It was like a whirlwind of numbers, symbols, and characters all mixed together. This abnormality distracted Yohan from his situation.

Suddenly, the church bell tolled. A burlap was placed overhead, blocking his vision. The suffocation consumed his thoughts, succumbing to a long battle of peace.