The stadium went shouting with victory, and the Rivertown guys aren't gonna let that slide easy next time. They exited the court with anger and shame, while Christian the other way round. Scarlett left saying Hannah that she'll have a meeting tomorrow and have to arrange things for that and had to leave, Hannah bid her off. And then she reached out to him like there's no tomorrow and he didn't complain but returned with a smile.

"I'm glad that you trusted your teammate putting yourself on the line."

"Thank you for believing me when nobody else did, Han." Christian said endearingly with that,

"Tonight dinner's on me. I'll introduce all of my friends."

Hannah followed Christian to where the teammates were supposed to be.

The entire room went silent as Christian entered, it's not just because it was Christian, but he brought a girl with him that's supposedly a miracle. Before the atmosphere could get awkward, Ryan said, introducing,

"Hey guys, meet Hannah, Christian's friend. Hannah, this is Benedict, Jasper, Sebastian, Theodore, Alistair, and others probably gone for now."

"Hello, nice meeting y'all. Hope we'll get along." Hannah said, offering a genuine smile, and they returned the same.

The introduction part was over, and Christian took all of them to the nearest restaurant. Everyone cheered all along the way until they reached the destination. Why not? It was obviously their day. Reaching the restaurant, the boys let Hannah inside first saying,

"Ladies first! Ma lady, " like a gentlemen and Hannah accepted their gesture gladly.

They finally placed their order after bickering for food. It would probably take 30 minutes or so for the food to arrive, and in the meantime, they were just trying to get along with the newcomer.

Sebastian came up with a conversation asking Hannah,

"Well, Hannah, ever had a boyfriend?"

Sebastian, well known for his flirting skills, began his play to rizz her up. Christian, well known for his possessive side, replied,

"Well, Seb, I guess she doesn't need one."

"True. Guess I can handle myself way more than a man could do." Hannah agreed on Christian's statement, as ruining Seb's flirty pick-up line.

Seb had nothing else to do but sigh on his reckless pick-up line.

Theodore tried to build another convo, saying,

"Hannah, what're you currently pursuing? What's your dream job?"

"Theodore, glad you asked me this. I always wanted to pursue Chemistry related studies. It always made me excited while studying new things, you know. Since I was a child, I had an interest in titrating and experiments. Never knew Chemistry could be so interesting. But whenever I did some experiments, I'd break something. Last time, I broke a burette and asked my professor to let this slide by bribing him with chocolates. He was diabetic and was advised not to eat sugar. Of course, being some intelligent woman, I brought him sugar-free chocolates, and he craved for more. I had no other choice." Hannah spoke nonstop while all of them looked at her like she's lecturing on a topic, and they had to take notes for further reference. While Christian looked at her like she's a Greek goddess with a smile. He admired her with his entire heart and existence while taking each and every single word into his brain more like carving them into the tissues so they won't be removed next time.

Hannah laughed, looking at their blank face, and said,

"I know that I bore you guys but can't help it when it comes to my topic."

They had a small talk further and finally food has arrived. Hannah rarely spent her night this way after her parents. It was wholesome. She felt complete as if they were her family.