Chapter 6: Paper Moon

Outside of the cabin was a huge commotion. The authorities and staff were aware of the situation and kept a tight lip. 

The next day, an announcement was made to ease the tension on the Orient Express due to bombarding complaints and concerns from the upper class. 

"This is the conductor speaking. The Orient Express sincerely apologises to all passengers for any inconvenience caused, the armed attacker has been subdued and train service will be returning to normal. The next station is Vines. If you have any questions or concerns about the incident, please approach our staff for clarification. We will ensure that our top priority is the safety of our passengers. Thank you for your understanding and please take care."

'It seemed that they chose not to say the entire truth of the situation. I suppose this was the safest decision to cover up the murder and not to tarnish their reputation as an opulent train service.' Placing the rim of the teacup to his lips, he took a small sip, tasting the scorching burnt on his tongue rather than the bitter herb taste.

Elara and Hans kept their promise and no one suspected that a third party was involved. He had returned to his peaceful life before arriving at his destination.

The observation cabin's window panels opened to a picturesque, water-coloured landscape that moved along the train speed. The cobalt blue cushioned seats faced towards the wide window panes, getting closer to a greyish architecture defence in the distance. 

Yohan peeked his head out and felt the razor cold breeze against his skin. As the train went  past the city wall to the train terminal, the Orient Express made a stop and engaged the authorities of Vidar to settle the murder case and other administrative issues. After a perilous journey, Yohan alighted the train and stepped foot into Vidar terminal. 

Crafted marble columns with grape vines spiralling around the beams of the structure, expanding across the ceiling as controlled temperature cooled the heat of the arriving locomotive. Whistle blew loudly with busy hand gestures, instructing  passengers to queue accordingly. 

Heading to the control and service station, Yohan handed in his verification papers and ID. After a few scans and stamps, he walked forward to the waiting area. Unfolding a map, he decided to walk to the Duke's Mansion at the top of the hill.

Then, a man wearing a bowler hat and waistcoat, bowed his head with his hat in his hand while taking out an emblazoned metal piece.

On the metal badge were two bears holding swords crossed like an 'X', and pouring wine cups, symbolising the one of four duke houses, Duke Vidar.

"Good afternoon Mr Yohan. I'm Eric, the coachman and I'll be escorting you to Duke Vidar's mansion. Please follow me to the horse carriage prepared for you." 

Following the coachman to a modest wooden carriage, I observed my changing scenery ascending up the hill. Stacks of vineyards in distinct columns led to the top of the hill, where the carriage stopped.

A young maid with red inward hair bowed, her fingers pinching the maid apron. 

"I hope you've a pleasing journey, Mr Yohan. Please call me Maia." 

"Nice to meet you," Yohan returned the pleasantries.

"The Duke is waiting for you in the main hall. His grace will brief you about the collaboration before I guide you to your room," Maia said, pushing open the entrance door.

The light twinkling from the chandelier refracted its rays on the ceiling dome. The golden fence outlines the two staircases from opposite wings, connecting at its base. A well-dressed, prestigious nobleman resting his hands on the cane, cast a low gaze and smiled broadly from above. Waving his hand, a servant stepped forth with an envelope on the silver tray. 

"Welcome to Vines and my mansion, Yohan. Please make yourself comfortable as you will be working here for a year. Amenities and accommodation are provided with basic salary listed in the letter, have a look at it." 

Flipping open the envelope, it was a detailed list of procedures and rules to adhere to. 

"You're here under The Guild's collaboration to deliver our newly developed Grape Wine No.6 Aroma to invited guests for tasting. Hence, I hope our cooperation will be successful. If there's any inquiry, please approach Eren, the head butler." The Duke finalised his speech. 

Watching his shadow disappear from the corner to his office, Yohan followed Maia's footsteps to the right wing. 

Walking along the alternate shadow of the square courtyard, Maia explained the layout of the compound.

