Dinner and Bath Time

"But Mom, didn't you pick the horses?"

Mary's question made Katherine's face blush a little, but she quickly brought the three away from the horses.

"Enough about horses. Can you three help me set up with the cooking utensils?"



When Meiya and Luqing came back from their foraging, Katherine and the three kids had just finished setting up the campfire.

The two had gathered a bunch of firewood, along with a small boar that didn't seem to have any wound at all.

Katherine quickly directed the three kids and Meiya to start a fire while she and Luqing headed away from the camp with the boar.

"How did you guys catch this boar?" Katherine curiously asked as she pulled out a giant cutting board.

"Mom felt something underneath a tree stump, and she punched it real hard... Then this boar came out from the ground."

"Ah... Huh, but why does it have no wound?"

"She killed it with Qi."