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20.Yemir's visit

If there was any lesson Klaw had gleaned from these recent events, it was not to take uncertain promises too seriously, and even more so, not to trust Lord Bard's arrangements, which lacked sincerity just as before.

Indeed, Lord Bard's story was enticing, and indeed, Duncan had revealed some core secrets to Klaw. But all of it seemed too unreal, and when it came to stopping at the surface level, no one in the world could match the people of the Bard family. What did "wait patiently, safely, and obediently" mean? What did "be a smart cat" mean? In the end, they did not fully confide in Klaw.

No, this was Duncan's strategy. He knew Klaw was entangled, and he wanted this entanglement to ferment, to make Klaw willingly and sincerely serve Lord Bard. What a sinister intention.

Klaw plunged into the pillow, pleased with himself for seeing through Lord Bard's plot in time. Since the visitors were not kind, he naturally had a countermeasure... The most appropriate approach was to believe half. He could ignore Lord Bard's psychological offensive and carefully adjust the truth of the matter within an appropriate margin. The gold coin was still in his mouth, and as long as Lord Bard was still concerned about it, he could not completely fall into a passive situation.

At midnight, Yemir came, hugged Klaw excitedly, and told him that Uncle Bo had actually returned.

"Really, has he?" Klaw pretended to be very surprised and asked how Uncle Bo was doing.

"He's fine, walks a bit slower than before, but his spirit is good. Hey, Klaw, Uncle Bo said he wants us to get an education, can you believe it? A real education, the kind where you study in church and school!"

"You have to work hard, the future of the guild and my old age are all depending on you."

"Don't worry, after I finish studying, I'll go to be an accountant for someone's merchant ship. I heard that position can get two salaries."

Klaw couldn't help but laugh, two salaries have always had a sacred color, it is said that Henry Every only took two salaries on his pirate ship, while other merchant and privateer ship captains at the same time would take fifteen to twenty times more, so two salaries are the hope of the poor, which will not bury those who really pay, and will not let the vast majority of benefits fall into the pockets of the nobility and the privileged.

"Oh, right, Klaw, Eric asked me to pass on a message."

"What message?"

"First, Rat-Eye still has no news. But it should not be the work of Lord Bard, the guild has checked the people related to him that day, all have obvious alibis."

This is not good news, because to some extent, it proves that Silver Port is indeed not peaceful. Is this really the work of the "enemy" that Lord Bard said?

"Second, most of Lord Bard's people have been investigated clearly. At least on the surface, they are all good citizens who abide by the law."

Klaw snorted contemptuously.

"I don't think they look like law-abiding people."

"Well, Uncle Bo is right, it seems we really can't judge a book by its cover." Yemir said, taking out a crumpled piece of paper from his arms, which looked like it had been soaked in seawater.

"Fat Joe, that's Joe Hunter. He used to be a soldier, in the Netherlands, is that how you pronounce it? In the Netherlands, he looked out for his comrades, trusted each other, and defeated the French decisively. He also has a cynical streak, now he tells everyone that people nowadays only know how to deceive and cheat each other, and have completely lost the dignity and sense of honor that should be inherent to human beings."

"Let him talk about dignity and honor after he's experienced sleeping on the streets and going hungry."

"Oh, he's very powerful. He's ranked thirtieth on the 'European Fencing Club God of War List', Klaw, do you know about this list?"

"Never heard of it." Klaw shrugged. "But it sounds like a childish name, God of War List..."

"I think it's quite cool," Yemir said softly.

"And he's only ranked thirtieth, isn't that the tail end? Yemir, where would I rank in the guild?"

"Maybe in the teens, there are quite a few capable fighters around Uncle Bo..." Yemir said honestly.

"That's still better than this Fat Joe. What else?"

"Later, Joe was injured in Madrid. Two shots in the shoulder and one in the belly. He often takes off his clothes in the tavern to show off those scars to the patrons."

"What a simple guy."

"Later, Joe retired and returned to his country to look for work, but his wounds were not healed at that time, so he was rejected everywhere when seeking employment, which led to his family's poverty, and his mother passed away during that time. It was Lord Bard who paid for her burial. After that, he has been following Lord Bard ever since, for many years now."

Klaw remembered the night he was interrogated, when Rudolf wanted to abuse him, Joe had a conflict with him - perhaps he is indeed a pretty good guy? Stopping evil deeds is righteousness, and repaying kindness is also righteousness, maybe Klaw's evaluation was slightly biased, he began to believe that even in a desperate situation, Joe would still maintain his just nature.

