Dinner, Thoughts, and Beliefs

The three of them walked in silence until they arrived all the way to the living room.

With nothing much to do, Alex headed back into his room to meditate alone.

But after meditating for a while, the knocking sound made him snap out of the meditation.

"Dinner is ready." Luqing voice appeared.

Alex quickly got up from bed and headed out to the hallway, only to see Sophia and Mary already up as well.

"Let's go eat now."

The three quickly followed Luqing, walking towards the main living room until they arrived at the dining area.

Both girls rushed to their seats after seeing all the food on the table, but Alex turned his head back for a second.

He wanted to say something when he saw Luqing and the maids standing by the door, even though his family was already seated at the table.

In the end, he kept his mouth shut, catching up to Sophia before sitting down next to her.

"Where's Amelia?"