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The mansion of Lord Bard was quite a distance from the dock, and without a carriage, it would take quite a bit of effort for an ordinary person to reach it on foot. Klaw was annoyed by the journey, and the thought that Bard's carriage could cover the distance in no time made him even more irritated by the disparity between people. Indeed, he should have been successful, sitting in his own carriage, leisurely enjoying the scenery along the way, rather than being treated like a prisoner or a barefoot beggar.

The advantage of daydreaming is that it can affect one's perception of time. When Klaw came to his senses, he was already standing in front of Lord Bard's grand mansion.

Several servants were tidying up the messy garden, which was littered with leftover food scraps and discarded paper trash. It seemed that these wealthy offspring lacked basic manners and cultivation, far from the true nobility. Judging by the mess in the garden, while Klaw was knocked unconscious, these guys had a great time.

The servants were hurriedly cleaning up, and a slightly plump man was directing them, that was Joe, whose real name was Joe Hunter, occasionally called "Fat Joe" by Lord Bard. He was a tough character, ranked 30th on the "European Fencing Club God of War List" - which is to say, just barely on the list.

"Move that table... This one probably can't be used anymore... Hey, watch where you're walking! Come over and show this guest sign-in list to Lord Bard. Oh, I knew I couldn't handle this, where is Duncan? Where is he? Hey, it's you!"

Joe spotted Klaw lurking outside the gate and shouted, then quickly strode towards Klaw.

Klaw was terrified. Joe's posture seemed like he was going to eat someone, even though he did say something fierce like "this is not over," but they shouldn't have any deep-seated grudges, right? Could it be that Klaw had deceived a relative of Joe's, and he found out now?

The garden became a bullfighting ring, and the angry bull had already started to accelerate. Klaw had the urge to run, more so the urge to urinate. As he endured various impulses, Joe had rushed to him.

"What are you doing here, where is Duncan?"

"I... I don't know."

Joe sighed painfully, turned his head, and went back to work, seemingly unwilling to waste time on Klaw.

"He's not back yet... This is ridiculous, the master is still looking for him."

"Hey, I thought you were just a bodyguard," Klaw said.

"Huh?" Joe turned his head, glanced at Klaw, and said contemptuously, "I am a bodyguard, is there any dissatisfaction?"

Klaw's intention was to strike up a conversation with Joe to inquire about Rat-Eye's news, but instead, he was provoked. This is the so-called disagreement that leads to a fight. Klaw couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly bowed his head to apologize to Joe. Since his self-esteem was placed elsewhere, it was not difficult to do so.

"Sir, you are a bodyguard and yet you can also take on these management tasks for Lord Bard, truly you are his right-hand man."

This flattery was well received by Joe, who acknowledged it and then stopped entangling, turning to leave.

"Hey, sir." Klaw hurriedly caught up, but Joe did not intend to stop, so Klaw had to follow him, trying to insert a few words when he was free.

"Sir, do you know my colleague... a man named Rat-Eye?"

"Set up the wine casks, that thing can still be used tonight!"Joe said casually," Huh? Rat-Eye, oh, we've already get rid of that person."

"What!" Klaw was greatly shocked and couldn't help but shout out. Joe was startled by him and glared at him angrily.

"Did you really do him?" Klaw asked loudly, attracting a lot of curious eyes.

"What do you want?" Joe got angry and shouted at Klaw.

Klaw immediately felt furious, shocked by Lord Bard's cruelty and disgusted by Fat Joe's arrogance. Indeed, he Klaw was a thief, beggar, liar, and scum of society, but the scum understood the hardships of life and the value of life. Why could these rich people treat others' lives so lightly?

Klaw swung his fist, exerting his strength to hook up, hitting Joe's chin and knocking him back several steps. Joe roared and was about to fight back when his white trousers fell down.

Klaw looked at him coldly, spinning Joe's belt in his hand. Joe was so ashamed that he kept cursing. The servants watched what was happening, anxious and amused, and two clever ones had already run into the inner room to report the situation. Klaw seized the opportunity, left the helpless Joe, and sprinted into the house, colliding with Lord Bard.

"Oh, are you okay?"

"Thanks for your concern."

Klaw stood up angrily - he was too light, almost unable to shake Lord Bard at all, that greasy belly of his, turned his impact into nothing, but also protected the two from getting hurt.

A greasy man stood beside Lord Bard, who was very pleased to see Klaw, as if Lord Bard had said something to him.

"Mr. Klaw, didn't I tell you to wait there?"

Lord Bard asked in surprise. Then, he quickly changed to a smiling face and said to the greasy man: "Sir, this is my good subordinate."

"What?" Klaw asked blankly, then realized that he was not here to be a fool, he pointed at Lord Bard and cursed: "Bard, I thought you were a playful old man, but you are a smiling tiger, you killed Rat-Eye, think you can escape the punishment? I'm going to court to sue you,I'm not gonna make it easy for you!"