"This is the Fountain of Wealth, situated at the centre of the Cecilia Garden. Around it are rose bushes with different others, and rarer flowers are located in the botanic greenhouse at the end of the maze. Next to it is the main building where you first entered. The right wing is mainly the guests' rooms and the servant dormitory below. The left wing is His Grace's office and other facilities catering to the family."

Stopping at a door engraved with branching spiral patterns, climbing up to the top as it swirled at the middle to indicate its handles. Maia naturally pushed open the door and revealed a well-lit room, with the proper arrangement of a typical guest room. It looked simple but elegant. 

"This is your room. I'll be back at 6 for our planned tour around the town. This includes trying out some of our specialties," Maia shared.

Placing a hand bell on the bedside table and a set of clothes, Maia excused herself from the room.

Settling down on the bed, Yohan closed his eyes and calmed his headache from the long ride.

The warmth slowly faded away as he felt a cold breeze.

— —- —

His heavy head hung low to the table, unable to stay awake. A pair of worn off gloves and a body wrapped in armour, he tried to focus the mumbling of the speaker. 

"… We can't ignore the Opia diseases spreading in Vidar! It is not a simple disease that causes blindness! The infected soldiers have been reported to attack everyone on sight and suffered a psychological manifestation of their biggest fear! The whole population of Vine is infected and its citizens are basically mindless killing machines endlessly murdering each other regardless of who they are. Heck, they can't even differentiate between their death and their fear!" A loud bang on the table resounded. 

The ringing in Yohan's ears irritated him, so he immediately stood up and proposed a solution. 

"I concur with his views. It's a serious matter that affects everyone in the near future. The current death rate is around a million, Commander. Hence, we should make the development of the cure our top priority." 

Yohan's resolute eyes met with a pair of diminished amber eyes. His slicked back dirty blonde hair exposed his rough, stoic facial structure, the layers of the commander's attire hid his neck's scar as the Crown Prince of Eir, Layton Charles La Eir, furrowed his eyebrows in displeasure.

"I understand that the cure for Opia is important, but for such a powerful new disease with the lack of understanding of its origin, it would take years to research, not to say to develop a cure with the right combination of chemicals. If we were to proceed with that, won't the war be dragged on for another decade?" The commander interrupted him, shaking his head. 

"Even if you expand the numbers of doctors and scientists, it would end up costing way more than what we already have sacrificed in this war. We're far too involved in this too, thus, retreatment is not an option. Either we exhaust our resources and wait till the disease wipes out Ordin without interfering for a fast victory, or we will follow your decision and you will have to bear the number of lives lost on your shoulder."

"You're saying my plan is not feasible and rather redundant because of the low possibility of successfully developing a cure." Yohan inquired.

"Since you are already aware of the risks and failures, then disregard that hope of yours." The commander sighed. 

"Tell me, how are you going to answer the citizens of Eir after 10 or more years of war without any closure? Time is of the essence, as mere humans, we're vulnerable against nature's threats. Our fate has been decided." 

A daunting silence filled the tent. The experienced generals widened their eyes in horror, struggling to accept the truth concluded by the commander. Despite saying cold blooded words, his face rested against his hand, unfazed. 

Yohan smacked his lips quietly, facing a blue technological screen with white text before him.

[Mission: Develop the cure for Opia within 6 months without professional help. (A medical guide will be provided to help you.)

Time limit: 6 months 

Number of deaths: 1,889,366/10,000,000

Objective: Prevent Opia from turning into a Pandemic. 

Rewards: Calculating…

Failure: —]

Taking a deep breath, Yohan continued to justify his plan. 

"I understand the severity of the situation. However, what if I said I know how to develop the cure, specifically an eye drop. If I'm able to analyse the disease and its chemical properties, I can create a combination of reactions to 'nullify' its effects. Despite my upbringing, I'm a fast learner with previous knowledge of medicine development. Your highness, please let me prove my skills."

"… Do you know the weight of your words?" The commander's eyes narrowed, glaring at Yohan. "I'll allow you to take back your words." 

