Locks and Nighttime

As the 2 of hearts failed to match Sophia's 1 of spades, Mary's heart skips a beat before turning to the right.

To her relief, her 10 of the club had beaten her 10 of heart, avoiding the tie as she pushed past ten cards.

"Dang it. I knew I should have swapped my cards." Sophia murmured as she threw both cards aside.

"Too bad, no takesies-backsies!"

As Mary celebrated her victory, she started jumping on the sofa in pure excitement.

"You just got lucky."

"Why does someone sound so sour? Is my ear hearing things?" Mary asked sarcastically as she sat back down.

"You little brat——"

"Stop fooling around. If a guard or a maid saw you two being so improper in the castle, Mom would be extremely mad."

Alex interrupted the two just as Mary ran behind him to avoid being put in a chokehold by Sophia.

"I was just celebrating. She's the one being angry." Mary argued as she shyly looked to the side.