Do not read!!

Aiden and Alicia both of them has finished eating their dinner and Aiden has noticed Alicia's mood has increased than before after the delicious meal, and luckily they have cooked a lot becasuse he have a feeling that his apetiate is increased few times more than before.

"wow Aiden you were right earlier if we haven't made so much food that little amount of food wouldn't even be enough for us"

Alicia said because even for her she has eaten almost twice as much as he would have eaten normally and that when she felt statisfied but she is even shocked when she has seen her brother eat six time the amount he would normally eat and she know he always has a big appetite after he has started training.

So the food he has eaten could easily enough for 10 average person to fill their belly and now she finally understand how much of a big difference between her and her little brother.