"No, I meant what I said."

"Very well, I'll take it as it is. If it's a deception of skills and knowledge, you know the consequence," his voice lowered.

"Take him to the laboratory for a demonstration."

Walking to the medical department tent, the equipment similar to the 21st century's inventions were placed on the long benches. The commander and a few qualified scientists from  prestigious academic institutions gathered to analyse Yohan's demonstration. 

Yohan gulped nervously, reading the medical guide on the screen carefully. Akin to a cooking game, the labels appeared floating on the equipment, stating its use. 

The only time he had ever been to a laboratory was back in his high school days. He didn't pursue science so that was where his knowledge of chemicals stopped. However, despite no prior knowledge about making an eye drop, his hands naturally took the equipment needed to sterilise in the autoclave.

Next, he accurately weighed the active ingredients, mainly antibiotics like tobramycin, dexamethasone to treat eye infections, and antihistamine such as olopatadine. Preservatives like benzalkonium chloride extend the usage to 30 days and control the pH value to neutral.

There were many drugs tested to ease Opia symptoms, however, normal eye drop was only able to reduce the progress of psychological effects. 

Pouring the chemicals into a sterile water, Yohan mixed the components thoroughly till dissolved. Ensuring no contamination occurred, Yohan filled the sterilised dropper with the filtered solution.

Squeezing a drop for quality control, Yohan made sure the isotonicity, sterility and pH level met the system's guide requirements.

"I have made a standard eye drop. Feel free to conduct tests on it." Yohan said.

The scientist holding the clipboard glanced at each other with uncertainty. A woman in glasses stepped forward and pushed her glasses upward.

"I have no doubts about your understanding of medicinal chemistry. But, how did you know which chemicals to use when they aren't labelled at all?"

Caught off guard, Yohan turned back to see the bottles in solid colours with no indications. 

'No wonder Commander didn't question my sudden revelation.'

Because the system guided him through the steps, he didn't realise that the actual test he was taking was meant to fail. 

'Since I have come this far,  convincing them is not going to be easy.'

Yohan redirected his eyes to the shop option and bought a potion. 

["Forced establishments" has been used: Falsified a concluded event in people's minds.

Bought: 1800 Credits]

After a while, the confusion instantly vanished from their faces as they applauded loudly for his perfect demonstration.

"Yohan, how come you conceal such talent in yourself? If you had joined the National Technology and Science Advancement Institution, you would be considered the top student!" The woman in glasses praised.

"Commander, we can't miss this opportunity in front of us. Based on his performance, please grant us 6 months to develop the cure for Opia. I firmly believe that this will be a success under Yohan's guidance!" 

Yohan sheepishly smiled and thanked them for their admiration. The commander laughed and shook hands with Yohan, permitting them to start work. 

As they left the tent, Yohan silently stared at the system, viewing his profile. 

'How much do I have left?'

[32 credits left]

'You swindle, I knew the guidebook wasn't free.'


A knock woke Yohan up. Staring at the darkened sky, Yohan got up in embarrassment and opened the door.

Carrying a picnic basket, Maia's eyes scanned at Yohan's untidy appearance, 

"Don't worry, please take your time."

"Oh, then I'll be quick," Yohan mumbled as he closed the door lightly and fumbled his clothes. Hastily buttoning his shirt, he did a final check of his appearance before rushing out the door. 

Maia walked in a quickened pace to the entrance door. Outside was Eric in his usual attire, waiting for them. 

The carriage travelled down to the town centre where the lamppost's warm light contrasted to the navy blue night created a romantic atmosphere. Locals were seen sitting in every corner of the street drinking and chatting, while others were enjoying the performances.

"Every year, the people of Vidar celebrate a festival named "Vines of Vidar". The "Vines" in the festival refers to the wines made from grape vines. As you know, the Duke is very interested in wine making and has invested a lot of money into the production. Hence, Vidar wines have become iconic, bringing much profit and success. The locals celebrate by drinking wine for nights to show their support for the Duke," Maia pointed at a pub opposite where adults were standing and crowding the entrance. 

