Back to School

After following her instructions for a bit, the two went back to sword-fighting, albeit much slower for Alex to learn it.

He quickly began to realize the way she was fighting earlier wasn't going easy on him.

Instead, her style was to use the least amount of energy to do the fastest strikes toward the opponent.

Hard-hitting was rendered useless, with the emphasis solely on being able to slash as fast as possible.

At the same time, he quickly understood what she meant by self-defense, as her style was perfect for counterstriking the enemy.

With every attack Alex directed towards Luqing, he was immediately met with a strike that forced him to block.

It was almost a battle of attrition, assuming Luqing didn't use her full power to strike even faster.

"Thank you Luqing.... You taught me a lot today."

Alex bowed a little in gratitude as he could feel his sword skill drastically improve.