Chapter 5:family tradition

Hardin's POV

She loathed me,I just knew it,I didn't mean to be so rude to her the other day,obviously we were starting to bond, I didn't even hate her anymore,but i couldn't describe what I always beginning to feel so I had to chose an alternative emotion.

I still felt it when she got downstairs from her room,steadily avoiding my gaze,clad in that beautiful sun dress and her hair up in a ponytail,does she know she's this beautiful.

My dad came from the kitchen and a clad in his usual shorts and polo shirt

"Everyone ready?"

"Umm someone's going to be joining us for our family brunch"Marcy's mom chipped in.

Marcy looked suprised"Mom,no one has ever joined us for family brunch,it's a family summer tradition"

According to what Reece had told me this morning,they had a list of summer traditions which was done every year,they had a list of activities including brunch,party on a yacht,ranch games and sometimes even a little vacation which had to only include the members of the family,so who could possibly be joining now?

"Nathan's going to be joining us;Marcy suggested that since he's been with us four summers now,it would make sense if he joins us for this year's summer activities,he's practically family now "said Marcy's mom,"so be nice y'all,especially you Reece,you're always pranking him".

"Not my fault he keeps falling for my pranks"Reece shrugged.

What did she mean Marcy suggested,she probably just wanted to make me jealous or something which wasn't going to work by the way because what reason did I have to be jealous anyways(sigh,i sound thirsty)

There was a knock on the door,Marcy went to open it ,it was Nathan,they exchanged their annoying sheepish smiles,then he walked to where we were standing and exchanged greetings with everyone.

"Okayyy"my dad picked up the keys for the limo"let's get going".

I looked over to Marcy,she locked arms with Nathan,they were busy whispering to each other,with Marcy giggling every now and then,whether she intended to make me jealous or not,it was definitely working.

I unclenched my fists and took a deep breath l,this was definitely going to be a long day.

We got to the restaurant,it was a fancy but not fancy restaurant that was situated just above the beach,the name of the restaurant was casa de bistec, we took a seat at the buffet table that gave us a full view of the beach,Marcy sat beside Nathan with Reece on the other side.

"This place is sooo beautiful" said my mom.

"I couldn't agree less"Marcy's mom chipped in"I wish Daniel was here to see it too"she had this wistful look in her eyes,damn so that was what it felt to do long distance,must be really hard.

"I heard they got the bessttttt steak"said Reece,who seemed to be ready to chunk down.

I chuckled,Reece was such a foodie.

I looked over to Marcy,she hasn't even looked my way since we got here,she was just talking to Nathan.Then when she and Nathan weren't speaking,she was on her phone probably to avoid looking at me or something.

I had to make it right with her and apologize,I didn't really mean it that way,I would find the time,maybe when we got home..

"Hardin?"i jolted back to reality when I heard my Mom's voice.


"I said hope you're having a good time here with us,honey?"

I held her hand"of course mom,you know the ranch is not so boring after all and I learnt some new things too"i looked just the same time Marcy did and our eyes locked for some seconds and then she broke the gaze.

"Heard you assisted Marcy here in delivering Miranda,that was pretty awesome,you know she's very good with animals,you guys must make a good pair"my dad said smirking at Marcy.

She smiled at him

"Yeah"I looked at Marcy"she's really good.

"Yunno what Marcy,how bout you give Hardin a tour of the ranch tomorrow ,he hasn't really seen it since it got renovated,that way you could introduce him to the animals"said my dad.

"In fact you could do it tomorrow,we've moved the roller skating to Friday.said Marcy's mom.

"Okay,mom"Marcy said reluctantly,I just knew that moment that I definitely needed that that was going to be my perfect cue to apologize.