"Don't worry, we do not promote alcoholism. Although the alcohol culture here is very strong, locals are advised not to drink on regular days. Our wines are heavily regulated and controlled in quantity at the town hall and police are stationed near the pubs to ensure drinking safety," she explained.

The carriage stopped in front of the pub named "Rejoice with Wine!" Maia said this was the most popular pub among the people. Entering the wooden-plank pub, it was bustled with mercenaries and nobles drinking while playing cards. The bartender noticed Maia and waved his hand. 

"Here, here Maia and the esteemed guest! This must be your first time here right, you should try this "Vidar Grape Wine No.6 Aroma!" He quickly took a glass bottle and popped open the lid. The deep red wine sparkled under the lights as it filled the forested wine glass to a level and placed it in front of Yohan. 

Taking a sip, the surprising flavour of clashing tastes enlightened his mood.

"This is quite exceptional. Most wines I've had are mostly bitter, but this is very sweet and well balanced," he praised the choice of wine. The bartender laughed and said, "this wine won the renowned "Global Wine Award"! It has a punch of sweetness and an aftertaste of sourness with a hint of bitterness. It's almost a perfect all-rounder in taste." 

Maia handed me a list of drinks with listed alcohol percentages and taste comments. 

"Mr Yohan, feel free to try as much wine as you want. In fact, the Duke has kindly sponsored all the drinks you will be having tonight. Our wines' alcohol percentage varies, so here is the menu,"

"Thank you Maia."

The bartender professionally made the concoction in front of Yohan, while briefly explaining the concept behind wine making. 

"Wine making is not about balancing the taste, it's about the art in creating emotions as a drink to the drinkers. Like how a 'nostalgic' taste provokes strong emotions of reminiscing, a 'bitter' taste that accompanies their negative feelings, and so on. As a bartender who always hears the stories of others, it makes me feel as if I'm an artist capturing such expressions. I guess that's why I enjoy my job the most."

Pouring a new drink different from the cherry red to a night sky colour, he pushed his new invention for Yohan to try.

"This is "Paper Moon". Have a taste of it and describe what you feel."

The bittersweet taste ached his heart. Almost like a sorrowful feeling, the taste left a tingling sensation. Despite its beautiful appearance of a galaxy, it felt so vast and far, unable to reach.

"Yearning." He unknowingly voiced out.

The bartender smiled gently and said, "I've been in the industry for many years. This drink is for you, Mr Yohan. Although you look young, your eyes speak a different truth."

"If you like the drink, I will put it on my menu."

Glancing to the side, Maia twirled the wine glass carelessly. She drank down all the remaining alcohol and her face flushed in red. 

In a daze, she started to reminisce about the past.

"I remembered I was a child from an orphanage that got burnt down. The Duke took me in along with the other children too. Even after Madam passed away, he stood upright and managed everything properly, without neglecting Young Master or us. He is a man with a big heart… so please don't think his hospitality is excessive." Her voice slowly died down.

"I've never thought of that, Maia," Yohan carefully tapped her shoulder. "We can go back if you feel drunk."

Processing her behaviour, she immediately apologised for cutting the tour short. 

The bartender laughed lightly while wiping the glass. As they packed up to leave the pub, the bartender handed Yohan a souvenir. 

A magnet of a grape vine wrapping the two bottles of the Vidar Wine, with a title engraved read 'Cheers to Tomorrow'.

"Feel free to come back anytime," he waved his hand.

On their way back to the mansion, Maia cooled herself down with a cold handkerchief she prepared in case either of them got drunk. She embarrassingly apologised again and said she would soon prepare a hangover drink the next morning.

Holding candlelight, Maia guided Yohan back to his room.

"Please rest well. Tomorrow, the Duke wishes to have breakfast with you," she curtsy, blowing the fire.

The door closed gently, engulfing the room by the starless night.