"What about Duncan?"

"Ah, there are not many stories about the butler Miller Duncan, because he is quiet and not as talkative as Joe, and he rarely appears in places like taverns. It is known that he has been working for the Bard family for a long time and is Lord Bard's right-hand man. Rumors from Bristol say that they are related by blood."

"Oh, oh." Klaw nodded perfunctorily, so, what about Miss Charlotte Bard?

"This one is a heavyweight character." Yemir did not notice Klaw's attention and continued to carefully discern the text on the paper.

"Miss Charlotte Bard, in the past five years of maritime navigation, has gradually grown into the actual mainstay of the Bard family. She is fair, determined, and hates evil, and is loved by the Bard family's sailors and servants. In view of Lord Bard's occasional whims, she often comes forward to deal with the aftermath and has developed the ability to act decisively and flawlessly. Her experiences are no less than those of Lord Bard himself. However, as the next head and heir of the Bard family, she still has a long way to go."

This is just a summary, and that's enough. Klaw thought, Lord Bard might expect him to have a sleepless night, but Klaw could think of Miss Charlotte and fall asleep peacefully... She is a spicy lady, with a pretty face, and the bravery that does not lose to a man, and, her skin color is very beautiful, not like Lord Bard's pampered pink, but with the blessing of sunlight and sea breeze. She is a doer, a truly brave lady who has experienced the wind and rain at sea, how can such a lady not be loved.

"Lord Bard's situation is quite simple; his family business was established several generations ago. He expanded the commercial empire on this foundation, mainly engaging in shipping business, and during the war, he also invested in privateer ships. Oh, and by the way, he never dabbled in the slave trade."

Klaw nodded, his attitude towards Lord Bard softening a bit. He rarely interacted directly with the upper class, so he had always been wary. Now it seemed he had been overly sensitive. Lord Bard was indeed a cunning old fox, but he wasn't the type to push people to their deaths. Klaw had no need to break with him.

"What about Uncle Bo, does he think this man is trustworthy?" he asked Yemir.

"Oh, Uncle Bo sees clearly. He says what kind of person Lord Bard is has nothing to do with the guild. We never cared to deal with saints or scoundrels. Mason made it clear, the main thing is to get that gold coin; that's our real goal. If there's any chance to find a great treasure, it should be led by our guild."

"Is that so? Mason, the assistant to Uncle Bo, said that? He seems more eager than Uncle Bo. You're just letting him give orders?" Klaw frowned.

"What can I do?" Yemir said, aggrieved. "I don't have a say in the guild. Eric is too... Anyway, while Uncle Bo was away, everyone was just following Mason's lead."

"But Uncle Bo is back now; things are different!" Klaw said indignantly. "You know, I won't let Mason do whatever he wants..."

"I'm just conveying their intentions..." Yemir muttered. "In any case, Uncle Bo—Mason's idea is for us to gain Lord Bard's trust. He said that since the gold coin is indeed not on you, it must still be with Lord Bard, who has been playing mysterious."

"It seems Uncle Bo told Mason about our conversation." Klaw sneered. "Listen, Yemir, don't tell anyone about this for now, especially not Uncle Bo... I have the gold coin."

"I knew it!" Yemir said excitedly. "So, the rumors are true; you've joined Lord Bard and are going to search for the treasure yourself?"

The intelligence on the streets circulated with astonishing efficiency, and its accuracy was incredibly high, almost as if it had precognitive abilities. Klaw had only intended to search for the treasure; he hadn't fully trusted Lord Bard, but he did have the desire to look for it, but it was just a wish. This must have been the work of Lord Bard's household; he wanted to squeeze every last bit of value out of Klaw to lure out the enemies he imagined.

Thinking of this, Klaw instructed Yemir:

"Tell Eric to keep looking for Rat-Eye, okay? Even if he can't find him, please find out where he's gone... Damn it, I wish he'd gotten his wish and gone to some island to enjoy a peaceful life!"

Yemir nodded.

"Klaw, I have to go, it's great to know you're okay. Can you believe Uncle Bo is back?" He repeated the old news, his excited face full of joy. As he left the cabin, he was still hopping and skipping, like an excited rabbit.

Klaw didn't think much about Yemir, nor did he realize the guild's current determination — he would regret not paying attention to it for a while, but for now, his mind was entirely on the Bard family's affairs. And putting aside those annoying matters, just to catch a glimpse of Miss Charlotte's beauty, he would willingly undertake another trek through the city.