The more Klaw scolded, the more excited he became, while Lord Bard and the guests were puzzled. In view of some of the words being too ugly, Lord Bard's face could not be hung.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Mr. Klaw, you're testing me again!"

Lord Bard said with an innocent face, and immediately made a smiling face to the guest.

"He is like this, likes to test others, very individual!"

Then he turned to Klaw, widened his eyes, and put on an expression of disbelief and being wronged.

"Where did you put Rat-Eye?" Klaw asked irritably.

"Sir, I don't know what the misunderstanding is, but I have never even seen your... um, colleague."

"Liar, just now your fat butler just said he had got rid of Rat-Eye."

Lord Bard stamped his feet in anger - this was not like the venting of being caught lying, but more like because he had instructed a very simple matter, but in the end, he still had to solve it himself, that kind of annoyance. He said:

"First of all, Mr. Klaw, my butler is not Fat Joe, but Miller Duncan. Fat Joe is just my bodyguard, although I allow him to do some management work, but he should appear when he should appear!"

His tone was a bit like playing the rascal, but Joe did hear the call, he rushed in - tied with a rope - and hugged Klaw, and kept exerting force, almost breaking his ribs.

"Secondly!" Lord Bard continued, "I did send Joe and Duncan to find Rat-Eye, but just to give him a reward to reward him for revealing your intentions to me."

He made a gesture, and Joe threw Klaw to the ground.

"Reward Rat-Eye? But just now Joe said he had dealt with Rat-Eye." Klaw touched his aching ribs and said with a grimace.

"Mr. Klaw!" Lord Bard said impatiently. "Dealt with, resolved, done, finished, don't words like these mean the same thing? You are a smart person, why are you so stubborn."

After hearing this, Klaw recollect that it was this person who colluded with Rat-Eye to harm himself, and he was furious. So, regardless of whether Lord Bard's words were reasonable or not, he directly pointed to his nose and started scolding again.

"Hey, you little brat, are you tired of living?" Joe was so angry that he was furious, and he pounced on Klaw, but Klaw was prepared and avoided this fierce pounce. He rolled on the ground, drilled under Old Joe's crotch, and crawled towards the door.

The three people in the hallway did not expect this move, and Klaw took the initiative. He grabbed the end of the rope tied to Joe's pants, just one pull, and the pants fell down again.

Klaw faced Lord Bard and his guest.

"Bard, what kind of despicable creature have you found! I told you long ago! Don't get too close to those lowly people!" The greasy man was frightened, and Klaw was surprised by this result, but also very satisfied. An inexplicable courage surged into his heart. Lord Bard was entertaining guests, and he just happened to teach the master a lesson, to embarrass him, to make him lose face, and to make him lose all his face in front of his foolish rich friends.

"Hahaha!" Klaw shouted and rushed at the two.

"Stop him!" The greasy man shouted in a sharp voice and actually fell back, then he rolled and climbed up the stairs like Klaw.

Lord Bard, however, was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he was in high spirits, and his eyes were full of joy when looking at the guests.

"What are you doing, Mr. Klaw?" he said, but his tone was full of laughter. "What are you doing, let go of Mr. Rocky, hehe."

But Klaw didn't touch Rocky at all, let alone let him go. But seeing Lord Bard's magnanimity and fearlessness, Klaw calmed down instead.

"I ask you again..."

"I really didn't do anything to your 'Rat-Eye' friend!" Lord Bard said helplessly.

"Your skills are very beautiful, if trained, you can fight better than half the people on the 'European Fencing Club God of War List', how about it, want to follow me?"

"You're crazy!" Klaw also shouted at Lord Bard, and then deflated to find that he actually believed Lord Bard's words - not the skills, but the Rat-Eye - which meant that he was really in vain this time.

"Boy, you're in trouble, you know!" Joe shouted at him with his pants up, standing firmly with his legs apart, his huge body blocking the door of Lord Bard's house.

"This is to repay you for hitting me, you heartless executioner!" Klaw teased, then sprinted, lay down, slid on the smooth floor with inertia, and reached out to pull, and pulled down Joe's pants again. He stood up, running while looking back, he saw Joe hastily pulling up his pants, saw Lord Bard laughing wildly, saw the greasy Mr. Rocky's mouth moving non-stop, obviously spitting out the dirty words he had just learned from Klaw's mouth...

Klaw laughed out loud, this experience was not in vain, it was too exciting, he would never forget this moment...

He had seen enough, so he turned his head to prepare to run away, but was suddenly hit in the head by a stick in front.

Klaw screamed, fell to the ground, his face was broken, blood flowed down along the temple, blending with his fiery red hair. In a red light, a foot stepped on Klaw's body, deepening his pain.

Klaw tried to maintain consciousness and finally saw the figure of the attacker, the woman's face was very beautiful, but there was too much blood in his eyes, and he could only distinguish the brown short hair hanging down on both sides of the woman's cheeks.

"Miss Charlotte!"

Fat Joe shouted excitedly.