Restless Isla?

Chapter 238: Restless Isla?

Even while Isla was jealous of her own sister Ava, she could only stand in her place, thinking about it, as the only thing that was going to calm this weird jealous feeling in her heart was that she would also be able to be together with her Aiden just like her sister. Until then, she had to live with these bittersweet emotions.

Isla, having experienced so many different emotions today, couldn't just keep her sister Ava here, especially since she could see her Aiden a little far away, waiting for her sister Ava to return to him. She wished it was her he was waiting for; however, believing in herself that sooner or later they were going to be together, she ignored these thoughts.

She had now decided to tell her sister to go, as she had all her doubts cleared now, so she was about to say to her sister that she was fine now and that she should go to Aiden, who was waiting for her to come.